Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 702

Belen even wanted to lift the sword and cut it over, but in the end he endured it. He raised his head and took a deep breath to calm the fierce agitation in his heart.

"Being bound is not a painful thing, but being forced to be bound is really painful."

He used to be unfettered and unfettered. Until now, he was truly bound by his "family", but he obeyed the bondage of fate, and he chose to be bound. This was not a painful thing for him, and it was even possible. Said it is something worthy of joy.

But Laya was different. She was different from him. She was forced to obey and was forced to be restrained. She was too kind and gentle and had no power to break free.

He couldn't feel the pain, but he knew it must be uncomfortable.

Hearing Belen’s words, Soest frowned and did not answer. Then, he said coldly: “Don’t bother Laya anymore. She has made up her mind. If she gets confused, she will only let She hates you."

hate?Ha, I'm already hated.

Belen showed a sad smile again. He shook his head, and then looked at Soest coldly. He said indifferently: "Even if she is hated, if she is a little bit unhappy at the wedding, I There will be a big wedding."

"you dare!"

Soster’s golden eyes burst out with amazing brilliance, and the "elf king" also had anger burning in his heart. He said in a deep voice: "I really think you are Antelina's disciple, I dare not right How are you?!"

Regarding this, Belen said coldly: “Even if I don’t have the identity of a "Juggernaut" disciple, I still have another identity, and there is my sister beside me. What can you do to me? ?"

Probably this is the time when he is hardest, and he will think so later.

Soest said coldly: "You know, this is the Fairy Forest, not the outside world. With the power of the Fairy Forest, do you think I will be afraid of you two?"

The power of the Fairy Forest is indeed daunting, but now Belen is still in charge of so many things, he grinned and showed a free smile.

"You can give it a try, and I can definitely disturb you here."

At this moment, speaking no longer passes through the brain, it is no different from those bastards deep in the streets, but this is how he uses words to express his anger.

The silver-haired girl on the side was already emitting a silver brilliance. Her attitude was very clear. Even if she was going to be an enemy of the world, she would stand with the white-haired man beside her.

Seeing the decisive attitude of the two, Soest, the "elven king", also showed anger, and his body gradually flashed with thunder arcs. When he was angry, he didn't care about fighting the two in front of him, but he was an elven clan. The leader of, he must ensure that his people are not harmed!

The cyan figure was already in midair, and it was Antrina. Looking at the three people in the corridor, she felt the atmosphere of tension. She frowned and was about to fly over, and she suddenly noticed that she was walking quickly. The figure that came.


At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind, and when this voice sounded, the magical powers on Ilia and Soster also instantly converged, while Belen stood stiffly on the spot. He turned his head stiffly only after hearing the footsteps coming from behind him, but the next moment he turned his head, his face turned back fiercely.


The crisp voice echoed in the corridor, everyone was stunned at this moment, and Belen opened his eyes wide, thinking he was dreaming, but the fiery pain on his cheek made him understand that it was not a dream.

After stiffening for a while, Belen turned half of his flushed face over, and he stared at the blond girl in front of him dullly, and his golden eyes and blue eyes were staring at him coldly.


Even Ilia, who was on the side, was stunned at the moment, she could stop the slap just now, but the opponent was Laiya, which made her unable to make a move.

Laya looked coldly at the white-haired man in front of her, and asked in a very cold voice: "You, what do you want to do to my hometown and my family?"

Hearing the girl’s question, Belen didn’t know how to respond. Even the careless words did hurt the girl in front of him. As before, he endured the pain from his cheek and bowed his head to apologize. .

"Sorry, I won't do anything malicious to your hometown and family."

Regarding this, Laya gritted his teeth and shouted, "Do you think I will believe it!?"

"No, I won't do it, because Laiya is my family, and Laiya's family is also my family, so I just..." Belem murmured like a child, looking a little isolated. help.

Hearing these words, Laya endured the complex emotions in her heart. She said in a low voice: "Family? You are not my family! My real family is my father!"

Isn't it... family?

Ah, he actually knew it a long time ago. He knew very well that the girl in front of him was different from Latir and others. She had a surviving hometown, a father who loved her, and she had a real family. It is different from lonely people like him and them.

She is not alone, nor does she lack her family.

At this moment, the cracked heart was finally broken, Belen showed a sad smile, and he whispered: "I know, I'm so sorry."


When Laiya saw the sad color, she felt a pain in her heart. She seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Belen didn't speak too much. He wanted to leave here, but he didn't even have the strength to call Ilia. Even a demigod was exhausted at this moment.

And at this time, Antelina also fell by Belem's side, and she felt distressed when she saw her disciple showing such a sad color that she had never seen before.So, she looked at Soest who was aside, and then at Leia. She didn't say anything, but took Belen and flew out, and the latter was powerless to refuse.

Can't let Belem stay here now.

Chapter seven hundred and forty-eight: If you want to go

Even though such a big event happened that night, only the person involved at that time knew about it, so the outside was still calm.

Two days have passed since the events of that night, and the wedding of her Royal Highness Princess of the Fairy Forest will be held tomorrow.

It's just that a certain person has been like a sluggish log in these two days, and will go to sit under the big tree on that vast lawn all day long. One sitting is one day.

And at the moment, under that tree, the white-haired man was sitting there leaning against the trunk, staring at the sky blankly. He was calm, so calm that he didn't think about anything, his head was blank.

You are not my family!

When this sentence suddenly appeared in his mind, Belem's heart trembled. After all, it was his fault. Why did he have to get angry with the "elven king"?

The childlike sullenness made the blonde girl's misunderstanding of him deeper. Although this misunderstanding occurred, it also made him understand that in the girl's heart, he was not in the same position as "family".

But ah, he really regarded Laiya as his family, otherwise he would not be so sad.

Sure enough, let's forget it. Tomorrow is Laya's wedding. When the wedding is over, Latier and the others will probably not want to leave directly, so they can avoid it.

Even if Laya hates herself, he doesn't want her to have a rift with the girls.The wedding, let's not go. Seeing myself, Laya will probably be unhappy.

After making such a decision, Belen stood up and walked back to the student dormitory. Regarding the breakdown of his relationship with Laiya, he did not intend to tell Latier and them, because they would definitely be worried. Yes, and then tried to repair the relationship between the two. In that case, it would be bad for Laiya to cause trouble, after all, the wedding was about to be held.

However, let me tell you about not going to the wedding, after all, I will talk about it tomorrow.

student dormitory.

"Mr. Belém won't go to Laya's wedding? Why!?"

When she heard the words spoken by Belen herself, La Tier also let out a cry of exclamation, and she stared at the white-haired man in front of her in amazement.

Even Lumia couldn't help but ask, "Is it because of the previous incident? Mr. Belém, she is not really angry with you in fact!"

Hearing this, Belen couldn't help but think of the anger that the girl showed that night. He looked sad, then shook his head and said: "No, probably this time I was really angry."

"No! We are family! How could Laya be so angry that he wouldn't even let Mr. Belém attend his wedding?" Latier couldn't help saying so.

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