Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 703

"Family?" Belen smiled miserably, which really reminded him of a very bad picture. He shook his head, and then smiled: "No, I'm not Laya's family."

"What? How can Mr. Belém say such things..." Latier looked incredulous, and she murmured: "We are a family, how can Mr. Belém..."

Belen shook his head. He knew that the girl had misunderstood, so he explained: "Perhaps everyone is closer to being like family to Laya, but I am not. She has her own brother and her own father, and I am at best a friend who has traveled together."

Even now, maybe even friends are not even considered.

After seeing the man's lost look, Hill also frowned slightly, keenly aware of something, and she asked: "Did you go to Laya again recently? What happened?"

Hearing Hill actually guessed this, Belen was also startled. After a moment of stunned, he was silent. He shook his head and said, "No, nothing happened, but just didn't wait to see me."

"Really?" Hill looked at the man in front of him suspiciously.

Belen didn't look into the girl's eyes, nor did he respond to her question, because he knew that if he lied, he would be seen through, so he simply fell silent.

After a long time, Belen looked at the girls again, and he said: "So, tomorrow's wedding, you will go for me. If I want to go, I will watch it in the dark."

Upon hearing Belen’s words, the girls bowed their heads and did not speak. They also felt very unfair about this decision. For the former, it was a precious family’s wedding.

"Okay, that's it, I'm going back."

When the curtain fell, Belen stood up, then turned and left. He walked out of the girls' room and then returned to his room.

After opening the door, he saw a woman sitting at the table eating snacks. When he saw him coming, the latter waved her hand and said hello.

"Yo, you're back."

Seeing that it was Antrina, Belen also scratched his hair, then closed the door, and also came to the table to sit down, and he looked at the woman in front of him.

"Are you all right to do?"

In response, Antrina replied with a smile: "It's just that there is nothing to do for the time being."

After hearing the words, Belen was silent for a moment, and then said: "What have you done recently? Your body is always tainted with some other magical powers."

"Oh, I almost forgot, your eyes." Antelina was also a little surprised when she heard the words, and then her disciple's "Eye of the Demigod" echoed. She twisted her body and said with a smile : "Since you are aware of it, then ask me what I am doing."

"I want to know the exact thing." Belen poured herself a glass of water, took a sip and looked at Antrina. She said, "Are there any monsters outside?"

The brutal magic power that Antelina had tainted was undoubtedly from those monsters, after all, she had fought with demons countless times.

"Yes, there are monsters, and there are a lot of them, time and time again, it's really troublesome." Antelina spread out her hands, looking helpless, although for her, those monsters are not powerful. , But one wave after the solution was completed, it was almost endless, so it was said to be troublesome.

Belen frowned slightly, he couldn't help but think of the wreckage of monsters that he and the others had just seen when he approached the Fairy Forest, and he felt a little mist shrouded in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Antelina sighed and waved her hand, and then said, "Don't talk about this, will you go to Laya's wedding tomorrow?"

Regarding this, Belen lowered his head and was silent for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, if I go, she will probably feel unhappy too."

"Perhaps it is right, such an angry Laya, this is the first time I have seen it." Antelina also couldn't help thinking of how angry the girl was at the time.

But it is not incomprehensible that family and hometown are extremely important to anyone, but Antrina puts family in the highest position.

Because for her, hometown is where she has family.

"Even if that's true, but if you still care about it, go and see it, after all, as long as you don't get seen by the kid, it's okay." Antelina said with a smile.

Belen was also startled, and then he lowered his head in silence.

Chapter 749: The master is the master!

On the top level of the sacred elves, a mirror reflected the face of a beautiful girl, with long golden hair scattered behind her, and two long hairs hanging from her ears by a white ribbon, which will be more after care. Does the delicate face look extremely dignified and beautiful at this moment? It is extremely mature.

The pure white wedding dress is so pure and sacred. The exposed delicate collarbone looks extremely sexy. The supple wedding dress sticks to her reddish skin. It is as smooth and white as if it is creamy. The beautiful figure is exposed, and it is still hanging in front of her. Wearing golden flower antiques, there is a classic beauty. The flowing skirt is pure white hem and trailing behind. The front of the wedding dress is divided into three or seven. The charming transparent gauze wraps the exposed slender legs and jade feet. Also wearing a pair of blue and white fish mouth-style high heels.

The figure in the mirror is so beautiful and moving, but there is no joyful look on that beautiful face, but it is calm and unspeakable, like a lake without a ripple when there is no wind.

At this time, the door to the rear slowly opened, and the two elven maids walked in. When they saw the picturesque woman, their eyes flickered.

This is the princess of their elves. The beauty is so beautiful that the girls are amazed. They are so flawless, they are like the angels in the story.

"His Royal Highness, it's time."

It was on this day, the day when the princess married, the whole person in the Forest of the Elves was a boiling celebration, which is a rare event.

The beautiful angel-like elf girl, with golden patterns and blue eyes, looked at herself in the mirror with a calm expression, and then responded gently.

"I know."

At the same time, the outside world is full of voices. The entire Fairy Forest is very lively. No one wants to witness this wedding. After all, it is about the future of the Fairy Forest.

Even though it was the elves who felt sorry for the girl before, they felt happy at this moment, because everyone was equally embarrassed. If the girl escaped, where would the future of the fairy forest go?

In this case, everyone is happy.

At this moment, the greeter was on the way to the elves and god tree. It was Laiya’s cousin, an elegant man named Anrent Bandorrand. He was also very happy because the person he married was not The person you hate.

Anrent wears a pure white suit sitting on the Elf Dragon, with the attitude of a real royal family. He has an elegant smile on his face to greet everyone of the Elf race. Even ordinary people are treated the same. He has always I don't care about the difference in status, so I am respected.

In the eyes of others, Anrent and the princess are a very good pair.

The welcoming queue was made up of knights led by the Elf clan Anend, and it was very imposing. This was also his most sincere expression of this wedding.

Elf Academy.

At this moment, La Tier and the others also walked out of the student dormitory together and walked in the direction of the fairy tree, and they also stopped on the trail and looked in the other direction.

"Mr. Belen..." Latier was worried.

Hill also sighed, she said: "It's okay, let's go first, he needs to be quiet."

As a result, everyone walked in the direction of the sacred elves again, and Illya also stopped and looked for a long time. She seemed to hesitate, and finally shook her head and followed everyone.

Under a large lawn tree, the white-haired man was lying on the lawn under the shade of the tree with his hands on pillows. His dark blue eyes were deeper than the blue sky, and there was almost no aura in his eyes.

Does the wedding begin at this time?

Until now, Belém is still in the middle of whether to attend Laya’s wedding. If it is the wedding that the latter wants to do anyway, he can only send blessings in the end. He can’t do anything like that to ruin her wedding. thing.

But, does Laiya really want to get married?To save the future of the Fairy Forest?

Thinking of this, Belen couldn’t help but feel a pain in his heart. Indeed, what she said to herself that night really broke his heart. Even now, even if she doesn’t deliberately recall it, it’s a dull pain, even his On the cheeks, I can still recall the hot pain.

Is it necessary for me to do this?

Belen questioned herself in her heart. After all, for the girl, she was not like a family to her, and now even as a friend, she was already...

At this moment, a face with a helpless look appeared in Belen’s sight, covering the blue sky, and she was sighing and saying, “Stunky boy, you are still here, I really don’t plan to Shall we go to see Laya's wedding? Today she is so beautiful that surprised me."

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