Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 704

Seeing Antrina, Belem was silent for a moment, and then responded: "Compared to me, why are you here? Shouldn't you stay there?"

"I guess you are here." Antelina sighed, then stood up straight, and said, "What are you hesitating about? Go if you want!"

Hearing this, Belen said helplessly: "I have no reason to go. I can neither stop her nor watch her get married like this. I don't want to bless this kind of wedding anyway.

"So, what do you think?" Antelina asked, looking at the disciple who sat up from the ground.

Regarding this, Belen frowned. He shook his head because he didn't know what he thought. Thinking about this problem would only make him more headache.

"Are you a fool?" Antelina sighed heavily, covering her eyes, and then said, "As a family member, do you only have this kind of consciousness?"

"I am not a family member to Laya." Belen's heart throbbed again.


Antrina slapped her disciple's head unceremoniously, and said angrily: "Even if the kid said that, even if she really thinks that, don't you think so too!?"

This reprimand made Belen's eyes widened, and his heart was shaken. He looked at Antelina in amazement, a door in his heart seemed to be opened by a key, and the whole person froze, stupefied. After a while, the face that had not shown a smile for several days finally showed a bright smile.

"Sure enough, the master is the master."

After saying this, Belen quickly got up from the ground, and he showed Antrina the happiest smile in these days.

"Then I'm going."


Antelina smiled and nodded, and then looked at the man in front of her and flew towards the elven sacred tree. She akimbo her hands, and then smiled heartily. The wings of the wind spread out behind her, and just after she took off, She suddenly stagnated in the air, the cyan gem bracelet in her hand lit up, and a message composed of magic runes appeared in front of her. After seeing this message, her expression suddenly changed, and she looked back. Go, his face gradually became gloomy.

"How can this time..."

Chapter 750: When the Wedding


There is a hall under the sacred tree of spirits. It is a sacred place used only when the "elves" announce important events. Ordinary clansmen and even royals cannot easily go up, and at this moment, it has become a wedding hall.

All the elves gathered below, and in the sky, an elegant white-clothed man rode on an elven dragon, and the white knights of the welcoming brigade arrived at a neat pace.

"That is the husband-in-law of your Royal Highness, Anrent Bandorrant!"

"so hot!"

Many girls showed nympho gazes after seeing the elegant white-clothed man. Although almost all the clansmen had heard of the royal son’s name and rumors, there were still some elves who hadn’t seen what Anrente was like. Of a person.

Is the man about to become the husband-in-law of the princess?

At the moment in the house on the right, La Tier and the others were standing there, because it was too crowded below, so Ilia simply took them to such a perfect position.

"That man is Laya's..."

Latier also blinked. She looked at the white figure that jumped from the fairy dragon. She had to say that it was indeed a very good person, and she felt like this since the first meeting. .

If Laiya could marry that man, she would probably have a good life too, right?

While the girls were all staring at the wedding hall, Ilia was looking around. She was looking for a figure, but she could not find it. She pressed her lips, but she was about to take her eyes away. At the moment, her heart jumped suddenly, and she looked towards a direction to the left, and the figure with white hair fell into her eyes.


After seeing the figure, the silver-haired girl was stunned for a moment, whispering in her mouth, and then pressed the corner of her mouth, revealing a sweet and moving smile.

At this moment, Belen was squeezed among the crowd. He looked at the hall in the distance, his gaze swept across Arendt's body, and then swept to other directions, but he did not see the one he wanted to see. Human figure.

It seems that it hasn't come out yet.

At this moment, a figure walked out from the back of the somewhat dim wedding hall, and when she appeared, countless noises were heard, so consistent, it was shocking.

The figure wearing crystal high heels slowly walked out, her beautiful figure concealed all the luxurious decorations of the wedding hall at this moment, she is the most dazzling and beautiful existence at this moment, the pure white wedding dress sets off her beautiful figure and The sacred and light temperament, that woman, is the jewel of the fairy forest, the princess of the elves.

Laya Cilu!

Looking at the figure, Belen also opened his eyes wide. He opened his mouth. He wanted to call her name, but it was obviously impossible to convey it in the crowd.

No, her name should be Laya Santa Felia, that is her real name as the elven queen.

It's really beautiful.

Belen couldn't help thinking of the words Antelina said to him at the time. Looking at the beautiful figure, he did not show any happy smile. It was really beautiful, more beautiful than usual, but ah , She is so beautiful, but she doesn't have an expression that can match that beauty, just as beautiful as a doll.

She is not happy, she is patient.

Seeing that familiar face, Belen gritted his teeth and clasped his hands tightly. He was originally in the mood to wish a blessing, but now he can't send a blessing anyway.

Let me see this look, how can you bless me!?

Not only Belem, but the girls on the roof are also aware of the strangeness. It is obviously such a big day, but the girl in front of the hall has that expression?

Although the expression in front of people is just ordinary calm, in the eyes of those who are familiar with her, that expression is painful!

"Sister Laiya, she doesn't want to marry."

Just when the girls were worried and puzzled, Illiya behind them gave the answer that they had vaguely guessed.

The girl did not want to marry.

"If that's the case, why did Laya promise to get married?" Latier said her question, and she looked at the figure standing in the wedding hall.

Illya was silent for a moment, and then told the girls what Soest had said at the venue that day and what she knew. It has reached the point where it is now and should not be concealed.

When the girls learned the truth from Ilia’s mouth, they were all stunned, and then looked at the blond girl in a wedding dress. It turned out that Laiya was for the future of the elves...

Thinking of this, Latier and the others suddenly remembered what they had said from Laiya that day. They now understand that it was not because she was willing, but because she didn't have a choice.

Hill also sighed, and she said, "Is it because of this that Belem would say those things to Laya?"

"Yeah." Illiya nodded.

Everyone was silent, and then once again focused their gazes on the girl under the wedding hall. It turned out that Laya was under pressure that they could not imagine.

No wonder that when she left, she had that expression...she already knew her destiny, so she was so lonely, right?

Fortunately, they were still smiling after knowing that Laiya was about to get married, they didn't even notice that the girl was suffering because of this incident.


Lu Mia made such a murmur, she clasped her hands, her lips tightly closed, her face was unwilling, and she blamed herself for not realizing Laiya's true feelings.

"Now, is there a way to solve this matter?" La Tier's face also has a sad color, she does not want Laiya to have a wedding that she does not want.

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