Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey In Another World Chapter 708

After hearing this, Laya was also relieved. She knew that this matter would not end like this, and she must have an explanation to her father later, but it was not the time now, so she looked at Latier and the others again.

"Latier, let's go to the Elf Academy for refuge first, and leave it to my father and them here."

At this moment Latis suddenly said, "What about brother and Ilia?"

Laya smiled and stretched out her hand and rubbed the kitten's head, and then said, "Don't worry, Mr. Belen is very good, and Illya is there, nothing will happen."

Although she was also worried, but at this moment she could only comfort the kitten in this way.


Far to the west of the Fairy Forest, the space seems extremely peaceful, and the space barrier of the Fairy Forest is actually connected with the outside world, because the barrier that protects the Fairy Forest has a huge opening. The fracture on the edge seems to have been forcibly torn apart.

A group of figures walked into the Fairy Forest from that huge opening. Looking carefully, they turned out to be all soldiers of the Demon King's Army. This is the Demon King's Army invaded!

And in front of the army, there is an extremely huge figure, larger than the monsters, and even comparable to the giants, and its breath is unimaginable violence and evil, and it is even more terrifying. Of destruction.

On the other side, the place where the cyan light and shadow fell, there was a small pit at this moment, and the dust was blown away by the wind, a figure stood up from it, it was the "Sword Sage" Antrina, she was watching at this moment He looked a little embarrassed, and his body was a little dirty. Holding a silver-white long sword in his hand, his eyes were full of sharp luster, as if a eagle staring into the distance.

At this time, the silver brilliance attracted Antelina's attention. She turned her head and was taken aback when she saw the arrival of Ilia and Belen.

After Belen landed, he also looked at Antelina immediately, and when he saw the latter's embarrassed appearance, he also frowned, with doubts and worries in his eyes.

"In the end what happened?"

Seeing Belen asked, Antrina was also silent for a while. She knew that she could no longer hide it at this moment, and the situation was far more serious than she had imagined!

"The Demon King's Army is here."

Hearing this answer, Belen’s eyes suddenly widened. He opened his mouth, but just when he was about to say something, he suddenly felt something. He turned around and looked at it subconsciously, only his pupils suddenly changed. Shrinking, saw a huge blood dragon head opened the blood basin and bit down towards him.

At the same time, the blue sword light suddenly slashed from the front, cutting the blood dragon head in half with absolute sharpness, and then turning into countless blood lights floating in the air. The next moment, the earth suddenly shook. A giant hand made of mud and rocks suddenly fell towards the front cover. It was a magic initiated by Ilia.

However, before the giant hand fell, countless cones of blood pierced from the ground, and after penetrating the giant hand, they turned into a huge whirlpool and shattered the mud and rocks.

The blood-red magic power flooded the sky overwhelmingly, and the bloody air was even more evil than the bloody witch that Belen had seen, and it could even be said to be simply unreasonable!

Then, on the tree at that moment, the blood-colored brilliance gathered and turned into a whirlpool, and then turned into a human form. It was a man in a blood-red robe with a pair of horns and scarlet eyes. There seemed to be a sea of ​​blood, and the dark skin seemed to be engraved with countless mysterious and obscure magic patterns. Just looking at him was trembling.

"That guy is..." Belen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he realized that his demigod eyes could not see through the man. He felt a great threat from the dark red man. It can be judged that the other party Very powerful!

Antelina stared at the man, her beautiful face was extremely cold, she clenched the silver-white long sword in her hand, magic and energy flowed around her body, she lightly opened her red lips and said the identity of the other party .

"That guy is one of the four demon kings, the king of killing."

Chapter 755: King of Slaughter

"King of Slaughter?"

When he heard Antelina's words, a ray of sharp flashes flashed through Belém's deep blue eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at the figure standing at the top of the tree.

It turned out that it was the Demon King.

So far, Belen has never seen the supreme combat power of the Demon Race, that is, the Demon King. His highest combat power so far is only those Demon Warlords. Of course, I don’t know if it is the Demon Race. Mysterious women are not included.

From the guy named "King of Slaughter" in front of him, Belen also felt an extremely powerful, even without the realm of a demigod, he also had a power comparable to a demigod!

At this moment, the Slaughter King was looking at Belem and Ilia with strange eyes, the black magic pattern on his body even had magic power surging, like a magic circuit, he said coldly.

"You two have such eyes."

Hearing what the other party said, Belen also frowned, and his dark blue pupils stared at the blood-red eyes, but when he looked at each other like this, he felt his body tingle.

When she saw Belen staring at each other, Antelina was also shocked, and quickly pulled off her disciple's sleeve, she warned: "Don't stare into his eyes, it will be crazy!"

"Although it's a bit tingling, I should be fine." Belen shook his head. Even if he couldn't use his magic power, he was still a true "demigod". At this level, his body was completely acceptable.

After seeing this, the King of Slaughter also said flatly: "It's interesting, who are you?"

Regarding his question, Belem replied calmly: "It's just an ordinary person who is better at cooking."

"Ordinary? It's not ordinary to have such eyes." The Slaughter King's eyes flickered slightly, and he stared at the white-haired man below. There was blood looming around his body, and the corner of his mouth grinned, revealing a bloody smile.

"Unexpectedly, there are creatures other than the elves in the Fairy Forest. The truth is strange enough. Although there are two more troubles, if you can solve them all at once, your Majesty should be happy."

Hearing this, Antelina said coldly: "You are really arrogant, even I can't beat me, what do you use against the three of us?"

"I didn't say that I was enough." The King of Slaughter smiled even more, the blood-red brilliance flickered in his eyes, the magic power of his whole body began to vibrate, and then it was swept away like a bloody storm.

Seeing this scene, Antelina also frowned. She raised a sword and slashed in front of her, cutting away the bloody vortex with great ease, and then looking at Ilia, she said quickly: "Protect Belem!"

"No! Antelina, let me be with you!" Belen was also taken aback, he knew Antelina wanted to face each other alone.

Hearing what he said, Antrina shook her head, and she sternly said: "Belen, with your current physical condition, you must never use magic power, absolutely not!"


Belen was stunned. He was sluggish for a while before he recovered from Yilia's pull. He gritted his teeth, then looked at the figure with his back facing him, and then followed Yilia and left here. , Continue to stay, it just drags Antelina.

Seeing the two humans leave, the King of Slaughter also raised his brow slightly, and he looked at Antelina, who was already floating in the air by the wings of the trembling wind.

"Aren't you going to pinch me?"

In this regard, Antrina is holding a sword through the void, and her sharp potential seems to be able to cut the barriers of space. She said indifferently: "Do you need someone else's help to deal with you?"

"Ha, it's funny, you are the second woman who dared to talk to me." The King of Slaughter also laughed when he heard the words, but even though he was smiling, there was a terrifying blood in his eyes, and his cold voice accompanied the laugh. The intention came out: "It seems that the blow just now didn't let you know the pain."


The bloody magic power permeated, spreading from him, like a sea of ​​blood surging up, the dark red man stretched out his long tongue and licked his upper lip, full of blood and playfulness.

Antelina has no fear of this. The blue light on her body is shining, and she herself seems to have turned into a sharp sword. The ray of sword energy rushes into the sky, opening a hole in the sky. , The indifferent beautiful eyes contain the ultimate sharpness.

"Next, I will use all my sword skills on you seriously."

Feeling the two levels of sharpness on the opponent's body compared with before, the King of Slaughter was also startled, but he immediately showed a surprised look, and he grinned.

"It deserves to be a "sword saint" who can't even annihilate that guy. He is really an incredible guy."

But for his compliment, Antelina didn't say anything, she was brewing all the spirits, and the body and the sword were gradually merged into one, and the "qi" was extremely lethal.

Antelina does not have much confidence in winning the killing king in front of her, but she knows that as long as she supports it longer, the "elven king" and Ilia will come, and the three will join forces. She didn't think this king of killings could endure.

As for the demon king army, leave it to the other warriors in the Elf Forest. There are also many powerful men in the Elf Academy. It is certainly not a problem to gather together to deal with the demon warlords. The biggest trouble now is the one in front of you. The demon king, the king of killing!

Seeing Antelina's momentum, the Slaughter King didn't rush to do it. Instead, he showed a sly and playful smile. He smiled and said, "If this is the case, let me tell you one thing. "


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