Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 709

When she heard the words of the King of Slaughter, Antelina frowned slightly, and at this moment, she heard a huge vibration. She turned her head and saw the dark figure vaguely. She frowned slightly because it was too far away. So I didn't look carefully, but there was a sense of anxiety in my heart.

The King of Slaughter's smile looked even more hideous after this sound. His eyes were glowing with blood, as if his brain had made up for a scene that made him extremely excited. He smiled and said: "Actually, I count me here. , There are two in total, besides the two of us, a big guy is also here."

Two?big guy?

Antelina was stunned. At the next moment, she realized something, her beautiful eyes gradually widened and filled with disbelief. How could this be?

Two demon kings, and a demon soldier?

What a joke!?

Chapter 756: Demon Soldier


The magic burst out of anger swept away with the boundless sword energy, and cut countless big trees with a destructive force. Even the King of Slaughter who had been standing on the top of the tree and retreated.

Antelina's hand holding the sword tightened again, and the veins in the jade-white hand were looming, her face was covered with frost, full of the ultimate killing intent, and her beautiful eyes condensed in the distance. Road figure.

Two demon kings, one demon soldier, and so many demon king armies, this is no longer a power that the Fairy Forest can contend!

Seeing the killing intent on the face of the elf woman, the Slaughter King was also a little excited. He smiled and shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Do you feel desperate? "Sword Saint"!"


No, not necessarily desperate.

Several figures appeared in Antrina's mind. She took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. The anger in her heart eased, and the sword dominated by anger could not exert her will.

Perceiving the emotional changes on Antelina, the King of Slaughter also frowned slightly, his smile gradually reduced, and he indifferently said: "It seems that you still have some confidence in you."

In this regard, Antrina responded plainly: "Although it is not a good idea, but I think there is not only one way, one of which is, as long as I defeat you here, then the two over there This guy, I can do the same."

"It's so self-confident, you deserve to be a "sword saint"."The King of Slaughter also shook his head, then raised his right hand, the dark black blood magic surged, and the blood red eyes gradually turned into a deep dark red, he said flatly: "It seems necessary to let You know one thing."

"I'm stronger than Oblivion!"

The Slaughter King disappeared from the air and turned into a blood-red light and shadow to shuttle towards the elven woman in the distance, and the latter also turned into a cyan streamer and pierced through the boundless sharp air hole.


The horrible forces collided together and set off an astonishing energy storm. The real battle between the King of Slaughter and the "Sword Saint", one of the demon kings, began.

At the same time, at the other end of the Elven Forest, Soest, the "elven king", has also led countless elven warriors from the air to respond to the enemy, and all the elves' eyes are concentrated on the behemoth slowly coming from a distance. .

"that is..."

Just when all the elves were in doubt, Soest’s golden eyes flashed a faint light, and his sight immediately looked into the distance, and when he saw the true face of the behemoth, his eyes also showed A solemn color.

"The demon soldiers are here."

When they heard the words of the "Elven King", the pupils of the elders next to them shrank. They naturally knew what the "Demon God Soldier" was, but it was a war weapon created by the Demon King who was the worst disaster in the world. , Is a powerful weapon that only knows about destruction, and it is the first time they have seen it, but they have also heard about the power of the Demon God Soldier.

But even though there are war weapons like the Demon Soldiers on the opposite side, this is after all the Elf Forest, their home ground, and the leader of them in front of them, but the leader of the Elves is the "Elven King", so there is no need to be afraid. !

The elder in the elder's house on the side also asked aloud: "Wang, what do you do next?"

"The Elf King" Soster immediately shouted: "Give me the Demon Soldier, and everyone in the Elder House will lead the soldiers to annihilate the Demon Lord's army!"


The warriors shouted loudly, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit. Although no foreigners have entered the Fairy Forest for a long time, it does not mean that the warriors of the Fairy Forest have not gone to the outside world to participate in battle!

They are also powerful fighters!

In their own home court, they have absolute self-confidence. This is different from the Demon King's army who only knows to fight to death. Tactics are very important things!

"The Elf King" Soster watched as the Elf warriors below began to approach the enemy, and he flew towards the direction of the behemoth. As a king, he must face the strongest guy.


Suddenly a vast amount of magic power and loud noise came from the horizon, Soest also turned his head and looked at it, there was an astonishing light of blood, and there was a sharp edge that even the other side of the self could feel. Potential.

Antelina, who are you fighting against?

Soest also frowned. Sure enough, even the Demon Soldiers came to the Fairy Forest, so there must be a leader here. Perhaps it was the leader of the Demon King Army who was fighting Antrina.

It seemed that he was in a hard fight.

Feeling the bloody magic power full of killing aura, Soest also subconsciously frowned, that magic power is very huge, who is it coming from?

Immediately afterwards, Soest withdrew his gaze, he shook his head, let's give it to Antrina, he also has troublesome guys to solve.

The war weapon comparable to the size of the giants, the body proportion is very abnormal, the limbs are extremely thick, but the face does not have eyes, but the head is covered by countless chains, and the skin is bronze. , But there are countless black patterns intertwined, like magic patterns, exuding an aura of destruction, as if to end all things.

When the "elven king" approached the demon soldier, the golden eyes flashed with golden arcs, and his whole body was rippling with amazing magic power, and then turned into golden lightning, his palms face The huge magical pattern appeared in front of his hand, and the electric arc flashed continuously.

"Thunder Magic·The collapse of Nine Heavens Thunder."


The golden thunder shot out from it, accompanied by the deafening thunder, it bombarded the behemoth's body at an unacceptable speed with the naked eye, sparks flew in all directions, and shocked a storm of magical power.

After a loud noise, the gunpowder smoke filled, but Soest stood calmly in the air. He didn't think that the demon soldiers, known as war weapons, would be destroyed by such a tentative blow.


The heavy voice resounded through the world, the wind and waves dispersed to disperse the gunpowder smoke, and the huge figure of the demon soldier appeared in Soest's sight again. At this moment, the body of the behemoth was covered with terrifying magic, black There is also gray in it, which is a magic power that can easily lead to despair.

"Is there no damage."

Seeing this scene, Soest's eyes also condensed slightly. Although it was only a probing blow, it was definitely not weak, but it couldn't hurt the big guy at all.


Unexpectedly, the "elven king" actually laughed. He took a deep breath, and the golden thunder magic power surging all over his body. He squeezed his fist, and a fiery battle emerged from his golden eyes. meaning.

"Just beating."

Chapter 757: The Encounter of the Elf Academy

At the other end of the forest at this moment, Illya was flying with Belen in the direction of the Elf Academy. The latter's current state was unable to resist those demons.


The blood and sword aura rose to the sky, and even Belen and Ilia, who were far away, felt the pressure of terror. The two turned around and looked at them, both of them showed solemn colors. From the human perspective, the world has been covered by the power of the two.

Antelina is serious!

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