Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 710

For Belen, the flow of qi cannot escape his perception. He can feel the qi from this heaven and earth rushing over there, which is undoubtedly mobilized by Antelina.

Facing that king of killing, even Antrina can't help but go all out, right?

At this time, Belen raised his head and looked at Illya. He said with some worry: "Illya, put me down, you can help Antrina, I can go to the Elf Academy alone!"

In response to this, Illiya calmly refused: "No, I must protect my brother."

Compared to his own safety, Belen was more worried about Antrina's side. He quickly said: "I'm really fine by myself. There are so many elven warriors here..."

"My brother's current state may be able to deal with a few Demon King Army fighters, but when the number is large, my brother is dangerous, and I can't let my brother leave it alone." Ilia shook her head and said.

He still became a burden...

Although I understand this and know that Ilia is worried about herself, but Belen can't let go of Antrina's situation anyway. After all, the opponent is the demon king, the horror of the guy named the Slaughter King. The level is still higher than what I imagined, maybe Antelina might not be that guy's opponent.

In the end, Belen also said in a low voice, almost begging: "Ilia, will you let me go where the wedding is? Please, go help Antrina."


Seeing Belém's pleading look, Illia also opened her eyes wide, she pursed her lips, then nodded and said: "I understand, brother, I will do what you said."

Belen showed a look of joy and said, "Thank you."

Eliya shook her head, and she whispered: "In any case, I don't want to see my brother sad, and my brother doesn't need to apologize to me."

When Ilia said the second half of the sentence, Belem was also ashamed, always feeling that Ilia who said this sentence was particularly deterrent, but he also grinned.

"Then please, Illya."


Soon, I arrived at the hall where Laya and Anrent had their wedding. At this moment, only the elf warriors were here to form a team. Ilia put Belen down, she floated in the air, and told One sentence.

"Brother, be careful."

Belen nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

As a result, Illiya moved at the extreme speed to where Antelina was, and she also understood how powerful Antelina was against the enemy.

Watching the silver light and shadow go away, Belen also turned around and ran in the direction of the Elf Academy. He was going to find Latier and the others. If it were in the Elf Academy, there should be no danger.

Elf Academy.

After learning about the invasion of the Demon King’s army, countless students were in panic. This was a very sudden event, but soon settled down under the comfort of the high-level. Those students who were panicked Later, it was full of fighting spirit. After all, this is not an outside battlefield, but their Fairy Forest. Could it be that they couldn't beat those Demon King Army in their home court?

At this moment, even the super elites such as the knight Jiover Yinxian have assembled. Although they are students, they are also the warriors of the elves. They study and fight hard to one day become the warriors of the elves. It was their wish to defend their hometown when the Demon King Army invaded!

In the square of the Elf Academy, Latir and Latis also gathered here, and many Elf students gathered around.

Latier was very worried about the situation of Belen and Ilia at the moment. She was silent for a long time and couldn't help but mutter to herself: "How can the Demon King's army invade the Fairy Forest without warning?"

Lumia on the side shook her head and said, "Perhaps, but we don't know."

Just after saying this, Lumia suddenly felt something. She subconsciously raised her head and looked over. She saw a dazzling light flashing in the sky, and her eyes were slightly squinted, and her heart was also With a heavy jump at the moment, she immediately screamed.


When this exclamation sounded, the elves all around were startled. When the brilliance got closer and closer, they also looked up with a sense of feeling, and then opened their eyes in unison, followed by sharp points. Called and ran out of the square.


"Something has fallen!"

Although they didn't know what happened, Latier and the others reacted for the first time, believing Lumia's words, and then immediately ran towards the square, and in the next moment, the glow fell to the ground.


As if a meteor fell on the ground, the terrifying impact caused the earth to vibrate. The center of the square burst in an instant, and the terrifying air wave surged freely, sending countless elves flying out. Even La Tier and the others were shocked by the air wave a long distance away, but compared to their luck, some elves are very unfortunate.

"It hurts!"

La Tier was also rubbing her arm, she stood up with her teeth gritted, and then looked towards the center of the square for a moment, but when she looked at it, her pupils suddenly shrank.

How...how could...

The elves near the center of the square have fallen to the ground. The scene is particularly horrible. Some elves are even bloody, and some bodies have been separated. At a glance, those corpses, that is, the dead elves, are not even mentioned. Hundreds!

"Ah, there are many elves here."

At this time, a deep voice came from the dust and fog in the center, and then a wind and wave rolled away, revealing the true face of the falling object.

"That is..."

Latil stared at the figure in the distance blankly.

It was a tall and sturdy man with a one-horn, naked upper body full of copper color, and his body was dark and surrounded by magic lines. His body exuded extremely powerful magic power, but strangely, he only had one arm.

The tall man's dark eyes with white pupils swept around, then raised his head to look at the figures that were already riding the fairy dragon around the sky.

"Sure enough, it's okay to come here first."

Chapter 758: King Kong

In the mid-air of the square of the Elf Academy, the super elite students such as Overyin Xian and the teachers of the Academy are all riding the Elf Dragon. Their eyes are all staring at the figure below, when they see There were blood stains and corpses all over, and the anger in their hearts could not be contained.

Xinyor's always cold face also showed anger at this moment. She yelled at the man below: "You dare to kill our people!?"


All the elven dragons roared at this moment. They are natural partners of the elves and the elves, and they can be described as beings of a clan. When they see their people being killed, they are equally angry.

"It's really noisy."

The tower-like brawny man also grabbed his own head with his right hand, his black eyes looked at all the elves above, and he grinned with a crazy smile.

"I want to kill you all!"

Hearing words that sounded very arrogant, Xinyor and others all showed cold colors. Although they have not yet played against each other, they can also vaguely feel that the demon man below is very powerful, but how powerful they are. It is unimaginable.

At this time, the principal of the Elf Academy, Jedsef, stared at the man below. The kindness that had always been on his face had also become dignified and jealous. He vaguely guessed the identity of the other party, that evil magic power. Wen and the tower-like posture, as well as the one-arm that has become an old wound, all revealed the identity of the other party.

"If I guess right, you should be the King of King Kong, one of the demon kings."

When hearing these words from the school principal Jedsef, Ofer Yinxian and others gradually opened their eyes, and then looked at the pitch-black man below the iron tower in disbelief.

Demon King?King Kong?

After stunned for a while, everyone realized something. They subconsciously looked at the man's left arm, where there was a missing arm.

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