Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 721

However, the dark magic power is like the ferocious demon, the magic power of the King Kong King's body is like surging arrogance, bursting out amazing power, and the earth is also shattering at this moment.

Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventieth: Perception of the King of Slaughter

When the dark magic power soared into the sky, and the earth cracked open at this moment, the burly tower-like man jumped out of the crack, facing the huge beam of impact, he waved his right arm, that The deficiencies on the arm armor were made up by countless fragments generated at this moment. He did not dodge, but went up!


The king of King Kong who was roaring like this swung his fist out in a striking posture. When the pitch-black armband collided with the beam of light, it aroused an astonishing black flame, and instantly burned countless dry trees.


Accompanied by a howl of anger, King Kong King's fist was a point closer, and he roared with all his strength, and under this fist, he directly exploded the huge beam of light!


The deafening sound resounded, the beam of light instantly turned into bits of light particles and dispersed, and the magical lines of the releaser were scattered instantly, and Ilia’s embroidered eyebrows were also slightly frowning, and the next moment was feeling When there was a sharp pain, her body fell backwards, and she immediately sprayed a mouthful of blood on the side of her body on the ground.


Belen was also terrified when he saw this scene, his heartbeat was almost out of control, he fell from the air without hesitation, and then flew in the direction where Ilia was.

But at this moment, countless blood dragons descended from the air, and then hovered around Belem to block his way, and surrounded him. They opened the blood basin and roared towards Belem. , The smell of blood is pervasive and disgusting.


Belen yelled, the sword crossed in front of him, and then suddenly cut it out. The blue sword gas turned into a crescent and cut through, and the sharp force directly cut off one of the blood dragons, and the others The blood dragon also suddenly launched an attack at this moment, making him unable to escape for a while.

"It seems that you value those two women very much."

Perceiving the white-haired man's anxiety, the Slaughter King also gave out a joking smile, and he was quickly recovering his strength at this moment.


After beheading the last blood dragon, Belen also looked back at the King of Slaughter. For this demon king, he did not have any thoughts of persuading him to retreat, because the latter would not retreat no matter what others said. Go, because his purpose is to destroy the fairy forest.

The Fairy Forest is the most special place in the world. Although it is in the capital of Florentis, it is not affiliated with Florentis. It is the root of all the elves in the world, and among them is the birth. After countless strong men, the overall combat power is also very strong. There are also countless elven warriors in the coalition against the Demon King Army. If it is the final battle, it will pose a huge threat.

For the Demon King Army, the enemy of the Fairy Forest should be resolved as soon as possible.

Those monsters invaded into the empire, probably not as simple as trying to cause panic. Perhaps the ultimate goal of the Demon King Army is to find the location of the Fairy Forest with the excellent perception of the monsters?

Belen is only now aware of this. He stared at the Slaughter King with a cold expression, and he couldn't let them succeed anyway. If the Forest of the Elves were destroyed, it would be a huge blow to the entire world.

In order to destroy the Forest of Elves, the Demon King Army even sent two demon kings, and there is an unknown existence on the side of the "Elves King". The one who can put the "Elves King" into a hard fight must be extremely powerful. And the number of demon warriors is also a lot, which can be said to be an extremely scary pressure.

Even if it is placed on the Eastern Battlefield, there will not necessarily be three such terrifying existences at once, because then it will surely make the "Braves" and others take action.

This time, the Demon Race is also well prepared to destroy the Forest of Elves.

You know, if Belen didn't take everyone to the Fairy Forest, Antelina would not have time to come back in this war, which means that the result of the Fairy Forest is likely to be destroyed.

At this moment, the King of Slaughter is also staring at the white-haired man below. He is also very upset about this. He did not expect that there will be foreigners in the Fairy Forest, and they are still such a powerful existence. He originally dealt with the "Sword Saint "And "The Elf King", relying on him, King Kong and Demon Soldiers, and completely enough, but now they are in a deadlock!

It's really too tired, but now the winning side is still great!

The King of Slaughter looked at the King Kong who was fighting with the two women again. He knew that the latter had fallen into a state of rage. The King Kong in this state caused him a lot of headaches.


When another explosion sounded from the rear, Belen also gritted his teeth and was very impatient. He turned around and wanted to help Ilia and Antrina.

"There seems to be lifelessness in your body."

When he heard the joking sound coming from behind, Belen's steps just stopped, his body was slightly stiff, then he slowed down and turned around, staring at the Slaughter King floating in mid-air. .

"you can see?"

Hearing that, the King of Slaughter also smiled and said: "I often come into contact with a guy who has death energy. The death energy in your body seems to be deadly enough. Is it because you stepped into the half-god realm? Having said that, it's really unheard of that humans can set foot in that field."

"It's really long-winded." Belen frowned and sarcastically said, and then he wanted to turn around to help the second daughter. He was just surprised by the words of the King of Slaughter. He shouldn't care about what he said.

"Don't go in a hurry, what if I can help you solve your death?" The Slaughter King said with a smile.

When he heard these words, Belen’s eyes slowly widened. He stared at the King of Slaughter in front of him. He couldn’t believe it. He asked in a deep voice, “My lifelessness is even better than you. The strong guys can't solve it."

"It has nothing to do with strength or weakness. I just happen to be better in this field." The Slaughter King shrugged, and he smiled and said: "If you are willing to become a blood slave, I will help you solve this lifelessness. How? I will not interfere with your personal freedom."

"Do you think it is possible?" Belen responded indifferently, then turned and left, turning into a streamer and lasing towards the King Kong King, resolutely determined, even if he died, it didn't matter, he would never abandon everyone.

"Oh, I wasn't fooled." The Slaughter King smiled and muttered to himself, but he didn't seem to be surprised. The corners of his mouth were drawn with a strange arc, and he sneered and said: "It seems that he knows something extraordinary. "

Seven hundred and seventy-first chapters: the ultimate head-to-head!

Regarding the words that the Slaughter King said earlier, Belen didn't mind at all. He didn't believe that the other party had the ability to solve death. Even if it did, he couldn't accept it.

The reason is simple.

His life was burned for his family!

At this moment, the furious King Kong King has completely suppressed Ilia and Antelina. The second daughter has already been seriously injured, and facing the King Kong King who is far above normal in the furious state, they are already more than capable. Not enough.


At the moment, Ilia and Antelina are panting, their eyes are staring at the King Kong King, they must concentrate on resisting each other, and then look for flaws and give them a heavy blow!


The ground was cracked, and the dark figure approached like a ghost. The swollen one-arm slammed down, and the second girl also retreated instantly. The original position was blown away by the punch. .

That physical quality is even more terrifying than superhuman, maybe only the "brave" can crush him?

Just when Antelina stopped, her pupils suddenly shrank again, because a black shadow had already arrived in front of her, and she subconsciously raised a horizontal sword.

This speed is too fast!

After realizing this, the punch hit the sword that just happened to be blocked, and the infinite black flame burst open, and Antlerina's figure shot out, causing bursts of gas explosion. The figure hit a giant tree, and the terrifying impact directly broke the giant tree!


When she fell to the ground, Antelina was also suffering from severe pain. She gritted her teeth and got up, then looked at the sword in her hand, her eyes trembled, because the sword was already covered with cracks at this moment.

The sword is a master of offense, but it will never be a master of defense.

"Sorry, I hurt you." Antelina murmured as she gently stroked the sword with her hand, then gritted her teeth again, and walked towards the other end with a staggering pace.


Countless condensed boulders were smashed to pieces by the King Kong King. At this moment, he was already in madness, like a mad dog that could only bark. It was too terrifying and scary!

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