Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 722

At this moment, Illya is constantly using magic to resist the offensive of King Kong King, the other party is really pressing too tight, not even giving her a chance to breathe.

Bang bang bang!

After breaking through several lines of defense in succession, the King Kong King finally came to Ilia. He was opening his mouth, blood and saliva sputtered out, he was screaming, and the magic of horror was released without a limit. , That fist swept down with infinite swallowing power.

Too late to defend!

Seeing this punch coming straight, Iliya's eyes were also shining dangerously, and she crossed her arms in front of her to resist. Only by receiving this punch can she get some breathing time.

But this punch, if you take it...

Thinking that she might lose the ability to fight, Illya also closed her red lips covered with blood. She must bear it, otherwise she would not be able to share the pressure for the two!

But at that moment, the blue light and shadow fluttered like silk and satin in the wind, but in the blink of an eye, it came to the girl's face, with the dazzling blue light, the sword also slashed out horizontally, facing the girl. fist.

Vientiane Creation!

"One of the swordsmanship."

A hideous color was revealed on that delicate face, and the breath of the whole body became extremely quiet, and the blue light particles stopped instantly, as if time had stopped.


Accompanied by this deep shout, the sword slashed abruptly on the fist wrapped in the hand armor. An unparalleled sharpness swept the entire forest instantly, and a blue arc instantly penetrated All the giant trees in front of them suddenly collapsed, setting off a terrifying wind and waves, as if they had lifted a layer of the land.


Under this sword, the madness of the King Kong King also showed a little horror, and then he was bombarded out under the power of terror, with dark red blood spattered on his body and hands. Severe pain instantly spread all over the body, the figure fell a full kilometer away, and after landing, it set off a huge wave of gas after the earthquake!


Illiya stared at the figure in front of her in a daze, her eyes opened slightly, and then slowly raised her right arm and stretched out her hand to try to catch the person in front of her.

But at this moment, the white-haired man in front of him turned into a blue light and shadow and disappeared on the spot, heading for the King Kong King in the distance, and there was a huge storm everywhere he went. At this moment, he is already trying his best!


A roar sounded like an ancient fierce beast, and then, the iron tower man who was a kilometer away stood up again, his dark eyes instantly locked the blue light and shadow coming from a distance, and his roar also turned into The dark shadow of the ghost rushed over, and when the two collided, it exploded with shocking power.

Facing all the attacks of the King Kong King, Belem was able to receive and avoid, and if he could not avoid, he would bear it all with his body. The blood on his body became more and more, and the blood in his throat It was spit out, but even so, he kept cutting out his sword.

One sword for one punch!

One sword after another, one punch after another!

Boom boom boom!

This forest has been reduced to ruins after the battlefield, and the terrifying magic and air waves have formed a terrible storm, constantly raging around the surrounding land. The two figures of very different bodies are madly confronting each other. This is simply a tough guy. Showdown between!

Another sword slashed on the body, the King Kong King took a step back, he spewed dark red blood, and then shouted with a grinning face, "Human! You are the only guy who can make me so excited!"

When the voice fell, the blue figure took another step forward, and then another sword struck the King Kong King's body horizontally, blasting it away with the simplest sword skills.

Those dark blue eye pupils were staring at the King Kong King not far away. Belen was already gasping for breath at this moment. He gritted his teeth, and then rushed forward to wipe it out. As long as the King Kong was eliminated. Wang, the remaining slaughter king who was seriously injured should not be feared!

"Finally done."

The King of Slaughter stood in midair, with a happy and cruel smile on his face, his long tongue licked his upper lip, smelling of blood, and then he laughed again.

The laughter also instantly attracted Belen's gaze. When he saw the huge dark red magic circle hovering in the sky, his eyes widened. From there, he felt the threat of terror!

At the moment when Belém lost his senses, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The hand armor on that big fist was broken, and the big fist that was all blood stained on Belén without hesitation. After receiving the heavy blow, he instantly flew upside down a distance of hundreds of meters, and began to spurt blood in his mouth.

But at this moment, the color in Belem’s pupils suddenly solidified. He opened his mouth and kept coughing up bleeding saliva. The blue light particles all over his body were scattered and unable to condense. He exhausted all his energy to clenched his teeth. Then collapsed on the ground.

At the moment of loss of consciousness, he took that punch, causing the magic in his body to instantly dissipate, and at that moment he could no longer condense, allowing the death energy to break through.

Belen didn't even have the strength to clenched his teeth, his eyes began to lose sight, and he collapsed on the ground like this, the sword fell off his hand, and his mouth made a sound like a mosquito.


The foot before the finish line has already passed one at this moment.

Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Two: Do ​​Your Best

The huge dark red magic circle enveloped the sky, and the woods were covered by the dark red, and Antelina and Ilia also felt a huge threat.

But compared to the huge threat, Antrina and Ilia are more concerned about the situation of the other side, because Belem is in the "demigod realm" and the aura is very quiet, which makes it difficult for them to know that the latter is now. However, Belen must be in a fierce battle with that demon king. Now, the first thing they should pay attention to is the huge magic circle above their heads.

"Ilia, do you have any strength?"


After getting the response, Antlena also took a deep breath, and she said solemnly: "Then let's join hands to break it. Once activated, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Hearing this, Illiya also released the hand holding her left arm, and then nodded, the magic of silver and ocher appeared intertwined, the silver-black eyes became bright again, and the palms of her right hand faced each other. In the sky, an earth-yellow magic pattern was constructed in the sky, blooming with amazing brilliance.

A series of mysterious silver magic runes are engraved around the magic lines. It contains the power of the earth mantra. The magical power of the earth elements all over the sky is concentrated in the magic array. Although the scope is not large, it is extremely compressed. Once the horrible magic power is released, it will have the power to destroy the world.

This is all the magic that Illya can exert at this moment. As far as she is concerned, she can't worry Belen anyway, so she must withstand the next attack!

Antelina also raised the sword in her hand, her eyes slowly closed, and endless magic power gathered towards the sword in her hand, and the cracked sword body also made the sound of swords, and the cracks began. Gradually gathered by that trace of brilliance, as if restored.

However, the huge magical power shattered the barriers of the space, and the sword body flickered, as if it did not exist in this space, but the bright brilliance was brighter than the bright moon!

"Elves Sword Dance·The Seventh Forbidden Voice·Reverb."

The name of this sword skill was spoken from Antelina’s mouth. In this fairy forest, its power is beyond imagination, because the sword contains Antelina’s will, and she 'S will is wrapped in the forest of elves.

She was also seriously injured like Ilia. This sword is her last limit. If the magic circle is not broken, then the Fairy Forest will suffer a disaster. She still knows this very well. .

And now, this sword not only contains magic and guardian beliefs, but also contains her anger, which is dissatisfaction with someone and hatred for these enemies in front of you!

Looking at the magic circle and the woman holding the sword below, the Slaughter King's eyes were also slightly narrowed. He grinned and sneered: "Want to make the final struggle?"


At this moment, the huge magic circle below burst out with astonishing brilliance, and the whole land shook, and countless earth element magic powers merged into the infinite brilliance at this moment, and finally turned into a shocking sky. The rune beam of the bombarded towards the dark red magic circle above, as if to crush it!

The moment Ilia released this magic, her cheeks became extremely white, or even sickly pale, all her magic power was drained at this moment.

This blow has the power to destroy the dark red magic circle!

Feeling the magic contained in the light beam, Antelina also showed a surprise color, but then her waist sank, and the blade lightly swept across and landed on the ground on the left. She took a deep breath, her eyes like a torch. Locking the man above, as long as the magic circle is broken, she will cut all the power contained in this sword on the body of the killing king!

Seeing the light beam impacting, the Slaughter King didn't look nervous. With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he took out a gray bead from the darkness and threw it towards the light beam below.

"Feel it, the magic of my lord."

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