Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 724

"I had a sword at the beginning, and you later generations will call it the sword."

Chapter 774: The Power of "Savior"

Kill Demon Taito!?

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the man's words, but then they gradually opened their eyes widened, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

It is said that the Demon Slayer was the weapon of the "savior" thousands of years ago. Now, the Demon Sword Taito is in the hands of the "brave man". Anyone who knows the story of "Devil Slayer Taito" is known to be the weapon of the "savior"!

In other words, the man in front of me...

Is it the "savior" from a thousand years ago?

Antelina’s eyes were unbelievable, but then she turned into a look of shock. She believed that the man in front of her came from a thousand years ago, and the performance just now has proved his strength, and he deserves the name of "savior". !

""Savior"?Hahaha!Don't make me laugh!How could a guy from a thousand years ago live to the present!?"

However, the King of Slaughter didn't believe it. He laughed. When it was just a joke, he believed that his lord had a life span of a thousand years, but he did not believe that there was a second person with such ability, even the "brave man". "Nor!

"This is not unexpected." Nit shrugged, as if he had expected such a result a long time ago.

At this moment, a white-haired woman was flying here with a white-haired man on her back. It was Emily and Belen. At this moment, the latter's body was wrapped in dark green light.


When she saw Belém with a dull gaze, Antrina also let out a cry of exclamation. She hurried forward, and then took Belém and put it on the ground. There was a water in her eyes. fog.

"You foolish disciple!"

At this time, Illiya also slowly walked over, and after seeing the lifeless white-haired man, she pressed her lips tightly, and then knelt on the ground, putting her hands on the man's body.

"Don't worry, there is still anger in his body, and I have sealed his lifelessness, and there is nothing wrong for the time being." Emily also said after seeing the appearance of the second woman.

Hearing what she said, Antrina also raised her head to look at the white-haired woman. She was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly asked: "Elder Emily, please save him!"

Hearing this, Emily was also silent, and Nit on the side said with a smile: "Don't worry, Belen is my first friend after a thousand years, and I won't let him do anything. "

If I want to go, I am going to go first.

Hearing these words, Emily also looked at Nit. She pressed her lips and smiled, her eyes were reminiscent, and she remembered some past events for a while.

"Then then, let's solve the immediate trouble first." Nit said so, his emerald eyes stared at the Slaughter King above.

At this time, a tall man like an iron tower also came into the air. It was the King Kong King who had previously faced Belem, and his dark eyes were staring at the handsome man below.

The Slaughter King glanced at the unconscious white-haired man, and then said cheerfully: "It seems that the lifelessness has not been suppressed, it has already reached the point of breaking out."

King Kong shook his head, feeling a pity that he couldn't fight again. The man's fateful posture really made him admire him. That kind of battle was really longing for.

At this time, Soest, the "Elven King", also came to the ground. At this moment, he was also completely dirty. He was also seriously injured in the battle with the Demon Soldier. The Demon Soldier possessed real resistance to magic. It is too high, which makes him very passive.

At this moment, Soest looked at the dull-eyed white-haired man on the ground and frowned, and he also felt the strong death.

"I will help you a little bit more."

Nit showed a faint smile to Belen, who was staring blankly, and seemed to have made some decision. He showed Antelina and the others a big smile, as bright and gentle as the sun.

Antelina also widened her eyes when she saw his posture, and asked in disbelief: "You, do you want to deal with those three guys alone?"

"You save some strength and leave it to me for the time being." Nitra nodded.

At this time, Soest also stood up, and he said solemnly: "No, even if you are the "savior", but facing the three guys at the same time..."

"You too underestimate the "Savior", right?I am now at the peak."Nite interrupted Soest, and then said with a smile: "How can you be worthy of this friend of mine if you don't teach those guys a lesson?""

Immediately afterwards, Nit moved his lower limbs, the dark green magic surging around him, and then stepped away, his body instantly disappeared on the ground, leaving behind a cyclone and deep footprints.

Thousands of years later, the first real shot of the "Savior" left an indelible memory of this era.

When Nit appeared again, he was in front of the two demon kings, and dark green light particles appeared on his body, which was very similar to when Belem was in a demigod state, but more illusory.

Seeing the man who appeared in front of him, the King of Slaughter also condensed his eyes. He suddenly grabbed it with his right hand, and dark blood poured out wildly, rushing toward the former.

"Very powerful magic, but not strong enough."

Nit smiled and commented, and then the dark green light particles started to accelerate. He lifted a finger and clicked out of thin air. The tide of dark blood rushed away.


The figure of the King Kong King suddenly appeared in front of Nit at this moment. Slow chlorine

"It seems that the defense is very strong, then take me a punch."

Seeing the punch coming, Nit didn’t care, his smile remained unchanged. He lifted his left hand and easily slapped it away. The moment King Kong opened his eyes, he made a fist with his right hand. , And then struck out suddenly, hitting the hardest breastplate.


Under this fist, the dark armor suddenly cracked, and it was completely unable to withstand the terrifying force. Then, an astonishing burst of energy erupted. The King Kong's figure flew out, spraying in mid-air There was a dark red blood stain, and he was hit hard in an instant.

Without looking at the King Kong King who was blown away, Nit glanced to the right again. The huge war weapon, the demon soldier, came again, and the corner of his mouth was slightly curved.

"Interesting weapon, although I don't know who made it, if I destroy it, you should have a headache?"

When the voice fell, Nit did not turn around, but raised his right arm, and pointed his palm at the demon soldier who flew in the distance. A huge dark green magic circle appeared immediately above the latter. , Although vigorous, it is extremely contradictory and full of destruction.

"It's also troublesome to stay, ruin it."

While whispering like this, Nit's right hand suddenly fell, and that huge magic suddenly exploded with amazing power, which was as destructive as a volcanic eruption, and instantly bombarded the huge Demon God soldier on the ground.


The body of the Demon Soldier is so strong that even the "elf king" Soster, who possesses the Thunder Mantra, can't let it suffer severe damage, but at this moment it is gradually breaking apart, and the land is constantly sinking under this terrifying magical power. , In the end, the body of the Demon Soldier was shattered and annihilated, and that piece of land left a huge pit with an incomparably amazing.

"One hit..."

After seeing this scene, the King of Slaughter was also dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that this scene was caused by the man in front of him. His heart was suddenly shaken, and he gradually recalled what the other party had said before.

This man really was a thousand years ago... "Savior"!

Chapter 775: The Law of Life

One blow was to defeat the Demon God Soldier. Everyone who saw this scene opened their eyes wide, and the King of Slaughter looked even more unbelievable, and even felt a little bit hit.

He now truly believes the fact that the other party is the "savior" thousands of years ago.

Even if he tried his best, it would be difficult for him to defeat the Demon God Soldier, because the latter was a war weapon made by the adult, and it was powerful enough to rival their Demon King.

Can easily defeat the existence of the Demon God Soldier, there are only two in the heart of the King of Slaughter, one of which is the Lord "Devil King", and the other is the "Brave Man", but that woman easily gave the Demon God Soldier It exploded.

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