Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 725

But even if the King of Slaughter had seen what the "brave" did, the scene before him was even more shocking. Compared with the "brave," this "savior" had a transcendence in his actions. As far as the "brave man" is concerned, it seems to be more handy.

"That is... the "savior" who brought the first light to the era a thousand years ago."

When he saw that Nite defeated the Demon Soldier so easily, Antrina and the others were stunned. This scene was really shocking.

I am now at the peak.

Recalling what Nit said before, Antrina now knows that this is not a lie. If it is not in the strongest state, it probably can't be done like this, right?

Ilia looked at the man above, and then said softly: "Nite is amazing."

Emily on the side also laughed when she heard the words, she nodded slightly, and then looked up at the figure in the sky, with a smile on her face.

"He, he probably wants to show off his brilliance in this era at the end."

Hearing what Emily said, Antelina and the others were also startled, and then seemed to think of something, unanimously raised their heads and looked at the glorious figure.


Nit above was smiling and looking at the Slaughter King. The dark green light particles on his body began to accelerate again. He stretched out, and then raised a hand.

"Then, see if you can get rid of you."

Hearing his words, the eye pupils of the Slaughter King suddenly solidified, and the dark red magic power agitated from his body, and he held a gray bead in his hand again, which was the last one in his hand. .


A magic pattern appeared on countless trees. At a glance, there were hundreds of magic patterns appearing. After Nit waved his hand, all the magic patterns were shining, and countless vines followed Shot out from the woods, towards the King of Slaughter.

Upon seeing this, the King of Slaughter also looked cold. He raised his hands and pulled away from both sides. All the magic power turned into a wave of dark blood and spread out in all directions. Dark blood also possessed terrible corrosion power. Don’t think that these vegetations can be protected from corrosion!

But the next moment he knew that he was wrong. The countless vines were covered with a layer of dark green brilliance, which contained powerful life magic. The moment it touched the wave of dark blood, it was even blocked and stagnated. Not at all, countless vines instantly bound the King of Slaughter.

And at this moment, on the head of the Slaughter King, there is a huge dark green magic circle formed, to give him the final punishment, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly shuttles, carrying an endless black air storm. Kicked the magic circle with his feet, and his figure was stagnant in the air. He was the King of Kong.

At this moment, the dark armor of the King Kong King, which had been basically restored, was shattered, leaving only his lean body. He looked solemnly at the chestnut-haired man not far away.

For Slaughter and King Kong, it is too reluctant to face this powerful "savior" at this moment, because they have already been seriously injured and their strength has not reached the peak, and the "savior" in front of them is really worth it. It is a super existence that cannot be underestimated than the existence of "the brave"!

"It's all here, it's solved together."

Seeing the arrival of King Kong King, Nit also laughed, but at the moment he raised his hand, his whole body was slightly stiff, his smile gradually weakened, with regret, he shook his head and sighed. Sighed.

"Forget it, then leave it to that guy."

Afterwards, Nit flew to the ground, while the King of Slaughter and King Kong frowned and did not dare to move. They did not know what the "savior" was doing.

Seeing Nit's return, Antelina and the others were all startled, while Emily smiled and said, "You have reached your limit, right?"

"Yeah, it's a pity." Nineta lowered his head, and then responded with a smile. He looked at Belem. His emerald eyes could see through the state of the latter. He whispered, "Then, I'm going to start."

Nit threw the sword in his hand to Antelina, and he smiled and said, "Now, I want to rescue him, the two above will ask you, don't let them interfere with me."

Hearing that, Antelina took the sword and looked at the sword in her hand with a soft expression. Illia also nodded slightly, and then immediately stood up and flew into the air. Soest followed closely behind. , Although Nit didn't say why he didn't directly solve the two demon kings, but based on the dialogue between the two, it can be known that Nit has probably reached the limit.

Nit’s whole body of dark green light particles started to float at an accelerated rate. He looked at Belém on the ground, then smiled and said, “Belen, I really want to see more scenery with you, but now It's not working."


A series of magic rune patterns are outlined on Belen's body, on which there are mysterious runes that are difficult to penetrate after a thousand years of existence, and Nit's body also has a dark green light connecting Belen.

"This time, I won't wait for you again."

Emily smiled slightly, and there was also a green light on her body connected to Belen's body, the dark green magic pattern circled in the air, and a mature flower was engraved on it.

"Emily..." Nit was also startled when he saw this. He looked at the smiling woman in front of him, and finally said with a smile: "After waiting for so long, you have worked hard, so this time, let's go together. "


Emily, who was more than a thousand years old, smiled at this moment as innocent as she was a thousand years ago. After waiting for more than a thousand years, she no longer wanted to wait.

Nit and Emily looked at each other and smiled. The emerald-colored brilliance burst into those two pairs of eyes that were so similar. All the magic lines covering Belém's body were integrated into his body, and so did the two of them. Blooming dazzling light assimilated with it.

"The law of life."

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-six: finally wake up

The King of Slaughter and King Kong in the air did not know what the "savior" was doing, but they also felt the amazing life magic, and at this moment, the first thing they had to face was the three powerful beings in front of them. !

The King of Slaughter clutched the gray bead in his hand. This was his biggest trump card, and it was also his biggest reliance in the fight against the "Savior".

As the demon kings, they are empowered by the great existence "demon kings". Their resilience is much stronger than that of Antrina and the others, but at this moment they are also in a hard fight.

Although Antrina and Ilia have gradually recovered because of the magic power released by Nit, the trauma in their bodies is still there, and the consumption of magic power has not been recovered, but they do have the power to fight again, and in their bodies There was also a "elven king" Soest beside him, and his injury was the lightest on the scene!

At this moment, relying on the strength of the three of them may not be able to win the two demon kings in front of you!

Seeing the three men ready to go, the King of Slaughter also squinted his eyes. After thinking deeply, he showed a cold expression, and he said solemnly: "King Kong, unlock the prohibition."

"it is good."

The King of King Kong also responded immediately after hearing the words, his dark eyes were ruthless, and he had already reached the point where he had to do so.

"Prohibition of liberation."

When the King Kong King uttered these four characters, time seemed to stop for an instant, and an extremely terrifying and violent force gradually awakened from the King Kong King's body. The sound of the heart vibration seemed to resound through the void, and every agitation made The space barrier has cracked one more point.

I saw that behind the King of King Kong there was a huge magic pattern with a phantom of King Kong engraved on it. The shackles that had originally bound the phantom of King Kong suddenly broke at this moment, an astonishing vast magical power. His body shook away, and the magical storm caused the surrounding space to crack in layers.

"The Demon King's prohibition is the last hole card given to us by our lord. It was originally used by the four of us to deal with the "brave". Now let you see it first."

A cruel smile appeared on the face of the King of Slaughter, and behind him also appeared a magic pattern, which was engraved with the shape of a sea of ​​blood, and the shackles that sealed it was also broken at this moment, and the vast magic power came from his body. After the shock, blood filled the entire night sky, and even the bright moon was stained with crimson.

A bloody smell permeated the entire fairy forest. The countless elves who took refuge in the elven academy relied on protective barriers to avoid damage. Fortunately, they were not too close to the battlefield, otherwise they would even be affected. .

When they felt the magic power released by the two demon kings, the three of Antelina also looked solemnly. I didn't expect these two demon kings to hide such a hole card. This is really an incredible hole card.

After the demon king’s prohibition was unlocked, the magic patterns on the Slaughter King and King Kong King released black light. The body of the former was still so thin but the magic power on the body was terrifying, while the body of the latter became More sturdier, that single horn also appears more hideous.

The Slaughter King looked gloomy, he didn't say any more nonsense, instead he launched an attack without hesitation, waving his arms, and the boundless sea of ​​blood spread from the sky and rolled in the direction where the three of them were.

"My main attack!"

Seeing that sea of ​​blood was pouring in, Antelina also made a decisive sip, and the wind wing behind her vibrated, then turned into a cyan light and shadow and rushed away.

Soest's gaze was also locked on the sea of ​​blood above, and golden lightning flashed continuously in his golden eyes, and a magic pattern appeared on both sides of his body, from which an astonishing golden thunder came upward. The blood slashed over.

At this moment, Antelina also came to the sea of ​​blood. She held the sword in both hands, the tip of the sword was placed on the left side, purple magic was brewing on the blade, and her eyes became extremely sharp at this moment.

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