Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 726

"Sword Skill·Not intoxicated or not for sword!"

Her kendo is natural, and the sword that comes out of her heart is the sword she is best at. The sword cut at this moment symbolizes that she and the sword have become one.

The realm of man and sword.

It was a realm very similar to the "God Harmony" swordsmanship. Antelina who reached this realm already had the ability to use a sword as a sword skill, and the ability to create a sword with one sword, all things, and all things was easy.

In Kendo, she is Belém's teacher!

When the sword carried the purple brilliance across the sky and drew a straight purple line in the sea of ​​blood, the boundless sword aura spread out, tearing away the sea of ​​blood with a force of destruction. Then thunder arrived, annihilating the sea of ​​blood with the most violent magic power.

"Earth Mantra·Funeral."

With an ethereal whisper, all the earth element magic powers between the heavens and the earth are active at this moment. The countless muds and stones in this world are swept over, and the earth is overwhelming, swallowing those two figures. go with.


At this moment, from the mouth of the King Kong King uttered a roar that did not sound like a human voice, and the phantom of King Kong appeared behind him. He was so tall that he was full of energy called "power". As he waved his fist, the phantom of King Kong moved along with it, hitting the stone waves rushing from the sky with a punch!


When the two touched, it seemed that the day was opened by this fist, the stone waves crashed and shattered, and the King of Kong flew out at this moment. At this moment, he has fallen into extreme violence. Realm!

Facing the attack of the King Kong King, the three of them had already done all the countermeasures. Antelina was not afraid of the arrival of the tall figure, holding a sword in midair and swooping away, while Yili Ya and Soest also used the Law of Mantra without hesitation.

The battle between the two sides once again climbed to a peak.

But at this moment, in the forest below, it is as undisturbed as pure land. The light on the two figures is getting dimmer, while Belem, lying on the ground, emits an extremely soft glow, blue The magic power gradually emerged from his body, as if regained life.


Accompanied by a soft whisper, the brilliance of Nit and Emily finally disappeared, and all the brilliance was integrated into Belem's body.

Those dark blue eyes that had been godless and hollow were overflowing with brilliance again, all consciousness and strength returned to the body, and the white-haired man also gradually regained consciousness, the blue light adhered to his body, releasing There was an extremely calm but holy breath.

Chapter 777: The Curtain of the Millennium


When Belen regained his consciousness, he was also stunned for a while, and then he woke up. He sat up from the ground and looked at his hands. The dark green light particles were still on his skin. The surface is beating.

This magic is...

Belen raised his head and looked at the two people in front of him. His dark blue eyes instantly saw the two people in the magical dimension. For a while, he could not even speak.

In an instant, all the information flooded into his mind, and Belen also took a moment to clarify his thoughts, and then slowly stood up, Nit's slightly playful laughter came in his ear.

"I didn't expect it? I saved you again."

Seeing the Lifa man in front of him, Belen also gritted his teeth, he clenched his hands, and then asked in a deep voice: "Why? Why do you want to..."

"Because you are my first friend in this era." Nit answered Belem's question easily, then smiled and patted Emily on the shoulder. He smiled and said: "My baby apprentice But if I insist on following me, I can't help it."

"My fool, you made me wait for my apprentice for more than a thousand years. I don't have time to wait for you for so long, apprentice." Emily also showed a playful side, she smiled and said: "So Ah, for this trip, let my apprentice accompany you, Master Master, right?"

Hearing these words, Nit raised his hand and gently stroked Emily's head. He said softly, "Okay, Master Master won't leave you behind this time."

Seeing the warm looks of the two, Belen also pursed his lips and said, "Don't say such sad words, the people you rescued will be ashamed for a lifetime."

"What's so guilty?" Nit laughed, he took a step forward, and then punched Belen in the chest. He laughed: "Your savior, now I want you to be hopeful Keep going and finish what you want to accomplish!"


Nit and Emily also gradually emitted a faint green brilliance, and their bodies gradually became illusory. Obviously, their time has come to an end.

Seeing this scene, Belen couldn't help but gritted his teeth, and then shouted: "What!? Don't you still want to see the beautiful scenery in this era? Don't leave so early!"

After saving him so many times and having such similar interests, who would think of losing such a good friend?Seeing his friend leave in order to save himself, his mood can be described as extremely complicated, even to the point of crying.

"I saw it." Nit smiled.

Hearing this sentence, Belem was also taken aback.

Nite smiled and looked at the white-haired man in front of him, and then looked at the figures fighting fiercely above. With a gentle smile, he said: "I have seen it. In this era, you can see someone who can be willing to serve his family The feeling of giving life, no matter what era, this is the most beautiful thing in the world."

I'm satisfied to see this.

"What is this, this kind of thing..."

Hearing Nit’s words, Belen’s heart trembled. There were tears in his eyes, but at the end he couldn’t help but laugh. He faced the two people in front of him who were smiling and looking at him. He also laughed. Speak.

"I understand. When I go over, let's play together again."

Emily laughed blankly when she heard this. She shook her head and said: "If you come here so soon, it will make us very embarrassed. Come here as late as possible."

"That said..." Belen scratched his hair awkwardly.


The brilliance gradually dissipated in the sky, and the figures of Nit and Emily gradually blurred. He looked at each other and smiled, then slightly nodded to Belem, then turned and took a step towards the sky.

The two of them held their hands tightly together, as if they would never separate again.

In the void of the shining galaxy, Nit held Emily's hand. He smiled and looked up at the starry sky and said, "Emily, are we about to see everyone?"

"Everyone has been waiting for us." Emily shook her hand tightly and responded with a smile.

The two figures gradually transformed, as if they had returned to their teenage years. The blue-haired girl who was one head shorter than the chestnut-haired boy next to one of them, they took each other's hands and walked down the path, and there were a few lines on the opposite side. The familiar figure was welcoming them with a smile, and he and her heard everyone's laughter.

"It's coming."

Seeing those figures, Nate and Emily couldn't help but laugh, crystal tears slipped from the corners of their eyes, strode away, and then hugged each other's figures.

"Sorry for the wait."

Under the night sky.

When they saw the two figures dissipate, the two sides who were in the fierce battle felt something. They raised their heads and looked over, then both were startled.

The King of Slaughter was taken aback for a while before he showed a cruel smile. He sneered: "Ah, that troublesome "savior" has gone, who else can you stop us?"

Seeing the scattered light and shadow, Illya also realized this, her silver-black eyes trembled slightly, and then whispered, "Nit... gone."

"Well, Elder Emily also walked very peacefully." Antelina naturally also noticed the disappearance of another magic power, and she subconsciously smiled.

The millennium agreement has been completed, and the two must be very grateful and happy with each other, and it would be nice to fall the curtain of the times in this way.


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