Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 732

The King of Slaughter roared, and all his magic power poured into the barrier. His eyes were full of unwillingness and anger. It was a shame for him to be so embarrassed!


The seven-colored huge ball of light bombarded the huge barrier and burst out amazing magical fluctuations. It pressed another point and squeezed the barrier, but it was abruptly blocked!

Laya gritted her teeth. She was vigorously agitating the Wings of Light, trying to keep her hand pressed down, but was resisted by an extremely tenacious force.

"No, you can't lose!"

The girl shouted loudly, and even the magic recovery given by the Fairy Forest all the time could not keep up with her consumption at this moment. She was madly inputting the magic power into the colorful light ball, bursting out the greatest strength that she had used so far. !

At this moment, Antelina had already flew to the ground and lifted up the silver-haired girl who had passed out because of the exhaustion of her magic power. She couldn't help coughing up a little blood in her mouth, and she had no strength anymore, and she also raised her head and looked towards The huge colorful ball of light that had passed through the sky was full of expectation.

Laya, come on!


Laiya, who tried her best, pressed the colorful ball of light down a bit further, and the whole body exuded an astonishing brilliance, and the magic of this forest was gathering towards her!

Bang bang bang!

After being pressed down one after another, the colorful ball of light finally reached the top of the Slaughter King's head. He had reached a desperate moment at this moment, with a hideous face, and his magic lines were constantly flashing. His magic power surged again, and his mouth was shocking. roar.

"Get out of here!"

The King of Slaughter, who broke out again, pushed back the colorful ball of light, and this also shocked Laiya, who was trying to input magic power. She was backlashed, and a mouthful of bright red but golden blood spurted out of her mouth. Then the figure backed back a bit subconsciously.


Antelina, who saw this scene, also opened her eyes wide. She gritted her teeth and was about to stand up, but the sharp pain filled her with a sense of powerlessness. At this moment, she saw A touch of golden lightning rushed to the sky.

Just when Laya was suffering from the pain that she could not adapt to, she was unable to gather all her strength, so she retreated several times. She gritted her teeth and forced herself to bear it. In the current situation, if she loses, then Everything is over!

At this moment, a hand suddenly appeared next to her, and golden lightning lingered on that palm, using that majestic magic power to help Laya push the huge colorful ball of light.

Laiya was also startled when she saw this hand. She turned her head and looked at the man beside her. She opened her eyes wide and murmured, "Father..."

The person who came was Soest, the "Elven King". He was gasping for breath at this moment, covered in blood. Obviously, his injuries were also very serious, but at this moment, apart from Cho Laya and the King of Slaughter, only He still has strength left, so he had to help!


Hearing his daughter's call, Soest shouted like this. He was so tired that he was going to faint at the moment, but even so, he had to help Laya to withstand the pressure.

He may not be a good father, but it is his duty as a father to protect his daughter!

Hearing that, Laya was also focused, she regained her gaze and looked down again. With the help of her father, she finally had enough energy to raise her magic power again!


The colorful ball of light sank a few points downwards, and the King of Slaughter felt pressured. He kept roaring, and frantically forcing himself to squeeze out his magic power to fight, but even doing so was already a drop in the bucket. The magical power of's has been getting less and less, and it is incomparable with the father and daughter at home!

Soest glanced at the girl beside him, and his eyes were slightly round at this moment, and the familiar face had a firm color that he had never seen before.

His daughter has grown to the point where she can be alone.


Hearing the call from her ear, Laiya did not respond. She was earnestly sending magic power into the colorful ball of light. Now she only needs to consume it like this to defeat the enemy!

Seeing the girl didn't respond, Soest didn't care, but smiled after a long time, and he shouted: "Use your best to defeat the enemy! "The Elf King"!"

Hearing Soest’s shout, Laiya’s golden eyes flashed instantly, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, she burst into a perfect smile that eclipsed the colorful brilliance, and then let out a deep shout, all All the beliefs and theories are gathered together and bloom immediately!


The amazing colorful brilliance illuminates the entire fairy forest. All the elves feel an extremely kind but extremely huge magic power at this moment, and then their sight is blocked by the colorful glow, and the huge colorful The ball of light also broke the barrier at this moment!

"Do not!"

Seeing his own barrier exploded, the King of Slaughter also roared in anger, but he was unable to move under the pressure of that huge magical force, and he could only watch the coming of the colorful ball of light.


The magic storm swept away, shattering all the blood within a few miles, that power was especially terrifying, but it was a blow that gathered the magic power of the entire fairy forest!


Belen, who had been sitting cross-legged on the other side to recover his strength, was also watching the coming of the colorful ball of light. There was a smile on his face, and then the tension and worry in his heart disappeared. He also lay down on his back when he relaxed. Looking up at the starry night, he can finally rest.

But at this moment, the eyes that had been slowly closed suddenly opened, and he also stood up from the ground in an instant. Looking back, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"That is..."

Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Five: King of Annihilation

When Belen turned around, he was looking at the location of the King Kong King's body. At this moment, there stood a figure wearing a spacious robe, whose skeleton was even wider than the King Kong King. !

However, this is not the point. What Belen cares most about is the magical power on the opponent, which is as deep as an abyss, and the deep evil is not bottomless. He holds the sword in his hand tightly, and the blue magic power gradually emerges on his body, and he has recovered. Certain combat effectiveness.

This guy in front of me is hardly a good one.

The evil aura alone is even more terrifying than the King of King Kong, and even worse than the King of Slaughter!

"who are you?"

Belen was the first to ask. His dark blue eyes locked the figure standing next to the King Kong King's corpse. Although he could not see what the other party was, he felt that the other party would never be a human!

"This familiar magic power that I absolutely hate..."

The tall figure slowly turned around, revealing its true face, and this also narrowed Belen's eyes. Sure enough, the opponent was not a human, or even an ordinary creature.

That is, the Undead Bone Race.

The whole body is made of skeletons, and the hollow eye sockets of the skull have two faint flames beating. There is no doubt that those are its eyes, and at this moment, they are staring at the white-haired man in front of them.

Among the immortal demons, who would possess such an evil aura and such a powerful magic power?The answer is almost ready.

Demon King, King of Oblivion!

Although the King of Slaughter and King Kong are equally well-known on the battlefield, they are a bit weaker than the King of Annihilation. Perhaps the King of Slaughter is better than the King of Annihilation. However, the strange magic of the King of Annihilation makes the coalition feel incomparable. Among the fears, the most troubling is that it has the ability to turn the dead into undead and then become its own combat power.

Belen has also heard a lot about the deeds of the King of Annihilation, and in the Northwest Theater, although he has not directly confronted this guy, according to Antelina’s mouth, he learned that the existence of this statue was in the demon. In the clan base camp!

Belen took a deep breath and put himself into the best state. He didn't expect that there were three demon kings and demon soldiers no weaker than the demon kings who attacked the forest of the demon. Has been solved by Nite.

There were only four demon kings on the side of the demon clan. In order to destroy the forest of the elves, did three come here?

At this point, Belen was also shocked. No matter what, the Demon King is the highest combat power besides the "Devil King". If you let the three of them all at once, are you afraid of being discovered by Sisia, and then all killed? ?

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