Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 733

"I remember it, it was you."

The King of Annihilation seemed to be looking at Belen, and as it spoke like this, an evil and majestic magic power gradually emerged, oscillating in the void, and he seemed to have plans to do something with Belen.

Hearing what the other party said, Belen didn't ask anything. Maybe the other party was irritated because he broke its plan in the Northwest Theater.

Belen didn't care about the question, but said flatly: "Your companions are already dead. Do you think that you can destroy this fairy forest with an annihilation king?"

In response to this, the flames in the eyes of the King of Annihilation swept around, and then said in a very magnetic voice: "You don't seem to have much power left, I really want to kill you all here. Drop."

"If you can, you can try it."

After hearing the words, Belen’s eyes also flashed sharply. Perhaps he is not an opponent of the King of Annihilation in his current state, but as long as he can hold it, he can support Laya’s arrival, with the protection of the fairy forest. Laiya's recovery ability shocked him.

However, the King of Annihilation in front of him is in his heyday, which is very bad.

Sweat beads slipped from his cheeks, and Belen also felt the pressure. He has not fought against the King of Annihilation. The strength of the latter can only be estimated based on the King Kong and the Killing King, and based on the previous magic pattern. If the King of Annihilation also uses magic patterns, whether he can hold on is really a question.

At this moment, the King of Annihilation was staring at the white-haired man in front of him, the black magic surrounding him constantly exuding murderous intent, and he didn't know whether he was gaining momentum or hesitating, but he hadn't taken a shot.

In the end, when Belen was puzzled, the King of Annihilation waved his big robe, and black magic poured out, wrapping the body of King Kong King. The next moment it disappeared, and it also turned into a black light toward another. One direction shuttled away, and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

That direction...

Seeing the direction the other party was going, Belen's brows were also slightly frowned, and then recalling the scene of the disappearance of the King Kong King's body, he immediately realized that this guy came for the two demon kings!

Laya is still there!

Thinking of this, Belen turned into a blue streamer and headed in that direction at a high speed. Before, Laya must have done his best to reach the King of Slaughter. If the King of Annihilation caught the opportunity, it would be dangerous. It's big!

At this moment, in the ruins, both Leia and Soest are extremely weak. They are a little unstable while standing there, but there is a slight smile on their faces, which can be regarded as solving the terrible existence. .

Soster glanced at the girl who was gasping beside him, and then looked forward, he frowned slightly, and his eyes widened the next moment.

"How can this be?"

He didn't see anything, but he actually felt the weak magic power. The King of Slaughter hadn't died after he had endured the magic!?


Laya also felt the weak magic power at this moment, and her perception at this moment was particularly sharp, so she could perceive that that magic power indeed originated from the King of Slaughter!

"Leave it to me, he is already very weak, as long as I give one last blow."

Soster took a deep breath, and then raised his right hand tremblingly, golden lightning throbbed in his eyes, under his "Thunder Mantra", the sky was full of thunder, and a golden thunder light fell from the sky. Coming down, bombarded towards the King of Slaughter remaining in the big pit!

At this moment, a dark figure stood in the midair above the big pit. Then, a dark storm swept away, distorting and dissipating the thunder coming from the sky, and then turned into a black wave towards Soest and Leia rushed away, which made the two eyes widened.

Also at this moment, a blue streamer shuttled in, and a sword light then slashed across, cutting away the void, causing the black wave to roll back, and the white-haired figure stood in front of the two.

Chapter 786: When we meet

Seeing that the wave was about to come, Laya closed her eyes, but after a while she didn't feel anything, so she slowly opened her eyes again, when she saw the familiar white His eyes lit up after he made the figure, and a look of joy was immediately revealed.

"Mr. Belen!"

Hearing the call, Belen also turned his head to look at the girl. He walked forward, and then reached out and rubbed the girl’s head. He smiled and admired: "Good job, it's great to have Laiya here. ."


Receiving the touch and admiration, Laiya also showed a happy smile on the show. Her golden eyes looked at the man in front of her with a smile, and she was in a great mood.

Seeing the two people's affectionate behavior, Soest on the side was also taken aback. He looked at the two with a weird expression, opened his mouth but closed it, and stopped talking. He shook his head, and then sighed.

Immediately afterwards, Belen took his hand back and felt the magic power coming from behind. He turned around again and looked at the King of Annihilation in the distance. The King of Slaughter was floating beside him, and he could feel it. When the magic power remained, it seemed that he was seriously injured and unconscious, and did not die.

"Sorry, I didn't get rid of that guy." Laiya saw that the Slaughter King floating in the distance was also pursing her lips, and she clenched her hands.

"No need to apologize, Laya has done well enough." Belen shook his head when he heard what the girl behind him said. He stared at the King of Annihilation in the distance, and said solemnly: "That guy is the King of Annihilation. It is also one of the four demon kings."

King of Annihilation!?

Laya and Soest also became vigilant at this moment. Two pairs of incomparably similar golden eyes stared at the tall figure in the distance, only to realize that the other party turned out to be an undead bone clan.

It took a lot of hard work to solve the two, and then another one appeared. This is really a headache...

Belen looked at the King of Annihilation in the distance, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

"My lord asked me to take them back." The King of Annihilation answered the question calmly. The flames in his eyes locked on Belen, and the killing intent was full of red light without concealing it.

Feeling the murderous aura, Belen didn't care. He said flatly, "Your master is really funny. Asking them to come and die, did you get any benefit? It's really stupid."


The pitch-black magic power hovered above the King of Annihilation like a whirlpool, and the ghost fire became a lot more vigorous. Obviously, the demon king was angry.

"You dare to insult my lord and die."

Seeing the opponent's posture, Belen also squinted his eyes. He squeezed the sword in his hand, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Do you really think we can't keep you behind!?"

Hearing this sentence, the King of Annihilation was also silent on the spot. Because it was due to the skeleton, I don’t know what kind of expression it was, but it seemed to be hesitant. After all, this is a forest of spirits, but it seems Still can't bear the other side insulting his master.

"come back."

When the skeleton hand of the King of Annihilation was raised, a voice fell into its heart, and the gray magic group floated on its shoulders, and it was also slightly startled.

"But my lord, how dare that ant..."

"come back."

The sound that sounded again was full of indisputable taste, and fell into the heart of the King of Annihilation. It also trembled, and then lowered the skeleton arm, all the dark magic power in the sky was taken back, and it was slightly lowered. Skull.


Soest and Leia looked at the King of Annihilation in doubt at this moment. They clearly wanted to do it just now, so why did they suddenly change their minds?

Belen's dark blue eyes flickered slightly, and instantly locked the gray magic group on the shoulders of the King of Annihilation. The magic power was actually invisible to him, and it was not the magic of the King of Annihilation.

Could it be that...

At this time, the gray magic group of the King of Annihilation suddenly became motivated. It turned into a gray light and shadow and came to a distance of ten meters in front of Belen. Then it turned out a hazy figure, looking at its graceful and concave body. Zi is obviously a woman.

Seeing this scene, Belen also frowned, and subconsciously placed the sword in front of him. If he guessed right, this figure should be the master of the Demon King.

The leader of the demons is the "Devil King"!

The illusory figure stood ten meters away, then raised the slender arm, flipped the palm of his hand and hooked it, with a provocative sign.


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