Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 734

The voice was also dim and illusory, and when they heard what the other party said, Lya and Soest were also startled, while Belen squinted his eyes.

"You are the "Devil", right?"

For his question, the illusory figure did not give any answer, but stood motionless, as if just waiting for the person in front of him to take action.

Upon seeing this, Belen also took a deep breath. Although I don't know what this means, if he doesn't make a move, will the other party let the King of Annihilation do it?And if he shoots, will the other party kill him?Maybe the other party is not here, but he has just recovered a little, his body injury is still serious.

However, I seem to have to make a move.

"Then I'm welcome."

Belen said so, then let out a breath, and then clenched the sword in his hand with one hand. At this moment, he can only save the bad situation by fighting.

Vientiane Creation.

Blue light particles appeared on his body, and the blade was shrouded in blue brilliance. In his current state, he couldn't use the ultimate sword, but he could only do his best.

"One of the Kendo Stream·Angelica!"

This is not a complicated sword skill at first, but this plain slashing sword contains infinite power. That is his artistic conception and way of mind. The blue brilliance cuts through the space in an instant. He came to the phantom figure ten meters away, and at this moment, the phantom figure raised his hand, but pointed a finger out of thin air on the blue sword light that came.


Only a dull buzzing sound was heard, the blue sword light suddenly dissipated, and the blue light particles drifted into the void and disappeared.

Is this the power of the "Devil"...

Seeing this scene, Belen's heart was also shocked, but on the surface there was only a momentary sluggishness. He frowned and his whole body was weak, but he could never fall down at this time.

"A very powerful sword."

After such a plain evaluation, the illusory figure turned around, and then turned into a gray light and rushed towards the sky. The King of Annihilation followed closely behind, but a word was left in Belen's ear.

"When we meet officially, I will kill you."

Seven hundred and eighty-seventh chapter: everything is fine

The war between the Elven Forest and the Demon King’s Army is over. Countless Elven warriors died in the battle. This battle can be described as a heavy loss. You must know that they are the side who suffered the invasion.

After the "Devil King" left, the King of Annihilation also left with the other two Demon Kings, and the soldiers of the Demon King Army seemed to have received a signal to retreat.

There were countless warriors outside the Elf Academy who were relieved. The Demon King’s army had already hit the door of the Elf Academy. Although they retreated without knowing what happened, the war seemed to be over.

Soest looked at the sky, the barrier of the Fairy Forest could be broken, but the "devil" could actually walk through like this, it was amazing.

It must not be the deity of the "Devil King", but despite this, the opponent can still take Belen's sword so easily, which shows that the opponent's phantom still has an extremely powerful force.

If the "Devil King" and the King of Annihilation act, can they really resist it now?But fortunately, they seemed to be afraid of this too, or they left because they were concerned about the severely injured King of Slaughter and the King of King Kong who died.

Although there are still some confusions, it is not the time to care about this at this moment.


Soest looked at the blond girl aside, and he said, "I have something important for me to do now. We will talk about that later."

When she heard her father's words, Laiya was also startled, and then her eyes widened after seeing the former staggering, she suddenly realized something.

Although he has the protection of the Fairy Forest, his father is still the "Elven King". He also has the ability to use the protection of the Fairy Forest. With the protection of the Fairy Forest, the recovery ability is extremely amazing. The reason for not using it is probably because of her.

Looking at the figure flying into the distance, Laiya also felt warm. Then, she suddenly remembered something, and immediately looked at the white-haired man in front.

"Mr. Belén! Ilia and she..."

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Belen, who was still confused about the "Devil", suddenly woke up. He turned and looked at Laya with a panic expression on his face.

"Ilia, what happened to her!?"

Therefore, Laya immediately took Belem to the place where Ilia fell. Because of the latter’s physical strength, it took a while to arrive. When I saw Antrina holding the unconscious girl , Can be regarded as terrifying Belen, he staggered and almost fell to the ground, he hurriedly ran to Antrina.

"Illya how is she!?"

Seeing the arrival of the two, Antelina's tired face also showed a faint smile. She said: "It's just that the magic power is consumed too much. There is no big problem. Just sleep."

Hearing these words, Belém's tight nerves finally eased. He breathed a long breath, his feet finally softened and then knelt on the ground, he moved forward, and then glanced at being unconscious. The smiling silver-haired girl stretched out her hand on the girl's face with a gentle expression.

"Thank you, Illya."

This battle is really too hard. If it hadn’t been for Nit to destroy a Demon Soldier and then severely damage the King of Slaughter and King Kong, the pressure on their side would be countless times greater. .

The most important thing is Nit and Emily, who saved Belen at the cost of the remaining time, allowing him to stay in this world for some time.

"Laya, you take Antrina and Ilia to rest." Belen stood up after regaining some strength, and he said as he looked at the blonde girl.

"Huh? What about you, Mr. Belén?" Laiya was also startled when he heard the words.

Belen looked at Ilia again for a while, and then withdrew his gaze. He said, "I'm going to see Latier and the others. They must be scared." After that, he moved towards the wizard school. Walk on.

Looking at the leaving figure, Laya was stunned, then shook his head and smiled: "Mr. Belém really always treats us as children."

"Of course, just as I think of him, he treats you in the same way." Antelina responded with a smile, her eyes drooping, and finally said: "Laiya, I will beg you next, too tired."

When Antlerina couldn't bear the tiredness, she simply let go of her mind and fell asleep, forgetting all the pain and troubles, and when she woke up, she would have nothing.

Seeing Antrina fell asleep, Laya couldn't help but complain: "Really, Master Juggernaut!" She sighed, then wrapped the two of them with wind magic, and followed her towards the sacred tree.

Elf Academy.

At this moment, all the asylums from the martial arts field of the Elf Academy had come here to take refuge, but at this moment the alarm was lifted, and they gradually came out.

However, La Tier and the others are not here, but in a medical institution in the Elf Academy, they are guarding the seriously injured and comatose Shrine boy and the Orpheus.

Ofer’s string was attacked by the King Kong and broke a total of more than a dozen bones. With this tenacious willpower, he persisted until the time of treatment. The Jingu boy was also seriously injured. Most of the magic circuit of the arm has been broken, and even if he can wake up, the facts he has to face are really worrying.

You must be fine.

Looking at the two people in the hospital bed, Latier, Latis and Rumia were all very worried and stood by. Moreover, they were very concerned about Laiya’s situation. The war was over. Did Ya win?Although they don't know the result, they can only look forward to it so much.

For the Shrine Boy, La Tier felt very guilty. This was the second time he had saved himself, and this time he even almost paid the price of his life.

At this moment, the door was opened, and a figure walked in. He was panting. He seemed to be exhausted, but he was relieved when he saw the girls.

It's great that everyone is fine!

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Latier and the others also trembled all over, and then immediately turned around and looked around. When they saw the white-haired man standing at the door, they also showed a look of joy.


Latis couldn't help calling.

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