Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 738

"My brother is a big carrot."


This sentence caused Belen to be struck by lightning, and his whole person froze. Judging from his answer just now, it seems to be exactly the same as "Hua Xin Big Carrot"!

"No, no! Illya, look at it..." Belen's thoughts began to turn quickly, and the whole person was panicked, and sweat slipped off his cheeks, but there was no explanation. .

Illiya slowly raised her head, and when she saw the panicked white-haired man, she also showed a faint smile on that beautiful face, a little devilish smile, but she quickly covered it. Yes, she spoke again.

"So, does my brother like Ilia?"

Belen, who had already explained the verbal state, suddenly stopped after hearing this question. He stared at the silver-haired girl in front of him blankly. After a while, he didn't respond. And Ilia just waited quietly for this. , Just looked at him calmly.


"Doesn't your brother like me?" Illiya's eyes trembled slightly, showing a distressing look, and this also shocked the person in front of her.

"No, it's not!"

Belen also saw the scars in Iliya’s eyes, so he immediately denied Iliya’s statement. He scratched his hair. This question was really caught off guard. After all, the object in question was right in front of him. , If I really want to answer, it is really inexplicable a little shame.

Iliya's expression gradually recovered, and then asked: "So?"

It seems that I have to answer, it's okay, it's my sister anyway!

Belen exhaled, and then whispered a little embarrassingly: "Illya is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She has a good personality, considers her family, and is mature and stable. You can say anything. It's perfect. Who wouldn't like such a girl?"

"So?" Illiya's eyes lit up after she got the answer, and she shook her hands on the bed subconsciously, looking forward to the answer inexplicably.

Belen took a deep breath, then put down the hand holding his hair, he regained his eyes to meet the silver-black eyes, and then nodded.

"Yes, I like it."

Chapter 792: Gradually Healing

When Ilia got the answer, her mood became strange, her heartbeat speeded up a little, her cheeks turned red slightly, she lowered her head, and didn't know what to say for a while, but at this moment , Another sentence came in front of him.

"I like it all! And Lattes, she is really super cute! I like everyone the most!"

Because of being asked too many stimulating questions, Belem fell into chaos for a while, and even Latis, who had not been asked, naturally blurted out.

However, after hearing this "confession", Ilia was completely petrified. After a while, a vast magical power radiated from her body, and the silver hair shuttled out from Belém. Passing through, actually pierced directly into the wall behind.


Belen recovered from the chaos immediately, and then looked at the girl with flying silver hair in front of him with a stiff expression. Why did he get angry all at once?

"Then what, Illya...you, what's wrong with you?"

The silver-black eyes slowly lifted, and they stared at the dark blue eyes, and a slight coldness was revealed on that beautiful face.

"Brother, it's no good to keep using the foul answer."

"Foul...foul?" Belen swallowed, he suddenly woke up, and then quickly said: "No, no, no! I really like everyone! It's the kind of love between lovers!"

In response to this answer, Illiya said with a cold expression: "I even have such a fondness for Latis, is my brother Lolicon?"

Belen panicked when he heard the words, and finally forgot the "Lolicon" thing. It would be too bad to be marked now!

"No, it's not, it's just the kind of love between the pure family members of Latis! It's not the same!" Belen quickly explained that he must get rid of this predicament!

The silver hair was slowly retracted, and Illiya's flying silver hair gradually calmed down. She looked at the white-haired man in front of her. After watching for a while, she went back into the quilt and lay down.

"I'm going to sleep."

Hearing that, Belen is also relieved, it is really incredible, once the child of Ilia is attacked so fiercely, he really can't handle it, and he is almost exhausted.

"Brother, turn off the lights."

"Ah, yes!"

After the lights were turned off, Belen also got back into the bed, but because of the previous shock, he had insomnia for a long time before finally falling asleep. It was a tiring night...

The night has finally passed, and another week has passed. During this time, Laya also came to visit everyone, and just today, Belém is from the news and daily newspapers brought by Latier and the others. It was learned that Soest announced this morning that Laya had the real power of the "Elven King", and informed all the Elves that she had been protected by the Elven Forest.

After receiving this news, Belen was also extremely happy. It seemed that the contradiction between Soest and Laya had been resolved, and he would no longer influence Laya's future path.

When Laya received the approval of the will of the Elf Forest was announced, all the elves were stunned, and then burst out cheers of joy. Then, that day, I saw Laya and the King Kong The soldiers who fought against Wang also spread what they had seen and heard one after another. For a time, Laya's reputation could be said to have risen to a commanding height.

All the elves are happy that the second "elf king" appeared in their hometown, which means that the future of the elves will be more prosperous!

The war that day made all the elves fear, and because of the victory of the war, all the elves expressed their heartfelt thanks to the soldiers in that battle.

The first to confront the King of King Kong that day was the head of the Elf Academy and many teachers, as well as the elite students of the Elf Academy. Many of them were killed in the battle. , And the rest are also seriously injured. Fortunately, these days are gradually recovering. Many students have visited the past one by one. It is not only their teachers and classmates, but also the people who saved them.

In the battle against the Demon King’s army, the highest combat powers, "Juggernaut" Antelina and "Elven King" Soest, can be said to be more loved by the people, and as the second "Elven King" The same is true for Laya. In addition, Illya is also inexplicably listed as the "friendliest foreigner" by the elves.

The demeanor and strength that Yiliya showed in that battle also made all the elves look forward to it. As a foreigner, they fought for them to such a degree, which made them grateful to the silver-haired girl, although Yili Ya herself didn't feel anything, she just knew that she had just obeyed Belen.

However, for the remaining one, only scattered news came from the elves, because too few people saw his deeds.

That person was Belen. At that time, Laya dragged the King Kong King to the outside of the Elf Academy, and he took over here, because the battle with King Kong King was so swift, so the elves who saw him were really Too few, and no other elves have come to the place of the last battle. After all, they will be affected, so no one knows what he did.

Belen didn't want to complain about this. He didn't fight to be famous in the Fairy Forest. He was fighting to protect his precious talents.

"That's it, it seems that the Fairy Forest has regained its vitality." Belen smiled and sighed after reading the daily newspaper.

Seeing the smiling man, Latier also asked curiously: "Mr. Belém, are you not discouraged? You have already worked so hard."

Hearing that, Belen, who was sitting in a chair, also smiled and looked at the girl. He said, "What's so discouraging? Fighting for your family is not for fame."

"Hmm!" Latier also smiled after hearing the words.

At this time, Belen looked around again and noticed that someone was not there, so he asked curiously: "By the way, where is Lumia? Where did she go?"

La Tier smiled and explained: "Because Ofer Strings has just recovered, she is doing rehabilitation training, and Lumia is accompanying her."

"So that's the case." Belen was stunned, so he thought of something, and asked curiously: "Then the shrine should also wake up, right? You won't go with him?"

"I've just been there, and I'm doing rehabilitation training over there now." Latier blinked and answered Belen innocently. Then, after thinking of something, she immediately said: "Ah, yes. Mr. Belém, shall we go to Laya tonight?"

Hearing what she said, Belen was also startled, and then smiled. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay, let's go together at that time. Illya is almost recovered."

By the way, what is Laya up to now?

Chapter seven hundred and ninety three: Talk about business?

In the evening, Belen got up and changed into a white dress after finishing the last breath adjustment, and Ilia, who was on the side, was ready to sit there early.

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