Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 739

"Mr. Belén! Are you ready?"

At this time, a voice came in from outside, and Belem responded: "Okay, come in." He straightened the corners of his clothes.

Immediately afterwards, La Tier and the others opened the door and walked in, and Antelina followed them. Although she had not healed from her injuries, she still had no problem with her normal actions. Staying in the ward would also quickly hold her back. It's broken, so I want to go for a walk together.

Seeing everyone arrived, Belen also smiled and said, "Then, let's go."

As a result, the group walked out of the hospital and attracted a lot of attention when they left. Some people even greeted Antelina and Ilia loudly because they were protecting the elves. All the elves are extremely grateful to them for the fact that the forest was seriously injured in battle with the enemy.

Although the war was over, the Elf tribe had a particularly large number of wounded. Although they did not return to the lively atmosphere of the past, Belen sighed silently after feeling the sadness in the air.

Even if this war is won, many of the elves' families will die. There will never be a real profit from the war, because the price of the war is life.

This time, the Demon King’s army suddenly attacked the Elf Forest. It really caught everyone off guard. The reason they want to eradicate the Elves is also very simple, because the warriors of the Elves are also the elites of the empire's coalition army. If they can be eliminated at all , That will hurt the coalition forces!

Although it is hateful, this is the correct way of war. If Sisia and the others catch the opportunity of the Demon King's army, they will definitely do it without hesitation.

Soon, everyone came to the huge elves and sacred tree. When they came here, countless sights all looked over.

At this moment, a little Elf girl suddenly approached, blinking her big eyes, and asked curiously: "Master Sword Master! Has your injury been healed?"

Antrina looked at the little elf girl, she walked forward, and then raised her hand to rub the girl's head. She smiled and responded, "It's all right, thank you for your concern."

"Because you are here, Master Sword Saint, we can continue to live safely!" The elf girl looked at the woman in front of her with longing eyes.

"Because of you, I have the ability to guard this land." Antelina said that the latter responded like this. She rubbed the girl's head, and then returned to the crowd, she turned her head and The girl said goodbye.

"Then I will go first."

"Master Juggernaut, go well!"

After seeing this scene, many elves sighed secretly. Master Juggernaut is not only beautiful and intelligent, but also amazing in strength. Even the manner in which he treats others is amazing. They can't help sighing that such a thing can appear in their own race. This wizard is so lucky!

When Beren saw Antlerina come back, he also retracted his gaze. He smiled slightly. Antlerina was envisioned by her own people, and it made him feel very happy, if not for this forest and her people. , Antelina probably won't be who she is now, right?

Although the sacred elves can only be entered by royal elves, Belen and his party can enter without notification, because this is the order of the "elf king", no, strictly speaking, it should be the "elf king" Laya The command.

After learning about this from Antelina, Belen was also startled, and then also smiled and shook his head. That girl is amazing now.

But even if Laya is now the "Elves King", in Belen's eyes, she is still the girl who longs for freedom and true love.

Because the elves were so high that it was not realistic to go on foot, they were guided by Antelina to an empty place where there was a thick vine hanging platform, which was a device that could go up and down.

Seeing this, Belen couldn't help but smile: "It's very similar to the painter's tools."

"It's actually an enlarged version." Antelina responded with a smile.

The girls on the side looked into the distance curiously, and after seeing the countless scenery, they also exclaimed. Although most of them have become ruins after the war, they just looked in the direction of the wizard school. It is still beautiful and amazing, and the scenery seen from a height is really amazing.

After a while, everyone came to the upper level of the sacred tree, entered it, and walked around the corridor after another. The group finally saw the door, and it was not the first time Belen and Ilia had come. At that time, Laya was standing in the hall behind the door.

"go in."

Antrina took the lead to step forward, and the two guards standing in front of the door also bowed respectfully, and pushed the door open without giving a notice, letting a group of people walk in.

In the golden hall, a familiar blond figure fell into the sight of Belen and the others, and the owner of that figure also turned around briskly at this moment, the beautiful girl with a big smile, lively The cheerful look is exactly the same as everyone remembers.

Belen also raised his hand with a smile on his face and said hello: "Laya."

Laya nodded, and then asked a little worried: "How is your injury?"

Seeing the girl asked, Belen smiled and said: "My words are no longer a serious problem." He is only a little weak now, and the injuries in his body are also healed.

"Me too." Ilia said like this.

Antrina gave a dry cough, pretending to be weak, she said: "Liya, my injury is not good, I must send me a bunch of tonic things!"

Regarding this, Laiya smiled and said, "Master Juggernaut, your acting skills are not good."

"I mean it!" Antelina said bitterly.

Seeing this, Laiya also laughed blankly, and then she nodded and said with a smile: "After that, I will send you a basket, so I must not waste it!"

"Absolutely not wasted!" Antelina immediately changed into a smile. It would be a bit cheaper. She knew that the supplements she got from Laiya were very precious, so she would always come and ask for some. .

"Okay, it's time for business, Laya."

At this time, there was a voice that looked a little stern and majestic compared to the voices of the people. It was from Soest sitting on the throne on the side. He was looking at the people calmly at this moment.

Seven hundred and ninety-fourth chapter: It seems to be pinned high hopes?

At this moment, there are not only Belén and his party and the "Elven King" father and daughter, but also some people in the Elder’s House and the high-ranking royal elves. Among them is Anrente, who is staring at the party at this moment. The white-haired man among the people looked a little complicated.

Soest got up from the throne, he walked down the steps, and then looked at the group of people in front of him. In the eyes of everyone, the "elven king" actually slowly bent down.

"This time the Forest of the Elves was invaded by the Demon King's army, thanks to the triumphs.

The elders and nobles on the side also bowed and saluted at this moment, very solemnly. They all knew that this defense battle, if it were not for the brothers and sisters and the "sword saint", the Fairy Forest might have been destroyed, and the result would be They definitely don't want to see it.

This kindness must be kept in mind.

Seeing how the elves were so solemnly, Belen was also taken aback, and after a while, he also said: "No, this is not the credit of the three of us. If the elves don’t fight the war, Nor can we win when we are attacked by the enemy."

Soest bent over and said solemnly: "Even so, this kindness will be memorable forever."

Antlerina smiled and said, "Speaking of which, why should I be included? Obviously I am also an elf."

In this regard, Soest shook his head and said: "You have been used to traveling abroad. This time I came back and helped so much. I have to thank you for this."

"That's it, then, I accept it!" Antelina also laughed after hearing the words. Whether she is a friend of Soest or a member of the elves, she doesn't care about such things very much. After all, she is The "sword saint" of the elves, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Seeing Antelina responded so easily, Belem was also taken aback. He glanced at Ilia beside him. The girl also blinked at him, and he immediately noticed, and then she spoke. Response.

"I see, I accept your thanks."

Hearing these words, the elves straightened up. Although there are rumors about the battle about the new "elf king" Laya, the silver-haired girl and the "sword saint", Soest is solemn He told them that not only the King Kong was defeated by Belen, but even the King of Annihilation and the "Devil King" phantom were blocked by him.

After learning about this, all the senior elves were stunned. They thought that although the disciples of the "Sword Saint" were powerful, they were not as good as the "Sword Saint", but now it seems that the blue is better than the blue. what?

"Okay, then let's talk about another thing."

After saying this, Soster's gaze swept to the other senior elves, and he said: "Anende stays, and the others will leave first."


So the elven ministers withdrew from the main hall one after another, but Anrente stayed, his eyes stayed on Laiya for a while, and then he sighed.

"It should have been known."

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