Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 742

Hearing Belem's words, the Shrine also became a little hesitated, but compared to what he had just now, he was more frank now, and he did not deny his feelings for Latier.

Love at first sight?I do not know.

Jingu didn't know when he fell in love with the cat-eared girl, but perhaps his feeling was really linked to "like", or it was just liking.

That innocent girl...

The scenes from the time he was with Latir appeared in the mind of the shrine. The blush on his face became more and it spread to the tip of his ears. After Belen’s pick, his mood was also suddenly Welled out.

He likes Latier?

Seeing the boy's appearance, Belen couldn't help but smile: "Why don't you confess to La Tier frankly? She doesn't have any male friends, but you have a good chance."

Upon hearing this sentence, Jingu's eyes lit up and he blurted out subconsciously: "Really, really?"

"Of course! Not seizing the opportunity?" Belen said cheerfully.

The heartbeat of the Jingu began to accelerate. He looked at the white-haired man in front of him, and he was slightly startled. Then after hesitating for a long time, he took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it. He calmed his mood and then shook it. Shook his head.

"No, now, there must be no chance."

Hearing what he said, Belen was also startled, and asked suspiciously: "Why do you think so?"

Regarding this, the Jingu just stared at the man in front of him. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. He sighed, then turned around, waved his hand and left.

Because of you.

Chapter 797: The "Great Sage"?

Belen also didn't understand what Jingong Boy said at the end. In his opinion, there is a great chance. Why is the former so sure that there is no chance?

But since the Jingu boy himself felt that the time had not come, he didn't force it, but it was a pity that he thought he could still watch a good show.

The night passed slowly.

It was already the next day when Belen opened his eyes again, and when he opened his eyes, the very familiar and beautiful face greeted him. He blinked, and then slowly sat up. , Sorted out some confused brains.

Ah, yes, I said everyone should sleep together.

Looking to the left and right, the girls are all lying on Antelina’s big bed, while Antelina is lying in a net-shaped hammock. Obviously, they slept like this because they had no place. Pity her.

Belen got up from the bed and took a look at the quilt covering Illiya's calf. He shook his head helplessly, then pulled the quilt up, and saw the smooth and flat belly, he subconsciously reached out his hand. But the next moment I was stunned, and after a long period of sluggishness, he came back to his senses, and then hurriedly pulled the quilt up, and his heartbeat speeded up inexplicably.

I actually wanted to touch Ilia's belly just now?Isn't this a perverted beast!?


At this moment, Illiya's voice came, and Belen was also startled. He looked at the silver-haired girl who was still lying on the bed facing him.

"You, are you awake? Did I move too much just now?"

In response to this, Illiya just slowly opened the quilt, revealing the smooth and flat belly, and she whispered: "Does brother want to touch it?"

Being caught, being seen!?

Belém's cheeks flushed instantly. He looked at the other girls who were still sleeping on the bed, and then looked at Antrina who was asleep in the hammock. He breathed a sigh of relief. If he heard it, he would be finished. !

Looking back, Belen immediately stretched out his hand to pull the quilt back on Ilia, and then carefully said softly, "I don't want to touch it!"

"But just..."

Belen felt aroused in his heart, and immediately shouted and explained in a low voice: "It's not just now! Who would want to touch his sister's belly!?"

Hearing these words, Illiya's beautiful face showed disappointment, and she murmured: "So my brother hates my stomach so much."


Hearing this, Belen hurriedly waved his hand and shook his head: "I won't hate it! It's just..."

"It's just?" Illiya's mouth curled up slightly.

Seeing the slightly joking look of the girl, Belen was also startled. He scratched the hair on the back of his head, and then said with a weird look: "Ilia, did you mean it on purpose?"

Eliya blinked her eyes innocently and said, "What deliberately?"

Seeing the girl’s appearance, Belen also raised his hand to cover his eyes. He sighed and said, "It should have been known before. After all, Ilia, you are already so old. There is no reason why you don’t know. Yes."

Now Ilia is sixteen or seventeen years old. She is a very mature child. She has studied in Flozarno Academy for more than a year. If you don’t understand these, it’s a strange thing. It.

So, that's all Ilia's little devil side.

Hearing what Belen said, her eyes flickered, and she whispered: "It doesn't matter, my brother is willing to treat me as the little girl before, and I don't care."

"No, the current Illya is the current Illya, I won't do anything like that." Belen shook his head helplessly.

"Mr. Belem, Illya, what are you talking about?"

On the other side of the bed, Laiya also woke up, she sat up and rubbed her eyes, the sling of the right shoulder of her nightdress was hung down, and she had a pure but incomparably charming beauty.

Seeing that Lya woke up, Belen was also shocked, and quickly replied: "It's nothing, it's just chatting with Ilia, nothing happened."

Because she just woke up, Laya was also a little confused, and she didn't notice that Belen was lying. She gave a soft "um", then yawned, and then got off the bed and started changing clothes.

It's too confused!?I'm still here!

Seeing Laiya took off her nightdress, Belen was also shocked, and ran to the circular steps. It took a while before he heard the girls getting up. It took a long time before he walked back. He saw For the girls who have started to groom their hair, I felt a little emotional for a while.

How long can such a beautiful day last?

Immediately afterwards, Antelina also woke up. She fell from the hammock in a daze, and when she fell, she shouted "Ouch" before touching her buttocks and stood up and saw that everyone had already washed up. , She also rubbed her eyes.

"You started so early."

"You got up too late, right? The sun is tanning." Belen couldn't help but vomit, and then thinking of something, he asked curiously: "You talked to Manson yesterday. What?"

Upon hearing this, Antrina also yawned, then smiled and said, "That kid wanted my approval too much, so I approved him yesterday, so I left with satisfaction."

Dismissed like this?

Belen was also shocked when he heard this. How much does that guy admire Antrina, although a little helpless, but this is good too, only as Antrina's only disciple, he absolutely doesn't want to be divided. Out.

"You seemed to be back late last night?" Belen asked curiously again. If you just said those things to Manson, it shouldn't be too long. Antelina seemed to be back late at night last night.

When Beren brought up this incident, Antelina also suddenly remembered something. She smiled and said: "This incident, I was called by Soest at the time, so I came back later."

"Master Elf King?" Belen was startled.

Even the girls looked at them after hearing this sentence.

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