Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 743

Antelina nodded, and then said with a smile: "Because some guests came yesterday, and some things during the battle with the Demon King Army needed me to explain, so I came back so late."

"The guests?"

Hearing that, Belen also raised his brow slightly. Who would be the guest after the war?

Antelina nodded and said, "Those guests were led by the "Great Sage". Maybe the "Braves" and the others had noticed something during the battle."

"Great Sage"?

Belen couldn't help but think of the petite girl. He remembered that girl was a "big sage".

The name seems to be, Novel Dofincury.

Chapter 798: "The Great Sage" is a little girl!

Since Antelina said it was the "Big Sage" who led the team, the "Brave" Cesya should not have arrived. Belen felt a bit regretful. After all, it was quite meaningful to see her acquaintance from another country.

But having said that, they came too late, right?It has been several days since the end of the war, and this speed of support really made Belem a little helpless.

At this time, Laiya's golden eyes lit up slightly, she blinked, and then smiled and said, "Or, let's go meet that "Great Sage" together?"

Lumia immediately agreed: "Okay! I want to see the legendary "Great Sage" too!"

Except for Ilya who met the "Great Sage", the girls all showed very curious eyes. They were full of interest in seeing the legendary "Great Sage"!

Upon seeing this, Belen was also startled, and Antrina smiled and said, "Then go and meet, it's probably beyond your imagination."

La Tier had bright eyes, and couldn't help but curiously asked, "Could it be that the "Great Sage" is a very old grandfather?"

"No, no, no, "Great Sage" must be an old lady who looks respectable!"Lumia on the side can't help but guess.

Seeing the answers that the girls have guessed, Antrina said cheerfully: "So, it will be beyond your imagination."

Upon seeing this, Belen smiled and shook his head. When everyone sees the true face of the "Great Sage", you will probably be surprised, right?After all, it was completely different from what they thought.

Immediately afterwards, everyone immediately set off for the sacred elves. Anyway, with the order that Laiya had given before, they could enter and exit the sacred elves freely, so it was very convenient. On the way, the girls were constantly wondering What kind of person "Zhe" is, full of curiosity.

At the top level of the sacred elves, everyone was walking in the corridor. The girls thought, it’s already at this point in time. Characters like "Great Sage" should be discussing important matters with the "Elves King", so just Just go to that hall.

Seeing the girls looking forward and looking forward, Belen couldn't help but laugh. He couldn't help but look forward to it. It was time for everyone to see the true face of the "Great Sage".

But at this moment, a room on the side of the corridor suddenly opened, and a petite figure walked out of it. It was a girl with a cute double ponytail. She was beautiful, with a bear doll in her arms. She looked I just woke up and yawned full of pajamas. It looked so cute, like a delicate doll.

When Belen saw this girl, he was also startled, and then looked weird. He didn't expect to meet her here, he hesitated, and then walked forward.

The petite girl was Novel the "Great Sage". She rubbed her sleepy eyes, and then noticed a few figures walking aside, her big black and shiny eyes looked at the head of the white hair. Man, she was startled slightly, raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and then opened her mouth wide.

""White-haired Sword Saint"?is it you?"

Belen nodded his head with a weird expression, and then asked: "It's all a bit, did you just get up?"

"Sisya told me that the long sleeper grows faster!" Nowell blinked and responded, then looked at the other figures.

Lumia's eyes lit up, she immediately walked up and picked up Novell. She said with gleaming eyes, "This kid is so cute!"


Being suddenly picked up, Novel was also stunned, and then quickly said: "Let me down! What are you going to do? Let me down!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I can't help seeing cute things...hehehe." Lumia was also taken aback, she quickly put Novel down, and then laughed idiotically. He looked at the petite girl with intoxication.

Novel smoothed the folds of her dress silently, and then looked at Antelina who was aside. She was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Master Sword Saint, why are you here?"

Seeing the girl asked, Antrina also smiled and said: "Because these children want to see the "Great Sage", I will follow."

Novel was startled, and asked curiously: "See me?"

"Hey, Mr. Belen, do you know this kid? How cute!" Latier was also curiously looking at the little girl with two pony tails.

"This one..."

However, Novel only heard La Tier's name and immediately shouted dissatisfied: "I am not a child! I am older than you! I am nineteen years old! I am now eighteen!"

what?Ten...18 years old?

Hearing these words, the girls' expressions were instantly dull, and all their eyes fell on the petite girl with two ponytails. Is this kidding?

"Bei, Mr. Belen?" Latier looked at the white-haired man beside him stiffly, as if he wanted to get the answer from the latter.

Belen also scratched his cheek helplessly. He nodded and said, "Well, she's right."


The eyes of the girls were full of shock. Laya couldn’t believe that the petite girl in front of her was eighteen years old, and Lumia, Latier and Latis couldn’t believe that the girl in front of her was even bigger than herself. Big!

"There is also..." Belen laughed blankly after seeing the girls, he said: "This person in front of you is the "big sage" you want to meet."

The girls who were still in shock had their eyes widened at this moment. Compared with the abnormal age information before, the latter information was even more incredible.

"How is it possible!? How could "Great Sage" be a child?"

Shouldn't "the Great Sage" be an old woman?"

"How could she be a "Great Sage"?"

Hearing what the girls said, Nowell's face immediately turned black, and she shouted in embarrassment, "Why can't I be a "big sage"!?Also, I am not a child!I am an adult!Who said that the "big sage" must be an old man!?"

Although this is full of countless incredible things, in fact it is true. The petite and cute little girl with two pony tails in front of me is the famous "big sage" who has made countless demon soldiers on the battlefield. Terrified Terran Ace Sergeant!

Seeing the girls in shock and unable to return to their senses, Belen also secretly laughed, knowing that it would be like this. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would not believe that the "big sage" would be such a cute little one. Girl's.

Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Nine: See Burfis Again

This child turned out to be a "Great Sage".

At this moment, Latir and Lumia are in a state of confusion, and all the illusions about the "Great Sage" in their minds are broken, and they have an extremely incredible feeling.

Laya on the side was okay, but she felt very fresh, and she was also full of curiosity communicating with this lovely "Great Sage".

"Master Sage, is it comfortable to live this night?"

Hearing this name, the little girl immediately showed a satisfied look, but then said apologetically: "Even when you were in crisis, you couldn't even provide support. You were so kindly entertained. Ashamed."

Regarding this, Laya smiled and shook her head and said: "It's not to blame you, it's because our defenses were not done well in advance, which allowed the Demon King Army to easily invade."

Novel raised her head and looked at those golden eyes. Her pink pupils flickered slightly, and she said thoughtfully: "Your eyes are like the "Elven King"."

Upon hearing this, Laya also smiled and said, "That's my father."

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