Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 745


Even the "Great Sage" Nowel was stunned for a while, and then smiled helplessly. She said: "The name "Sword Saint" has been taken by the Elf clan Antrina for a long time. The "White-haired Sword Saint" who is comparable to the "Sword Saint" name will actually be a disciple of the "Sword Saint." This is really big news."

You know that "Sword Saint" symbolizes the highest point in the field of Swordsmanship, and "White Haired Sword Saint" is to distinguish it from the other highest point of "Sword Saint". Unexpectedly, there will be It's the teacher-student relationship. If the world knew about this, it would probably be dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Nowell broke the weird atmosphere, she immediately said loudly: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, it's time to work!"

Knowing that Novel and others were going to assist the "elven king" Soest and many elders of the elven clan to repair the enchantment, with the help of Antelina and Laya's decision, Belen and his party also accompanied them. .

At the top of the elves sacred tree, the root of the enchantment is located above the elves shrine. It is surrounded by endless branches and leaves, and in the center is a circular magic circle floating there, but at this moment it is already It was dilapidated, because in the great battle that day, the magical fluctuations that collided between the highest combat powers destroyed the enchantment of the Fairy Forest.

Soest was also shocked when he saw the arrival of Belen and others, but then he returned to normal. This is a forbidden place. Only the highest level of the Elves and the people allowed by the "Elven King" can enter here. , But since it was brought by the "Sword Saint" and "Elven King", that's another matter.

Although Soest is very old-fashioned, after seeing Laya's growth, his old-fashionedness has also melted a lot. Since Laya and Antelina trust people, he should treat them equally.

Soest retracted his gaze and said, "Since everything is here, let's start."

"it is good."

Nowell nodded slightly, and then stepped forward. Her gaze fell on the incomplete magic circle above. A faint brilliance bloomed in the pink eyes, sweeping through all the incomplete enchantment magic circle. Place.

Seeing that everyone around did not move, only Nowell was looking at the magic circle above, Ratil also asked curiously: "What is she doing?"

Antelina smiled and said: "She is checking the lines of the damaged enchantment magic circle, because the enchantment of our fairy forest is very large, so to repair it, the location of the damaged lines must be precise, and the "big sage" In this respect, it is better than all of us present."

"Is it so powerful?" Latier looked at the petite figure in surprise. Although she knew that the girl was indeed a "big sage", she could not be aware of her greatness from the outside. .

At this time, Bulffis on the side also smiled and said: "Of course! Nowell’s magical attributes are "insight into the details". Whether it is people or things, she can see clearly with her own eyes. Because of this, she was able to plan tactics repeatedly in the battle with the Demon King's Army."

Magic, insight into autumn.

Belen on the side was also a little surprised when he heard the words, because he was also the first time he knew the magic of the "big sage". He didn't expect it to be such a magical magic. Although Nowell doesn't like being considered a child, even She was eighteen years old, and she was indeed just a child, but despite being such a young girl, she also possessed the ability to make the Demon King's army jealous.

Worthy of being the left arm and right arm of "the brave".

After a while, Novel closed her gaze, and then took out a roll of parchment from the storage container. She spread it out, and then made a pen with her fingers. The magic overflowed from her fingers. She was on the parchment. Begin to portray on the top, there are the magic coordinates of all broken lines.

After the portrayal was completed, Novel looked at the elves, and she smiled and said, "Okay, let's start repairing according to the above."

"Ok... so fast."

The elders of the elves are all shocked. You must know that every time you repair or modify the enchantment, they need to gather all the people who are good at repairing the magic circle, and then spend a few days to finish the whole building. It can be implemented after the boundary check.

However, the very young petite girl in front of her had found out all the broken lines in such a short time.

Is this the "Great Sage"?

Chapter 801: The last trip, let's go see it together

Seeing that the elves began to repair, Nowell also found a damaged pattern and started to help, and Antelina also went up, repairing the enchantment as soon as possible is also a guarantee for the forest of elves.

This enchantment is different from the general enchantment. It also has the ability to transmit space. Although in the war, the magic power stored in the Fairy Forest was almost used by Laya.

Despite this, Soster had already planned to launch a space teleportation to leave here. After all, the location of the Fairy Forest has been exposed. In case the demons have any thoughts about this place, it is better to leave early, and survive this time. I have to say that I was really lucky.

But Burfis and others also found the broken lines one by one and started to help repair them. The blind woman did not step forward, but stood still at the highest point. She had the task of protecting the law.

When everyone began to repair the broken lines one by one, Belen and others also looked at the enchantment magic circle curiously. This enchantment probably also has a long history.

At the side, the cat-eared girl Latier came up and asked cautiously: "Mr. Belen, won't we get in the way here?"

Hearing this, Belen couldn't help laughing: "What's the matter? Are you feeling a little boring?"

La Tier, who was said to have been hit, also blushed, lowered her head somewhat embarrassedly, and then nodded, she whispered: "It's boring to keep watching."

"That's it."

Belen nodded, he naturally knew how boring it was to watch others repair the magic circle, so he looked at the girls, smiled and asked, "Or else, go out and play?"

Hearing these words, Kitty Latis' eyes lit up and she asked aloud, "Can you?"

"Of course." Belen nodded.

Laiya on the side also said apologetically: "You go and play, sorry, I insisted on coming over, forgot to consider your feelings."

"it does not matter."

Lumia shook her head, and then smiled and said, "Then let's go play first. We've been watching here and can't help much. Instead, we are about to fall asleep."

"Yeah." Laya smiled and nodded her head, and then walked to the sheepskin scroll. Because of the protection of the Fairy Forest, she can also understand the magic coordinates above, so she also joined to help repair the knot. The ranks of the world.

Since then, Belen left here with everyone. Although he can help repair the barrier, he is not a hardworking person. A group of people took the elevator back to the ground.

After stepping out of the sacred elves, Belen looked at the girls, smiled and said, "You can go and play by yourself."

Upon hearing this, Ratil asked curiously: "Will Mr. Belém be with us?"

"I have a place I want to see, so I won't go play with you." Belen said, looking at the distant mountains and forest, his expression gradually softened.

"Mr. Belém, you are going..." Latier seemed to think of something, and she pressed her lips into silence.

The girls already knew about Nit, so after seeing Belen’s look, they realized where he was going now, probably where Nit and the Elder Emily lived?

Belen turned his head and said with a smile: "Well, let's go and play, I will be back before dinner."

"OK then."

Ever since, the girls left here together, knowing that Belén needs someone to go there to be quiet, and in order not to hinder him, they are now going to find the Shrine and Ofer Strings. These days, they But they have become very good friends, and I don't know how they both recovered.

After watching the girls go away, Belen also turned around and walked towards the mountain forest. He looked calm, with a faint brilliance flowing in his dark blue eyes. Because he has never been there, he needs to borrow a little from himself. The power of the eyes.

After walking for a long time, it wasn't until noon that Belem finally walked on the rugged path, which he learned from Laiya.

From the day he came to the Fairy Forest, did that man come here for a tryst?

After bypassing the trail, Belen walked into the wide area. In front of his sight was a small waterfall and pond, and besides there was a small courtyard, quiet and serene.

Is this the place where Elder Emily stayed for thousands of years?

Belen walked toward the courtyard, and his eyes fell on the motionless swing, probably this swing is something very meaningful to Elder Emily.

Sitting down at the stone table, Belen looked at the pond, his eyes gradually blurred, as if vaguely seeing two people standing there.

"Saving grace, only working hard to the last moment can be counted as my reward." Belen murmured so, a faint smile appeared on his delicate face.

"I'm really curious, what kind of story did you have a thousand years ago? But think about it, it is full of all kinds of bitterness and bitterness? But looking at you, it must be a very exciting time."

Although talking to himself, Belém seems to be talking to someone.

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