Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 746

The story of a thousand years ago is nowhere to be found in this era, but Belém is very fortunate to have the opportunity to have a chat and laugh with people from a thousand years ago, and walk a journey together.

It's really curious, the world a thousand years ago, things that were a thousand years ago, they were a thousand years ago.

It's probably a wonderful place as the final place for the two of you?She waited for him, he arrived as promised, and then returned hand in hand with satisfaction.

What I saw that day was really a dreamlike scene.

"Even if you want to leave, you should always leave something for me? So that I can remember it." Belen began to complain, and he muttered, "How good is it to listen to my child?"

The things that should be done in the Fairy Forest have been done, and the unexpected things have been experienced, and repairing the enchantment is probably the last thing, it is really inexplicable.

Belen exhaled a long breath, then raised his head and looked at the blue sky. With the help of those two, he had the strength to go on. Then use this last time to witness more things, no matter what How can we not live up to the spirit of the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, Belen stood up, and he turned his head and glanced at the house, because Leia had asked Soest, so this place will probably disappear with time.

Entering the room, Belen’s eyes fell on the wooden table. When he saw the jade jade pendant on the table, his eyes opened slowly. After a while, his eyes His eyes became sour and gradually became moist. He smiled helplessly and walked up, then took the jade jade pendant, and he looked at it.

"Ah, have you planned? You guy."

Crystal tears fell from his cheeks, Belen was smiling, he put the jade pendant on his chest, he choked for a while, and then sighed.

"Then the last trip, let's go see it together."

(End of Volume Eight)

Volume 9: The journey continues

Chapter 802: Please advise me too!

"Huh? Are you leaving?"

When they learned that Belen had planned to leave, the girls were all startled. They all looked at the white-haired man holding the tea. The latter was also a little uncomfortable being stared at.

Belen coughed dryly, then smiled and said, "It's been so long since I came to the Fairy Forest. I thought, since everything is done, it's time to leave. Can't you stay here forever?"

Hearing this, La Tier was also taken aback, and then after thinking about it, he nodded and said, "That's what I said. If you count it carefully, it's been two months, right?"

"Has it been so long? I didn't even pay attention." Lumia was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that she and others had stayed in the Fairy Forest for so long.

"Woo, are you leaving? What about Sister Laiya?"

Ratis suddenly spoke at this moment and said one thing that everyone cares most about. Although they came to the Fairy Forest for Laya, they wanted to take Laya to leave when they left, but I didn’t know if the latter was the case. willing.

At this time, Laya and Antelina are not here, because the barrier has not been repaired yet, and the two of them are still helping out at the top of the sacred tree, but it's already the night, and they will be back soon if they want to come. .

If possible, everyone hopes that Laya can travel with them again, although in their opinion, it may be a little difficult now, because Laya is now the "King of Elves", and she may also have her own important Things have to be done.

Immediately afterwards, Latier remembered something. She got up from the bed and looked at Belém. She said, "Mr. Belém, I want to go out."

"Well, you go."

Belen knew that La Tier was going to see the beautiful young man with purple hair, but then again, it was a pity that it was like this. He had intentionally matched La Tier with the Shrine, but now he is leaving the Fairy Forest. , Will we meet again in the future?

When he thinks of this, he is a little tangled, what can he do now?Because in his opinion, the atmosphere between Latir and the shrine is very good, but it still takes time to break in.

At this moment, Lumia also stood up and said: "Belen, I want to go out too!"

"I'll go with you, Lumia." Hill also stood up.

Lumia smiled and nodded.

"Ah, go go go."

Belen nodded, and you don’t need to think about it, you know that Lumia and Hill are going to find the knight girl Overy Strings. The three of them are now very close friends. If they were to be separated, it would be a bit regretful. And sad.

Ever since, after La Tier, Rumia, and Hill left, only Ilia, La Tis, and Belen were left in the house. The kitten was lying on the big bed bored at the moment. Looking intently at the fading bead above, as for Yi Liya, she quietly leaned on the bedside reading a book.

Looking at the beautiful girl who was quietly reading the book, Belen was also lost, but the reason for his loss was not because of Ilia's quiet beauty, but thinking of where he and others would go next.

I mentioned this matter with Ilia long before coming to the Fairy Forest. She must also really want to return to Sigmar again, that is to say, the route has already been decided.


Hearing Belen's call, Illiya also raised her head, her delicate and beautiful face revealed a puzzled look, and her silver-black star eyes looked at the former.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Looking at the curious girl, Belen also smiled and said, "Next, let's go to your hometown to have a look. It must be a very beautiful place, right?"

This is not a word like exposing scars, because for Ilya, it has become the past, and it is the place with the best time in the first life. Even now, it is impossible to give up that feeling and mood.

When Ilia heard these words, she was stunned, her eyes were shining, as if she was thinking of something, the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and she showed a smile that could make anyone's heartbeat. .


After hearing the conversation between the two, the kitten lying on the bed in a daze suddenly sat up, and said with a surprised look: "Where are you going next? Is Ilia's hometown?"


Belen nodded, and then noticed something again. He curiously said, "Speaking of which, Latis, you are younger than Ilia. Isn't it too rude to call your name?"


Hearing this, Latis also blinked her big cute eyes. She muttered, then nodded and said softly, "Sorry, brother, I see."

At this time, Illiya also shook her head and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what Latis calls me, after all, we are a family."

Hearing what she said, the kitten's eyes lit up, and immediately turned around and plunged into Ilia's arms, rubbing her head against the girl's chin, very intimate.

"Hmm! Illya is so good!"

Upon seeing this, Belen also smiled and said: "Illya is so mature, it really worries me, my majesty as an elder is almost gone."

Illya squeezed Latis’s face, and after hearing Belen’s words, she curiously said, "What do you want me to be like?"

"Huh?" Belen was also startled, and then shook his head again and again. He scratched his hair and said with a smile: "I don't need to be like what I am. Illia is Illia, and I don't need to be anything other than herself. ."

Hearing that, Illiya also tilted her head, as if she didn't understand, she whispered: "My brother will also say something that people don't understand."

"Haha, isn't it?" Belen couldn't help but laugh.

Immediately afterwards, two figures walked in from the upper entrance. It was Laya and Antelina who had been busy. The presenter was a little confused when he saw that there were only three people in the house.

"You are back."

Walking down the steps, Laya looked around curiously, and Belen knew what she was looking for, so he smiled and replied, "Because they are about to leave, they went to bid farewell to their friends."

"What!? Are you going to leave?"

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