Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 747

Laiya opened her eyes wide, then raised her finger and pointed at herself, "Then that, what about me?"

Seeing how surprised the girl was, Belen was also startled. He lowered his head, then blinked his eyes and said, "I don't know what you think of Laiya, so I want to tell you about it, although I hope you can walk with us, but after all your status is different now, so..."

"Then, please give me your advice!"

Hearing the girl's words, Belen also raised his head and stared at the girl with a smile in front of him in a daze. Then, a faint brilliance flashed in the dark blue eyes, and his face showed a happy smile.


Chapter 803: Have you kissed?

After learning that Laiya was going to travel together, the kitten immediately jumped up and hugged her, looking very happy. For her, Laiya is also an extremely important family member.

"Sister Laya!"

When the kitten rubbed her cheek, Laya also giggled and said, "Okay, okay, Lattes is really good."

Seeing everyone enjoying themselves, Antrina sighed and said, "It's a pity, I can't accompany you to leave."


Latis came out of Laiya's arms with sadness on her delicate little face. She muttered: "No, Aunt An will go with us!"

Hearing the kitten's words, Antrina smiled and walked forward, placing a hand on Latis' head and gently stroking.

"The plight of the Fairy Forest has just passed. I need to stay here. I'm sorry, Latis."

Belen also came over. He put his hand on Latis's shoulder, and then looked at Antelina. He said, "I understand, that's all."

Hearing what he said, Antelina curled her lips and said with a dissatisfaction: "You brat, it seems that you have no idea that I can't leave together."

"Do you think I have any ideas?" Belen rolled his eyes.

Antlena showed aggrieved look again, she muttered: "It's so wronged, the master wants to stay here alone, but her beloved disciple is not disappointed at all, they are almost lonely."

"Okay, okay! If you are lonely, quickly find a man!" Belen immediately interrupted her, replied speechlessly, and he sighed.

"Looking for a man?" Antelina's expression became even more disappointed. She sighed and said, "Do you want your beloved master and other men under the same roof, in the same On the bed, doing those..."

"Stop it!"

When he heard Antrina's words, Belen interrupted her with a blushing face. What's the matter with this woman?Actually speaking such unashamed words in front of so many people!

"So, you want to see me and other men..."

"Ahhhhh! I was wrong, but I was really disappointed!"

Hearing that this woman wanted to continue speaking, Belen was also frightened and immediately surrendered and confessed. He looked helplessly at the woman with a joking smile in front of him, and then, he blushed and turned his head away.

"How can you not be disappointed."

For Belen, Antlerina is not just as simple as a master. Of course he will be disappointed if he can't leave together, but after all, he is no longer a child, so he can't always show the appearance of a child in front of her.

Antelina smiled again after hearing the words: "You say it again."

"Take an inch! Old woman!" Belen immediately exploded.

Seeing that the two are in such a good relationship, the girls also showed a faint smile, while Laiya looked at Antelina thoughtfully, then smiled and shook her head.

This pair of masters and disciples is really...

This "quarrel" still ended with Belém's defeat. He sighed, then looked at Laiya on the side, and he asked curiously: "Laiya, if you leave with us, your father There will be no problems, right?"

Laiya nodded, and then smiled and said: "I have already told my father that if everyone wants to leave, I will leave together, and my father has agreed."

Although Laya is now the "King of the Elves", Soest does not intend to let Laya take over his position now, because for him, Laya is still too young. Now that he has seen her growth, He will no longer limit the future path, and let her do whatever she wants.

It is also because of this matter that Laya can tell everyone her will so easily that she wants to travel with everyone, just like before.

"I really envy you young people." Antelina sighed with emotion, and then she remembered something, and immediately looked at Belem, she said: "Belen, come with me, there are some things to ask. you."

Hearing this, Belem also nodded his head with conscious awareness. He knew what Antelina wanted to ask, and even if the latter did not ask, he would tell her about it.

Following Antrina out of the room, the two came to the high platform looking up at the starry sky. The master and the disciple were about to be separated again, and they didn't know how long it would take to meet again.

Antrina turned around, she looked at her disciple and asked: "Belen, how is your health?"

Although Belén did not die after that war because of Elder Nit and Emily, Antelina has no basis for his physical condition. Since it is almost time to separate, she also wants to Belen got the answer to this question, otherwise she would have been worried.

Belen smiled and said: "It's fine for the time being, and the magic can be used freely."

"For now? How much time is there?" Antelina asked with a frown. This is the question she cares most about.

Regarding this question, Belen also thought about it, and then replied: "It should take two or three years for the dead energy in my body to accumulate to the deadly level."

Two or three years?

Antelina was silent with a frown. Although this was a blessing in misfortune, she didn't expect that even the "Savior" and Elder Emily could only do this together.

Probably, this is nowhere to be solved.

Seeing the silent elf woman, Belen also warmed his heart. He smiled and walked forward and stood in front of Antelina. He said softly: "It's enough. It's already enough to live so long. Very happy thing."

Hearing that, Antrina also raised her head. She looked at the smiling disciple in front of her, and then smiled and shook her head. "You idiot, is this enough?"

"Of course satisfied." Belen responded with a smile.

Antelina shook her head. She smiled and said: "Obviously, you haven't even kissed a girl's mouth. As a man, how can you be so satisfied?"

Hearing this, Belen was also stunned, and then the thin cherry-like lips appeared in his mind, and his cheeks suddenly became red, and he subconsciously turned his head away, which was extremely hot.

Seeing him like this, Antrina was also taken aback, and then showed an unbelievable look. She showed a very surprised expression, and then asked: "Did you kiss?"


"Who is it? Is it Al's?"


Chapter 804: Shouldn’t it be time to travel?

After another three days, the barrier of the Fairy Forest was finally repaired, and Belen and others will also prepare to leave the Fairy Forest today.

Back on the familiar commercial car again, Belém looked at Laiya who was holding a lot of salutes, and he was a little embarrassed. Then he had to put these in the storage container, or else he would have to sleep in the place. Got smaller.

Laiya got his head out of the window and yelled with a smile: "Let's go!"


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