Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 748

Belen also responded with a smile, and then pulled on the reins. The two old men who had been cultivated for two months immediately raised their feet to move forward. They are really full of food and energy these days.

In the sky, two figures are floating in the air. It is the "Elven King" Soest and the "Sword Saint" Antelina. They are also a little bit emotional when they look at the commercial car that is gradually going away.

If it weren't for the people in this commercial truck, maybe the Fairy Forest would be destroyed on that day.

Soest looked at the commercial car that was going away, then slightly bent down and expressed his gratitude again. Then, he thought of something and smiled.

Antelina on the side was also taken aback after seeing him smile. She couldn't help but smile: "It looks like you are in a good mood."

"Of course, after all, he might be holding his grandson soon." Soest said with a smile.

Hearing this, Antelina was startled, her eyebrows were slightly raised, and then she seemed to think of something, and shook her head speechlessly, and then looked far away, with a hint of expectation hidden in it.

When will we meet next time?

At the other end of the forest, Belen drove a commercial vehicle to the edge of the barrier, and at this time it was Laiya’s turn to appear. She stood beside Belen and raised her hand. The magic radiated from her hand. Opening the enchantment also requires certain abilities, and now Laiya is the "elven king".


After Laya's magical power resonated with the barrier, the barrier opened up, and the front became hazy and illusory, and Belen also drove out of the commercial car at this time.

At the moment when the commercial vehicle left the Fairy Forest, Laiya's feet suddenly softened, and when he was about to fall, Belen also hurriedly pulled him into his arms.

"Lay, Laya? What's wrong with you?"

Hearing this worrying voice, the girls also poked their heads out of the window, and looked at the white-haired man holding Laya in confusion.

Laya stretched out her hand and rubbed her somewhat dizzy head. She felt as if she had been emptied at the moment. She coughed a few times before sitting up again.

"No, it's okay, it's just..." Laya shook her head, then looked at her hands, she smiled embarrassingly: "It seems that the protection of the fairy forest on my body seems to be gone."

Hearing this, Belen was also stunned. He looked at the eyes that were still golden, and then said with a smile: "Probably only when you are in the Fairy Forest can you have that power."

"That's a pity." Laiya is also a bit regretful. If she can use that power outside, she can help when she is in danger.

Perceiving some loss of Laya, Belen also put his hand on Laya's head, and he smiled and said, "For power or something, leave it to me and Ilia. Laya only needs to provide advice and care behind. Everyone is fine."


Laiya nodded, but still a little unhappy.

Immediately afterwards, La Tier smiled and said, "Laya, come in and play together? I have got a lot of cards from the shrine!"


Laya smiled again.

Seeing the girl who had recovered, Belen also smiled and said, "Go in, it's a bit cold outside."

Fairy Forest, Fairy Academy.

At this moment, in the student union office of the Elf Academy, a young man with purple hair was sitting on an office chair and looking at a large pile of documents in front of him speechlessly.

On the side, a beautiful long-haired woman is holding a folder and wearing a pair of glasses. She has a kind of intellectual beauty, which is completely different from the usual beauty of her as a knight Ji Yingzi.

"These are all the documents you want to review, you will grow up."

Upon hearing this slightly joking remark, Jingu also sighed: "Don't be kidding, how can I review so many documents?"

"You know, too?" Ofer Yinxian glanced at her, and then snorted: "Humph, when you shook your hand at the shopkeeper, who did you think helped deal with the files?"

Hearing that, the Shrine was also a little helpless, but he really didn't want to be the president of the student council, but he also knew he was wrong, and he didn't refute anything. At the moment, only an apology would do.

"I know it's wrong, Vice President, can you help me solve it together?"

That kind of arrogant temperament would only come out in front of his childhood sweethearts.

Ofer Yinxian squinted at the boy with purple hair, and then snorted: "I will help you solve a little bit, and you will do the rest by yourself, and you will not accept the refutation."

"Yes, yes." Jingu looked bitter, but it's better to have help than nothing, he thought so.

Immediately afterwards, Ofer Yinxian walked to the back of the shrine, her gaze looked into the distance outside the window, and she murmured: "Lumia and the others should have left the Fairy Forest."

For the first foreign friend I met, Ofer Yinxian was still a little bit reluctant, but she also knew that Lumia and the others would not stay in the Fairy Forest forever.


When he heard Ofer's string, Jingu also turned around, and subconsciously murmured the name of the girl with cat ears, his expression gradually softened.

However, after hearing this murmur, Ofer Yinxian's body became stiff, and then turned to stare at the beautiful purple-haired boy in front of him, looking at him coldly.

"Why, what's the matter?" The shrine was also stared at and uncomfortable, and his heart jumped slightly, always feeling that the childhood sweetheart facing this moment was more nervous than facing the King Kong?

Ofer Strings said coldly: "Whose name were you calling?"

"No, no..." Jingu began to sweat and didn't know why he lied, but he always felt that it was better to answer like this at this time.

"Oh?" Ofer Yinxian snorted, then put the papers in his hand on the table, walked straight out of the office, and left a very angry sentence.

"Solve the file yourself!"

Seeing the figure leaving angrily, the shrine was also a little confused. Why did she just say a name and made her so angry? Is there any contradiction between La Tier and her?Didn't you see it a few days ago?

Forget it, I will apologize next time when we meet.

The shrine shook his head, then turned around and looked at the sun on the horizon outside the window. He smiled and said to himself: "Should I go on a trip? Will I meet it?"

Chapter 805: Hill's grievance

It’s been a week since I left the Fairy Forest, and I told you about the next thing I'm going to Sigmar. The route has been determined, but because Sigmar is located in the western region outside the country, the distance is very far, short. Naturally it will not be there.

At dinner that day, Belen turned his eyes on the girls while chewing, and immediately afterwards, he looked at the girl with long brown curly hair, he was slightly startled, and then slowly spoke.

"By the way, Hill, is it really okay for you to follow us overseas like this?"

Hearing what he said, Hill was also stunned. She swallowed the food she had chewed in her mouth. She blinked and said, "No problem, what's the matter?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing." Belen shook his head repeatedly, and immediately lowered his head to continue eating.

In his heart, Hill is the only heir of the Borgiacorti family, and his status is very noble. Moreover, Hill and her father have taken care of everyone for more than a year, which is very kind to him. It always feels a bit too random to take Hill out of the country like this.

Seeing Belen's appearance, Hill also frowned slightly. She hesitated, then lowered her head to continue eating, but it seemed that her mood was indeed affected and she didn't know what she thought of.

The girls on the side looked at them curiously.

Soon after the meal was over, Belen began to tidy up the table. The girls came to help, and Hill also helped with the dishes and came to Belen who was washing the dishes. She squinted at the person beside her. , And then speak slowly.

"What does that sentence mean?"

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