Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 750

Upon seeing this, Lumia was also aware. She looked at Ilia, then smiled and nodded. The latter also blinked, and immediately looked at the white figure that had arrived.

When Belen came here, he could vaguely see the already swollen eye sockets, and his heart couldn't help but pull it up. What he didn't see was the girl crying, especially the girl he knew well.

Seeing his arrival, Lumia and Ilia also made room for the two of them, and Lumia said seriously when she passed Belem: "Hill is sad for her."

"Well, I see." Belen nodded, then took a deep breath and walked forward. He must be responsible for the mistakes he made.

Hearing the footsteps beside him, Hill couldn't help but shook her hand. She pressed her lips, and then couldn't help shouting: "Don't come close, just stand there, and go back as soon as you finish!"

"Okay, I'm standing here."

At this moment, Belen strode up again and stood in front of Hill. The girl was also taken aback, and subconsciously took a step back, but stepped on the stone and almost fell to the ground. At this moment, a strong arm stopped her waist to help her.

"Be careful."

When she was stunned, such a word came in her ear, and Hill also recovered. She looked at her face close to her and pressed her lips tightly, then stood up and pushed the person in front of her away. , Showing anger.

"Just stand there!"

Belen said with some embarrassment: "It's already night, I can't see your face by the moonlight."

With that said, Belen raised a hand again, and the crystal blue magic power radiated, and the light illuminated this dark place, and it also allowed both sides to see each other's face clearly.


This is the first sentence Belen started. He came to apologize, not just because he said "I'm sorry" because he was wrong, but because of the guilt in his heart and the desire to treat the girl as a real family member. mood.

Hearing his apology, Hill lowered her head in silence. Although she often quarreled with Belen, when she was really sad, she didn't even want to refute it.

"You don't need to apologize, I am too self-righteous." Hill's voice was a little hoarse, because she was crying, she mocked and said: "I just think so unilaterally."

Think of you as family.

In this case, even the current Hill cannot speak frankly, and although this is not stated, Belen already knows it well.

Hearing the girl’s words, Belen also clenched his hands, and said softly, “No, it’s me who caused this scene. Although I always thought I thought of you Hill as a family member, in fact it was not like that. It’s not because Latier and Laya told me your thoughts, maybe I will keep doing this wrong."

Hill did not reply, but stood there with her head down and did not look at Belen. Her hands were tightly gripping the corners of her dress. Her mood was extremely complicated, but in the next moment, she slowly widened. I closed my eyes and saw that figure stepped forward again and came to her, and words that made her mind tremble came in her ears.

"I don't hate Hill, or it can be said that I like Hill a little. I like Hill's sometimes clumsy but arrogant temperament." Belen stretched out his hand on the girl's head, and said seriously: "Hey Well, I won’t be in that half-hearted mood anymore, I want to be your family."

He wanted to say this more than an apology.

However, Hill was stunned when he heard these words. After a while, her small face was immediately covered with blush. She immediately stretched out her hand to push the person in front of her, and then shouted: "What are you talking about!? "

Isn't this the same as confession?

"I said, I want to be Hill's family!" Belen repeated this sentence very firmly.

Although the focus is on this sentence, it is not this sentence that makes Hill very concerned. She blushed and gritted her teeth. The previous anger disappeared suddenly, and all that was left was shame. The guy in front of her, What a hopeless idiot, do you know what you are talking about?

However, thanks to his gift, I feel much better.

"I don't want to be your family." Hill snorted, then turned his head and ran in the direction of the commercial truck, as if he didn't want to talk about Belen anymore.

Seeing the girl leaving, Belen was startled, then raised his hand and grabbed his hair. He didn't figure out for a while, did Hill forgive himself or not?

But it seemed that Hill's anger had disappeared a lot.

Chapter 807: Warm

After more than a month, Belen and others finally reached the western border of Florentis. As long as they crossed this side, they were outside the country, not far from Sigmar.

However, in this month, the war broke out again. According to rumors, the "Braves" led the coalition forces into the Demon King Army barracks in the Eastern Theater to achieve a great victory. With the victory of that battlefield, the horn of war was sounded again. War zones are fierce.

Of course, the same is true in Western theaters.

The West of Florentis is also an extremely huge theater of war. A lot of combat power has been invested here. Because of this, a large number of residents here also fled here and moved to other places.

The news of the start of the war is not good news for Belém and his party, because they are now going overseas and to Sigmar, maybe that side has become a battlefield now.

It's a headache now.

But even so, they have to leave the country. They don't know how long it will take until the war is over. He doesn't have that much time to wait.

The silver-haired girl sitting next to Belem glanced at the soldiers walking around, then looked at the man beside her, and asked with red lips, "Brother, are you still going?"

Belen was startled, then looked at the girl, he smiled and said: "Of course I am going, I can't wait to see Ilia's hometown."

Hearing this, Illiya also trembled her eyes slightly, and she whispered softly: "But now I am fighting, and I may encounter a lot of trouble."

"Illya is such a good boy." Belen smiled and reached out and rubbed the girl's head. He knew that Illya didn't want everyone to get into trouble, so he wanted to change her mind.

"But don't worry, we haven't experienced any trouble, isn't it just fighting, we just avoid a point, if we can't avoid it, then we will defeat all of them and go over!"

For Belém, although time is no longer so urgent, he now cherishes time more than ever, doing more things he wants to do, seeing more things he wants to see. It is the most important thing, and now, to accompany Ilia back to her hometown is the most important thing now, how can it be defeated by a little trouble?

Without hesitation, he drove the commercial vehicle out of the city and headed towards the west.

Illiya, who was sitting on the side, looked at the white-haired man beside her, with a sweet smile on her heart-wrenching face. She turned her head and looked into the distance with satisfaction, her eyes drifting away, as if she could see That familiar sea.

Belen turned his head, and smiled when he saw the glamorous girl. In order to make the girls show such an expression, he did his best.


After leaving the empire, the land looked extremely desolate and uninhabited, and the cold wind at the end of the road that could not be seen at a glance was more icy than the wind felt in the empire, and even felt a chill meaning.

"It's cold."

At this moment, Illya is sitting next to Belen. Although it is autumn, she didn’t feel too cold when she was in the empire, so she was relatively thinly dressed. She only had a long sleeve and a normal one. The trousers were cold and shivering at this moment.

Seeing the girl shivering, Belen couldn't help but said: "Latier, go back to the room, don't come out to accompany me."

"No, Mr. Belen has been driving a commercial car alone these days, and I want to accompany you!" Latier shook her head and refused. She wrapped her arms around her chest, her body still shaking.

Upon seeing this, Belen was also taken aback, then turned his head and opened the window a bit. He said, "Laya, help Latier get a thicker dress."


Laya in the room responded, and then quickly took out a brown coat from the room, and Belen took it and handed it to Ratil.

"Put it on, you will catch a cold and fever if you freeze it."

La Tier nodded, then took the coat and put it on. The trembling of her body gradually eased. She exhaled, because the temperature was very low, so she could see the breathing mist.

Immediately afterwards, La Tier looked at the man beside her, and asked a little concerned: "Mr. Belen, how long can we get to Sigmar?"

"It's about a month." Belen estimated and gave such an answer.

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