Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 751

Because the terrain outside Belem is not clear, let alone a place that has never been visited before, even if there is a map, there is no way to confirm a shortcut, besides, now, during the war, you might encounter the army.

Sigmar, the hometown of Ilia.

Latier also looked forward to the day when she arrived at Sigmar in her heart. After all, it was the hometown of Ilia, but she was still a little worried about Ilia, because she already knew about Ilia’s past. Will the child feel sad when he arrives at the hometown where everything is right and wrong?

Immediately afterwards, La Tier stood up, she suddenly wanted to chat with Ilia, and she suddenly stood up but was surprised by Belen.

"Latier, what's the matter?"

The cat-eared girl looked at Belen and said with a smile: "I suddenly want to chat with Ilia, so Mr. Belen, I will go in first."

"Ah, let's go in." Belen was stunned and smiled. Although he didn't know what Latier thought of, he seemed to be a little worried about the child of Ilia.

Since then, La Tier opened the window and went straight in. The movements were very smooth. After all, she had experienced countless times, and when she returned to the room, she exclaimed in surprise.

"So warm!"

Laya looked at Latier and smiled and said, "Because Illya used magic to isolate most of the air outside, it became warmer inside."

Hearing the exclamation inside, Belen also shook his head helplessly. Then, he noticed something again. He immediately raised his head and saw the falling white objects faintly. He was slightly startled and then laughed. .

"Oh, oh, it's winter again."

Snow fell in the sky, and the weather outside this country seemed to change faster than in the empire. It seemed that winter had already entered, so it had already begun to snow.

It's not the first time Belém has seen snow outside, but this time he didn't feel as cold as before, because of the laughter from the room behind him, his whole body was warm now.

Although it's overseas, it doesn't make a difference to him, because ah, his family is by his side.

Chapter 808: People from other countries abroad

The weather on this day was very gloomy and cold, with dark clouds everywhere, and from time to time thunder could be heard. Not only rain but also snow fell from the sky.

By the window of the commercial vehicle, the little cat, Latisi, was lying on the window, looking at the running water on the outer wall of the window, her big eyes flashing.

"It's raining outside!"

Seeing the wagging tail, Laiya also said with a smile: "To be precise, it is raining and snowing outside, but don't go out, it's very windy outside."

Latier on the side also stood up when she heard the words. She looked at the figure outside the window in front of her, and said with some worry: "Mr. Belém, why don't you change me? Come in and rest for a while."

Hearing the sound from the rear room, although it was a little fuzzy due to the sound insulation problem, he could still hear it clearly, and Belen was also startled. He turned his head to look at the cat-eared girl in the window, smiled and shook his head.

It's windy and cold outside, and it's still raining and snowing. How can you let La Tierde drive out by himself?

At this moment, Belen's heart suddenly jumped. He looked to the right, and there was a faint brilliance flowing in the dark blue pupils, and he could see that there was a lot of magic power over there.

Someone was fighting there, and they were approaching quickly.

After a while, two figures appeared in Belen’s sight. One figure was shot out, but the person who was chasing after had wolf-like claws, and the path in front of the trail directly penetrated that figure. Tao figure's chest.


Belen noticed the creature that had been pierced through his chest. It had weird magic patterns on his body. There was no doubt that it was a soldier of the Demon King's army. Then the one who killed him was...

"The soldiers of the Demon King's Army have this strength, bah."

It was a tall man with short black hair and ferocious eyes. His clothes were soaked by rain. With a flick of his long arm, he tossed the corpse away. He sneered with disdain, and then again. After noticing something, he raised his head and looked at the commercial vehicle that was driving on the trail.

"Aha? Someone will come to such a place." The tall man cast his gaze on the white-haired man driving the commercial truck, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because the opponent was in the way, Belen had to stop the commercial vehicle first, and he whispered: "Illya, don't let everyone out, just stay inside."

Although there was no response, Belen knew that Ilia had heard it, and then he turned his gaze on the blood-stained man.

He could see that the blood stains on the opponent's body were not only from the demons, but also from humans.

At this time, many figures came out of the mountain forest, not only men, but also a few hotly dressed women, and they all had the same characteristics, blood stains.

Just finished the killing.

The tall man hung the wolf claws by his side, with his other hand on his waist back to normal, he stared at the white-haired man in the car, and said with a smile: "There are people in such a remote place? Where are you from of?"

Belen replied calmly: "Erot City."

Erot City was the border city where he last came out, and it has been half a month since he arrived abroad. It is a long distance from Erot City.

"Are you from the Florentine Empire?" The man looked at Belem, then looked at the commercial car behind him, his eyes fell in the window, and he could see a girl with cat ears poking out. .

Belen also noticed that Latis was peeping, but he did not turn his head to look at her now, but calmly stared at the guys who were already standing in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the man withdrew his gaze. He laughed and said: "My name is Corgi. These are my companions. We are adventurers from the Andirica Empire. We happened to meet the devil's tribe, so we solved it by the way. Up."

So, what about the human blood on you?

Belen looked very calm and didn't ask this sentence. He probably knew what these guys were, but he didn't really care because he didn't want to get in trouble.

Immediately afterwards, the tall man named Corgi smiled and said, "This young friend, it's raining and snowing this day, and we don't have umbrellas. Can you take us for a ride and leave this mountain forest? "

In this regard, Belem replied very plainly: "Sorry, my commercial vehicle is no longer available."

There are a dozen or so people on the other side, and none of them seem to be good. How could Belen allow these guys to enter his commercial vehicle.

Corgi didn’t give up on his refusal. He still smiled and said: “Don’t be so ruthless. Now we are fighting against the Demon King’s army but the coalition forces of our countries. The people under us should be united, right? It's just a stretch."

"That's it."

A hot woman on the side also agreed. The beautiful Danfeng's eyes fell on the window beside Belen, and she smiled and said, "It just so happens that I am very good at communicating with children. The weather is so bad, she must be scared. Great, I can talk to them with them."

However, Belen vetoed it with an indifferent expression: "Thank you for your kindness, but I'm sorry, there are several children in my family, they can chat and relieve their boredom."

After being rejected again, those people except Corgi squinted their eyes. Although they did not show magic, there was a violent flow of murderous aura, which seemed even more terrifying in this gloomy weather and rain.

Feeling the murderous aura, Belen was still expressionless, and he said flatly: "If it's okay, please get out of it. We're going to pass."


Just as the woman wanted to say something, Corgi on the side raised his hand and stopped her. He smiled and shook his head. There was a gloomy look in his eyes, and then he turned his head and looked towards the car. Gray-haired man.

"That's really a pity, let's meet by chance."

Having said that, Corgi retreated, and the others frowned slightly, and then retreated to give way to a spacious road.

Seeing this scene, Belen also didn't have any expressions. He just drove away in a commercial vehicle, and passed through the middle of the two people without any rush.

As he passed this group of people, Belém's dark blue pupils glanced at Corgi to the side. The two sights were touching in the air, and there was a faint brilliance flowing in the dark blue eyes. Corgi immediately felt it. With an icy cold, he took a step back subconsciously, his heart was suddenly shocked, but when he came back to his senses, the commercial vehicle had already driven ten meters away.

Chapter 809: Ghost Weather, Ghost Story

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