Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 753

Seeing this, Belen was also stunned. He jumped out of the commercial car and looked at the silent girl with his head down. He seemed to think of something, and then slowly spoke.

"Ilia, are you nervous?"

After hearing these words, Yiliya's beautiful eyelashes trembled slightly. She didn't seem to know what her mood was, but at this moment it was illuminated.

Perceiving the strangeness of the girl, Belen was also shocked, because tomorrow she will arrive at the girl’s hometown. Regarding the past, even if she is relieved, she will still have emotions when she returns to her hometown. This is inevitable. Nervousness is probably not just a matter of fact, but the thing that is nervous may also change its appearance.

So, Belen stretched out his hand and took the girl into his arms. He gently placed his hand on the girl’s head and said softly: “Don’t be nervous, it’s all over, even if everything is different, Everyone will accompany you and take on these changes together."

After hearing these words, Ilia also calmed down. She leaned her head on Belen's chest and responded softly. The tension in her heart has disappeared a lot.

At the back of the commercial truck, the little heads of several girls came out. They were eavesdropping on Belen's words. They didn't have any special emotions when they saw the girl cuddling with the white-haired man, but smiled.

In the early morning of the next day, Belén and his party set off again. Before noon, they passed through the forest and came to a plain, looking far ahead, where the ruined walls could be vaguely seen.

Is that the ruins of the Ailuo Kingdom?

Belen looked at the ruined place, and then drove the commercial car past. It took more than a month from leaving Florentis to reaching Sigmar. It was a long journey.

The silver brilliance was falling, and the silver-haired girl stood on the top of the commercial car, her silver-black eyes looked forward, and the familiar scene evoked endless memories.

The rain was heavy that day, but the gunpowder could not be extinguished. The girl in white who walked out of the castle turned into a red dress when she finally left.

Flee to escape, death to death, in the end the country has become empty.

The girl did not cry, but calmly looked into the distance, her long silver hair swaying behind her with the oncoming wind, and the originally very complicated emotions in her heart gradually became simple, only a touch of melancholy.

When Belen drove a commercial vehicle close to the ruined wall, he was startled, a little strange in his heart, because he could see the many magical powers in the ruined wall under the magic dimension.

There are many creatures in it.

Although there are ruined walls all around, there is a wide avenue in front of which Belen entered along this road. He was also stunned when he saw the crowds coming and going.

At this time, Illya also fell by Belem's side. She looked at the people around her curiously, and she was puzzled, because the scene before her was completely different from what she had imagined.


Belén was stunned. He looked curiously at the people and shops around him. It was not so much the ruins of the Ailuo Kingdom as it was a relatively fertile small town.

It has been several years since the fall of the Ailuo Kingdom, and it is not surprising that it will turn into this way, it is just a conflict with Belen's imagination, but he also quickly recognized the reality.



Belen looked at the crowds coming and going, smiled and said, "It should look good now, right?"

Looking at the scene in front of her, the lively bazaar appeared in Iliya's mind. At this moment, a satisfied smile appeared on that beautiful face.


On the slow-moving commercial car, the beautiful girl showed such a beautiful smile, which was stunned by many pedestrians for a while, and she stood there without reacting for a while.

Who is that super beautiful girl?

Countless people have such a problem in their minds. If they have seen it, they will not be unfamiliar. Obviously, the other party came from other places.

Seeing the smile on Elia's face, Belen was also relieved. He smiled slightly and looked forward, and it probably wouldn't be disappointing for him to look like this.

At this time, the heads of Latir and Lumia emerged from the rear window. The former said in surprise, "Is this the hometown of Ilia? It looks so lively!"

Laya also came out and asked expectantly: "Mr. Belém, can we look around later?"

"Well, of course it is possible, but you have to go together. This is a big place. Don't get lost." Belen nodded and exclaimed.

After all, this is the site of the Ailuo Kingdom. Although it is impossible to have the same scale as before, he knew that it was still quite large under his influence.

Lumia murmured a little dissatisfied: "How old are we, where are we going to get lost?"

Hearing that, Belen also turned his head to look at her, and said with a smile: "That's not necessarily."

"Humph!" Lumia snorted, then retracted her head.

Immediately after that, Belen began to talk about the matters that should be paid attention to, and the girls kept their heads down and didn't want to listen. On the side, Ilia looked at the surrounding scenery with a soft expression.

Everything is so familiar and unfamiliar, but very reassuring,

Chapter 811: Ailuo Town

On the second day, Belen thought about it, so Belen also planned to cook a big meal for everyone. After thinking about it, everyone will have to go shopping around, so it's not enough to eat.

"Ah, the fruit is gone."

Belen found this answer after searching for a while. He couldn't help but regret it. Why didn't he bring some fruit out of the Fairy Forest?You should know that the fruits of the Fairy Forest are more plump, plump, tender and delicious than the outside ones.

"Hey, forget it, wait and buy some."

Just after Belén jumped out of the second carriage, he saw Latis standing there, the cat's tail swaying behind him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Brother, I want to eat green fruits!"

Hearing this, Belen also smiled and said, "Brother will buy it right away."

"Eh? Have you finished eating? There are obviously a lot more." Latisi flashed her big eyes, a little surprised. She really likes green fruit, sweet and sour.

Seeing the girl's bewilderment, Belen smiled helplessly: "Isn't it all for Latis? You little greedy cat, you want to eat your brother poor."

"Hey hey."

Latis immediately became ashamed. She smiled awkwardly, then leaned in front of Belem and took his hand, and said with a grin, "I know my brother loves me the most!"

Seeing the coquettish kitten, Belen also felt a little amused. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl's head, and said, "Yes, yes, so it doesn't matter if Latis is poor."

"I won't eat poor brother!"

"That's hard to say."

Just as Belen was laughing at Latis, Laya walked over and saw the shy kitten and shook her head helplessly.

"Mr. Belen, you're teasing Latis again."

Hearing what she said, Belen pinched the kitten's face with both hands, then turned his head, he smiled and said, "Who makes Latis so cute?"

"Alright, alright, let go of Latis!" Laiya immediately came to help.

When Belen let go of Lattes, the kitten ran aside, then turned around and made a grimace on the front, sticking out his tongue playfully and ran to play.

Seeing this quirky little guy, Belen felt very funny. Then, he looked at Laiya next to him and said, "By the way, I am going to buy fruit in that town now. I beg you here."

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