Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 754

"Go to town?"

Hearing this, Laiya's golden eyes also turned, and then her eyes lit up. She smiled and said, "Then I will go with Mr. Belém!"

"Are you going too?" Belen was startled.

"Yeah!" Illiya nodded in response

Upon seeing this, Belen didn't have any comments, he nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go together."

Ever since, the two of them walked towards the town together. If it was night, they would have closed the stall a long time ago. Fortunately, it was still morning, and Belen happened to be interested in this new town.

This is the town that emerged after the fall of the Ailuo Kingdom. Seeing that its scale is not large enough to be called a country, it probably doesn't have a long history. Perhaps it has gradually evolved in the past two years.

Before coming to a fruit stand, Belén chose some fresh fruits, and did not plan to take them away in large quantities, because it is really troublesome to preserve them. Since I will stay here these days, I just buy some occasionally. All right.

"Ah! What a beautiful girl!"

The young fruit seller also brightened her eyes when she saw Laiya standing next to Belen. It was the first time she saw such a beautiful girl, so she was so surprised.

Laya herself is a very beautiful girl, but after she became the "King of Elves," her temperament became more light and agile, and her golden eyes were rare in the world, as dazzling and beautiful as the sun.

Hearing the other's exclamation, Laiya was also startled, and immediately showed a sweet smile. She bent down slightly, and then smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

The young female boss shook her hands together, and said very happily: "This is the first time I have seen you such a beautiful girl."

"You are also very beautiful!" Laiya smiled sweetly.

"Ahhhhhh, what a sweet-mouthed girl." The young female boss was also in a good mood. Then she looked at the white-haired man on the side and said with a smile: "Could it be that this is yours? Boyfriend?"

"Huh?" Laiya was stunned, her cheeks flushed suddenly, she shook her head and waved her hand quickly: "No, no, no!"

Upon seeing this, the young female boss was also stunned, and then she thought of something, patted her hands, smiled and said, "Ah, it turns out to be a husband and wife! Really young! I'm not married yet!"


Laya's face was flushed, and the top of her head started to steam, and she would not know what to do if she really made others tease about this kind of thing.

Belen on the side also picked the fruit, and was startled after hearing the dialogue between the two. He immediately smiled and said: "Misunderstanding, we are just brothers and sisters."

"Brother and sister?"

The young female boss was startled, and then looked curiously at the hair color and pupil color of the two of them. She was a little surprised, she didn't look like a brother or sister, and she looked like this girl...

"Ah! I understand!" The female boss immediately understood, as if she had thought of something, she looked at Laiya with a smile. Although she didn't say anything, it felt like Laiya was stared at by the look that seemed to be seen through. To be ashamed.

Belen took the bag from the female boss, and then smiled and said, "We have just arrived here. I heard that this was once the territory of a country. Why has it become like this now?"

Hearing what he said, the female boss also smiled and said: "Yes, this was once the territory of the Ailuo Kingdom, but some things happened and it was destroyed. The reasons are quite complicated. I just heard that. It is said that the princess of the Ailuo Kingdom destroyed all the rebels by herself with powerful magic, but she seems to have disappeared afterwards, may be dead, or may be living in a foreign country."

Laya gradually calmed down after hearing these words, her eyes drooping, she naturally knew who the princess was talking about by the boss.

"And the people in our town only came here two years ago, and gradually formed the current town. Because this was originally the site of the Ai Luo Kingdom, our town was named Ai Luo Town." Female The boss did not notice the slight changes in the two of them, but said with a smile: "Although they are fighting, the terrain here is too close to the sea, but the war will not spread to this side, so it has always been peaceful."

"That's it." Belen smiled and nodded, and then he took the bag and said goodbye to the female boss.

Chapter 812: I want to see the sea!

The two were walking on the way back, and the passers-by could not help being attracted by their dusty temperament, and there were more sights on Laiya. Such a beautiful girl had never been seen before.

"That girl is so beautiful!"

"Is it from other places? Is that man her boyfriend?"

The voices of the surrounding exchanges and discussions were very noisy, and neither Belem and Laya paid attention to what they were talking about because they had their own ideas now.

Walking on the street, Laiya lowered her head slightly, because of the words she heard before, she couldn't help thinking of what she knew about Ilia.

"Mr. Belen."

"Huh?" Belen looked at the girl beside him.

"Ilia, she won't be sad, will she?"

Hearing that, Belen also turned his head to look at the girl with her head down. He smiled and said: "It's all over, Illya just misses her hometown."

"Yeah." Laiya nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Belen suddenly remembered something. He was taken aback, and then curiously asked: "Speaking of which, did you see Ilia today?"


Laya was taken aback when she heard the words, lifted her head slightly, and after thinking for a while, she suddenly thought of something, and immediately said: "Ah, yes, Illya said in the morning that she would go out for a walk, and now I don't know if she is going back."

"That's it."

Hearing that, Belen is also thoughtful. Maybe the child is still looking at the scenery somewhere. Then he smiled and said, "Then, let's go back and prepare a big meal and wait for Ilia to come back. She will definitely I came back for dinner on time."


This town is not big, but it is not too small. In the middle of the town, there are many large buildings surrounding a tall clock tower. This is the only building left after the fall of the Ailuo Kingdom. It was already dilapidated. It can be regarded as a kind of commemoration that it has been restored by skilled craftsmen in the town over the years.

At this moment, a young girl with a beautiful face is standing on the top of the clock tower, her body is as light as a feather, and her skin is as white as snow, like a snow-white orchid at the bottom of a gloomy valley, with an ethereal and lonely figure.The wind on the top of the tower was very strong, blowing the soft and beautiful long silver hair, and the silver-black star eyes looked into the distance.

Once, they were all buildings at a glance, but now they can see the grasslands and dense forests in front of them at a glance.

On the top of the tower, the silver-haired girl turned around, her gaze fell on the blue sea in the distance. She used to look at the sea like this, but now she lost the joy and felt a little more melancholy.

The Ailuo Kingdom is close to the sea and on a cliff. It is a country located in a very remote place. However, it was because of this that it remained stable for many years. However, it eventually disappeared in the civil war.

The girl's mood is very complicated now. Although she has no longer had the pain she had, she still has mixed feelings in her heart. She stood on the top of the tower and stood for three hours.

At this time, a ray of sunlight fell on the somewhat dim silver-black eyes, illuminating them, and the silver-haired girl gradually recovered. She raised her head slightly and looked at the sky, even if it was the dazzling sun. To avoid, she opened her mouth slightly and whispered to herself.

"Going back to eat."

It's time for lunch.

The silver-haired girl stepped into the air, her figure turned into a silver light and flew towards the edge of the town. She didn't want to miss the time to eat with her family.

On the side of the commercial car.

"Latier, come and help take the plate."

"Okay, Mr. Belen."

Belen is cooking seriously. Except for the little greedy cat, Lattes, who is ready to eat, the girls are all around to help with the cooking. Because Belen has said that they can hone their cooking skills, so they often do it themselves. Even Hill is the same. She also wants to have a good cooking skill and won't rely so much on someone's cooking.

The silver brilliance was scattered, and Illya also fell on the ground, and then looked at the people who were busy. She did not choose to go up and help, but sat next to Latis.

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