Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 755

Latis looked at the girl beside her curiously, and she asked, "Ilia, where have you been?"

"I went to the clock tower." Ilia raised her finger and pointed at the tall clock tower.

Looking in the direction the girl was pointing, Latis was also stunned. She couldn't help saying: "Illia is so tall, won't I be afraid to go up?" Then, her body trembled slightly, so tall. , I'm a little scared thinking about it.

Ilia shook her head and said, "Not afraid, does Latis want to go up and take a look?"

"No, no, don't let it go!" Latis immediately shook her head when she heard the words, but she was a little scared looking at the height, she swallowed, and she looked terrified.

At this time, La Tier also came with a plate of dishes. Seeing the silver-haired girl sitting next to La Tisi, she also smiled and asked: "Ilia, you are back, where did you go to play alone? ?"

So, Iliya pointed to the tall clock tower again, and she said, "There."

La Tier looked up, then blinked her eyes, her expression gradually became bitter, the place this child went is really unsatisfactory, standing at such a high place, just thinking about it will be a little scary, if you fall But it's terrible.

Sure enough, the two sisters are the same.

Hill also put down her own cooking, she served two bowls of rice, and then smiled and said, "Since I'm back, then prepare to eat."

After all the dishes were on the table, Belen made a large platter with the fruits he bought in the morning and placed it in the middle. He didn't serve himself with the food, so he should not eat so many dishes.

Belen looked at Ilia who was munching slowly, then looked at everyone again. He smiled and said, "So, where are we going to play today?"

The girls thought about it as they ate. Although it was a new place, they didn’t find a place to play. Afterwards, they all looked at the silver-haired girl aside by coincidence. Here, it’s still Iraq. Liya is more familiar, right?

Feeling everyone's gaze, Illiya also slowly raised her head, her silver-black eyes flashed with a faint gleam, obviously, she already had an answer.

Belen smiled and asked, "Ilia, is there any good place to recommend to us?"

Ilia nodded, and then said, "Look at the sea."

The sea?

Upon hearing this, in addition to Hill and Lumia who only thought of the sea, Belen and others couldn’t help but echo the sea that I had taken Ilia to see at the beginning, looking at the sea from Ilia’s mouth, It’s more meaningful than watching the ordinary sea,

So Belen nodded and smiled: "Then go and see the sea."

What kind of sea is the sea that Illya was thinking about when she lost her memory?

Chapter 813: Who is the immature person?

Soon it was night, because there was some distance from the position Ilia said, so Belen drove the commercial car with the girls.

Under the bright moon, the group of people reached a high slope below, and there was a sandy beach below. No one else was here at the moment, because the weather is very cold on the seashore.

When everyone looked at the dark sea in front of them, their eyes could not help but slowly widen at this moment, and there was a gleam in their eyes.

There was no cloud in the sky, but a cool wind blew the girls’ faces. When they recovered, they immediately ran down the high slope and ran towards the beach, leaving only Belém on the high slope. Two people with Yi Liya.

The so-called sea and sky is such a scene, the cloudless sky has the same color as the rippling sea, and the horizon of the sea is visible at a glance.

The sea under the night curtain is different from the sea under the day. The sea at this moment is deeper and quieter, more dreamy and beautiful. Looking out at the boundless sea, you can’t distinguish the ends of the sea and the corners of the sea, completely covered by moonlight. s color.

The sea breeze was blowing, and the waves swayed lightly from a distance, layer by layer from the horizon. The waves hit the reef and splashed with white spray, which rushed to the shore, gently touching Along the soft sandy beach.

Standing on a high slope, Belen's mood fluctuated with the waves, and he whispered: "Illya, the sea you have in mind is it."


Eliya responded softly.

Looking at the sound of waves coming from the sea, Belen also smiled and stretched out his hand to the girl beside him. He said, "Let's go down and watch the sea together."

Iliya looked at that hand, then stretched out her hand to put it on it, and she nodded.

Holding the hand of the silver-haired girl, the two walked down Gaopo, Belen's eyes fell on the sea that exuded the sparkling waves, and his mood was inexplicably relaxed.

The ripples on the sea are mixed with sparkling waves, just like the stars in the night sky. The only thing that can describe the extremely beautiful picture in front of you is probably the sea of ​​stars.


Ratis screamed, then immediately kicked off her shoes, then rolled up her trousers, and ran toward the sea cheering.

Seeing Latis' behavior, the girls were all startled, then laughed and took off their shoes, and ran barefoot on the beach to the sea.

When Belen saw the girls running into the sea, he shouted with some worry: "Be careful! Don't go too deep, it's dangerous!"

"Know it!"

After receiving the unanimous response from the girls, Belen also shook his head helplessly. He took Ilya's hand to the beach, as close as possible to everyone, in case anything unexpected happened.


Hearing the call from the girl next to him, Belen also turned his head. When he saw the girl looking at the hand he was holding, he was also startled, and then quickly let go.

"Sorry, sorry."

"It doesn't matter. If your brother likes it, please hold it." Yiliya shook her head when she saw it, and she reached out to hold the hand that was bigger than herself.

The weak boneless hand made Belen's heart itchy, he nodded, then looked at the sea, he hesitated for a while before speaking slowly.

"Will you feel lonely?"

He thought, losing his relatives and losing his original home might be a very sad and lonely thing for the girl.

"I'm not lonely anymore." Illiya answered the question calmly, her silver-black eyes looked at the shining sea, the corners of her mouth lifted slightly, revealing a smile even more beautiful than the bright moon.

"Because I have my family by my side, I don't feel lonely."

Hearing these words, Belen was also stunned for a while, and then an inexplicable movement surged up. He squeezed his hand, and then took the girl into his arms.

"Ilia has grown up, my brother is so happy!"

The girl was also surprised by this sudden behavior. After hearing the man's words, she whispered, "My brother imagined that he was much more mature."

In this regard, Belen also said with deep conviction: "Yeah, yeah, maybe Latis was still a naughty guy when you were this old."

At this moment, Illiya raised her head, just to see the face looking at her, her voice said in a somewhat ambiguous voice: "Not only xinxing, but also..."

"What else..."

Seeing this beautiful and flawless face in front of him, Belen was stunned as soon as he opened his mouth to say three words, and the words Ilia said appeared in his mind.

Not just xinxing?

What else is mature...?

Looking at the little watery cherry mouth, his crimson lips instantly attracted Belen's attention, and his heartbeat started to speed up inexplicably, except for the sound of the sea breeze, all he could hear was the pounding heartbeat.

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