Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 756

Bang, bang, bang.

Illya looked at the man in front of her calmly, but even in the dark, the crimson that gradually emerged on her face was still faintly visible.

It seemed that there was a kind of attraction between the two of them, which made the faces of the two of them get closer and closer, and Belen's breathing became hurried, and at this moment, his heart felt aroused, and he immediately pulled away from the girl. After the distance, he immediately took a step back, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes became very moisturized. He was panting, using all his energy to calm his strange mood.

"Yi, Ilia, yes yes yes, sorry!"

Belen did not hesitate to bend down and apologize, he was gasping for breath, his heart was lingering, his face was full of panic, if he did something, his image as an older brother would be shattered!

In front of the apologist, Ilia was also breathing with her mouth open, her chest undulating, her face flushed, as if she was about to bleed, she bit her lower lip lightly, and then took a deep breath, she looked in front of her and bent over. The man who dared not get up showed a little devil's smile after a moment of silence.

"Brother, what did you just want to do?"

"No, no, I don't want to do anything!"

Seeing Belen in such a panic, Illia stepped forward, bent down slightly, and attached her small mouth to the former's ear. She said softly, "My brother just wanted to kiss me?"

Little devil...Ilia!

Belen immediately realized this, he straightened up and took a step back, blushing and shook his head: "It's not Ilia's fault!?"

"I did nothing." Illiya blinked her big eyes innocently.

Seeing the girl’s innocent look, Belen also didn’t know what to say, his expression was very unnatural, or he didn’t know what expression to show, just like that... it’s too misleading. Right?

"Sure enough, older brother is the immature one." Illiya said with a faint smile, then turned around, put a hand on her chest, and quietly exhaled.

If it is mature, it won't go away just now.

Chapter 814: The sheep being targeted?

The sea is too beautiful, and the girls are also having fun. Illya also joined it, and Belen has calmed down at the moment. She is sitting on the beach looking at the figures, her mouth gradually A smile appeared.


The sea breeze blew his face, and Belen woke up in shock. He looked up at the sky, and then shouted to the girls: "I have to go after playing a while!"

"Know it!"

Seeing the girls who are still enjoying them, Belen is also a little helpless. These girls are playing on top. They didn't notice how cold the weather is.

After a long time, the girls gradually became relieved and followed Belém back to the edge of town. The first thing Belém did was to fetch water and hot water for them. Because of the water splashing game, their clothes were soaked. Yes, you will catch a cold if you don’t take a hot bath.

"The water is hot, go take a bath!"

"Good Mr. Belen!"

Because there are six girls in his family, in case they want to take a bath together, Belém has bought an extra-large wooden barrel a long time ago. The usual wooden barrel is only enough for two people.

The curtains built have the magic power of Ilia, so unless they are broken, even if there is a violent storm outside, they will not be affected in any way.

Immediately after that, Belem went to rest. As for clothes and the like, of course, the girls would take care of them. It is really hard for him to be a big man.

When the second day approached noon, the girls woke up one after another. It was too late to play last night, and this sleep directly fell into the sun.

Although Belen woke up early, he didn't wake up everyone. Since he didn't wake up in the morning, he could make one less breakfast. It's good to be lazy occasionally, and he was happy to be free.

It was time to prepare lunch, and just as Belem was starting to cook, the door to the side opened and the girls came out one after another.

Upon seeing this, Belen also smiled and said, "I finally woke up."

"Mr. Belém, are you making breakfast?" Ratil asked, rubbing his eyes.

Hearing this, Belen shook his head and smiled: "It's noon. It's lunch. Go wash up. Don't you go out to play this afternoon?"

"Is it noon? I slept for that long."

La Tier rubbed her eyes and walked to the sink. She didn't expect that she would sleep for so long. It seemed that she was really tired of playing and slept too late last night.

After having eaten Chinese food, the girls made a decision. La Tier brought the girls to Belem and applied to go out to play.

"Mr. Belém, we want to go to the town to have fun!"

After hearing the words, Belen smiled and responded: "Then go, don't come back too late, don't do anything dangerous, don't get separated, and..."

"I know, I know!"

Seeing that the man was about to start making safety matters again, the girls immediately got big heads, Latis turned her head and led the team to escape, which also made Belen who was standing still shook her head helplessly.

Forget it, anyway, they are not ordinary children, shouldn't you worry too much?

In spite of this, Belem is still more or less worried, but he can't be too strict, otherwise the rebellious period will come soon, right?

By the way, I pray in my heart, it's best not to patronize during the rebellious period!

In Ailuo town.

The girls walking on the street are particularly eye-catching, because no matter which one is a beautiful girl, especially the blonde girl and the silver-haired girl, many men are on the street with their mouths open. He was dumbfounded, just drooling.

Too, too beautiful!?And there are still six!

There are no shortage of people in this town who have come from other places, but the majority of people live in Ailuo Town. For these six girls, none of them have an impression, so it can be judged that they came from other places. The guests.

Laya told everyone the name of the town, and after hearing the name, everyone thought of the Ailuo Kingdom that originally existed here, and wanted to commemorate the country's name?

When Ilia heard the words, she was also startled. After blinking her eyes, she asked again: "This is called... Ai Luo Town?"

"Yeah, yes, I said it was to commemorate..." Laiya nodded, but stopped at the end, looking at the girl in front of him with some worry, whether his words would arouse the latter. What about bad doubts?

However, Laiya was stunned the next moment, because the silver-haired girl in front of her showed a faint smile, which was a relaxed smile.

"It turned out to be so."

It’s great that someone remembers it.

In a shop on the side, a tall man happened to cast his gaze on the street. He was startled when he saw the beautiful figures passing by, and then happened to notice a petite girl with cat ears.

"The girl with cat ears..."

There were some people beside him, and when they noticed his gaze, they swept their gazes outside, and their gazes fell on the six girls who were walking slowly.

A fat man also brightened his eyes after seeing the girls. He immediately exclaimed, "Aha! I didn't expect to meet such a beautiful girl here!"

This group of people met Belem's adventurer Legit and others from the kingdom of Andilija.

"Boss, what do you say?" The fat man licked his lower lip, and then stared at the blond figure evilly. He smiled wickedly: "Unexpectedly, there is actually an elf clan, boss, I want that."

The charming woman beside her was also thoughtful. When she saw the girl with cat ears, her narrow eyes narrowed slightly. She said, "That little girl with cat ears, isn't it the white-haired male business car she met that day? The one?"

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