Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 757

Hearing her words, everyone was stunned, and then they couldn't help thinking of the white-haired man that day, and then remembering what he said, his expression gradually became weird.

"Those are his children? Not only ordinary humans, but also elves and demihumans? And all of them are so beautiful?"

When I thought of this, the heads of this group of people began to think wildly, and Legitt grinned and said: "Aren't you looking at those girls? Just so, I haven't touched the meat for many days. That's it."

Hearing what their boss said, the eyes of this group of people suddenly lit up, and when they looked at the six figures, their eyes were extremely sinister, like a big bad wolf staring at a sheep.

But they didn't know that one of the sheep was not so docile to outsiders.

Chapter 815: Sugar and Dolls

The girls were walking on the street. Although there were many foods, they didn't feel appetite because they had just eaten. However, Cat Latisi focused on a candy stall.

"Sister, I want to eat candy."

"Eh? I still want to eat candy!" After hearing the words, La Tier was very helpless. She reached out her hand and pinched the kitten’s cheek and then pulled it out. She said silently, “La Tisi, you really changed. Fat!"

Lattis’s little face was full of dissatisfaction, she muttered: “If you’re fat, you’re fat! No matter how fat you are, my brother will like me too!”

This little guy...

Hearing Latise's words, Latir's mouth twitched slightly. Mr. Belen and everyone have been so used to this little guy these years. What should we do when we grow up?

Since then, La Tier put his hands around his chest, and said very firmly: "I just won't buy it anyway!"


La Tier pursed a small mouth with a sulky look.

Seeing the conflict between the two sisters, the girls all smiled at each other. This is not something worth discouraging, because it will not affect the relationship between the two.

Yiliya blinked her eyes, then her eyebrows trembled slightly. She turned her head and saw a charming woman who was smiling and looking here, and the latter was also stunned by the look of the silver-haired girl.

That girl?

After just staring for a while, Illiya withdrew her gaze and strode to follow Latir and the others, who continued to move forward, and didn't really care about the woman she had seen before.

The charming woman squinted her eyes. She locked on the silver-haired figure, her tongue licked her red lips, showing a coquettish gesture. She smiled and whispered: "It's so beautiful that you are jealous. I really want to play you badly." Drop it."


At this moment, in front of a doll shop in an alley, La Tier saw a stuffed bear doll that was the same size, and her eyes sparkled. She immediately wanted to buy it, but after paying for it But found that he didn't bring money, so he looked at the other girls for help.

Lumia shook her head and said, "Sorry, I didn't bring any money."

Laya also said, "I have no money."

Hill on the side smiled bitterly: "I didn't take it out from the clothes I changed yesterday."

So La Tier looked at Ilia, but she didn't have any money to come to the latter, so she showed a very distressed expression. Wouldn't it be too willful if she asked Mr. Belen for money to buy this? ?

But at this moment, Lattes on the side blinked and showed a sly smile. She smiled and took out a small wallet, and then smiled and said: "Huh? Didn't my sister bring money?"


La Tier opened her eyes wide, she coughed dryly, and then approached her sister with a smile, hammering her shoulder and said, "La Tisi, my sister wants to buy that doll. Let's buy it for everyone to play with?"

"Huh? But my sister doesn't let anyone buy candy." Latis looked at her sister in surprise, and the kitten sometimes had black belly.

"Well, I'll buy it for you this time!" La Tier fluttered with big eyes.

Latis shook her head and said, "But, I don't want to eat it now!"

"Woo..." Hearing these words, La Tier also puffed her cheeks in anger, turned her head away very annoyed, she said very firmly: "If you don't buy it, you won't buy it! I won't give Lati Silk candy!"


Lattes turned her head in anger, as if she didn't want to talk to her sister again.

Laya on the side smiled and came up to persuade and said, "Okay, okay, stop quarreling. Let's start exercising with us tomorrow, so that you won’t get fat even if you eat sweets, but be careful of tooth decay. !"


Latis was silent for a moment and then she answered.

La Tier, who was on the side, also glanced at the kitten. She opened her mouth to apologize, but at this moment, her heart suddenly jumped and she felt the fluctuation of magical power.

Except for Hill's low magic power, La Tier and others all felt this magic wave. The next moment they discovered that the shop in front of them had disappeared, but it was still the small alley.

Latier looked confused and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's an enchantment." Lumia replied with a frown. She suddenly felt something. She turned around and looked at it. At the exit of the alley, a few figures came slowly, and there were people in the house beside them. Squat standing there.

In trouble!

The girls immediately realized what was wrong. The situation and atmosphere are not good at all, but they will not panic in this situation after experiencing many big and small things.

Among the people who came, a thin man with a knife said with a smile: "Little girls, why did you run into such a small alley? Is this waiting for us?"

Ilia stood there calmly without saying a word, while Lumia was looking at the people coming forward at this moment, and she spoke coldly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The thin man said cheerfully: "We are just an adventure group. This is not to see some cute girls. I want to have fun with you. Are you free tonight?"


Everyone laughed, and the laughter was full of obscene meaning.

The girls who heard the laughter frowned, and Hill said coldly: "A bunch of dirty and dirty guys, think they can do anything outside of the country? This town is also guarded. Are you afraid of being caught?"

"Dirty and dirty? Haha, thank you for the compliment." The fat man smiled and touched his head, then lifted the stick in his hand, and sneered: "Today, the young master is up to you, that Leave the blond and this short hair to me first!"

Hearing such undisguised sordid words from the other party, the girls' expressions suddenly became cold. If it were before, they were probably mostly afraid, but now they are all angry.

Lumia's face was suddenly covered with frost, and she said coldly: "You bastards, you are really looking for death."

The fat man standing at the forefront laughed and said, "Hahaha, let's give up! There is an enchantment set by our Zina Magister here. If you can't get out, you can catch it with your hands. ."

But at the next moment, everyone was stunned, and the fat man's voice stopped abruptly, because the silver-haired girl popped out her index finger at this moment.


With a slight cracking sound, the enchantment covering this area within tens of meters suddenly shattered. The doll stand reappeared in front of everyone's sight, and the boss was looking at the two sides in front of him with a confused expression. people

The fat man muttered to himself in a daze: "Why...what's the matter?"

Chapter 816: What's the matter with this girl?

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