Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 758

"The barrier...broken?"

Everyone was stunned by this sudden scene, and after the shock, everyone looked at the fiery and charming woman.

"Sister Zina, is your barrier so unstable?"

Hearing what they said, Zina said coldly: "Are you questioning my strength?"

"Then this...?" The fat man was stunned.

Legitt, who had not spoken, also squinted his eyes, his eyes fell on the girls in front of him, and then he stayed for a moment on the blond and silver haired girls.


Following Latier’s first action, the girls immediately turned around and ran to the depths of the alley. When they saw this scene, Legit and the others immediately recovered, their eyes chased after the prey. How could it be let go?

Lumia followed everyone behind, and she couldn't help shouting, "Why are you running!?"

Hearing this, La Tier was also startled, but still subconsciously replied: "Because there are so many people!"

At this moment, the fat man's voice came from behind the girls: "Haha, you can't run away! Let's cook my Chinese meal today! Little sheep!"

"Ah! I won't run away! I want to clean them up!"

Being insulted by words again, Lumia couldn't help it anymore, she stopped, then turned to look at the group of people running, her expression became cold, and the killing intent in her eyes was awe-inspiring.


After seeing Rumia stop, Latir and the others also stopped. They turned around and looked at the short-haired girl who was walking towards those people. Only then did they remember that Rumia was once A super killer!

Seeing the short-haired girl approaching, the fat man also stopped. He was startled slightly, and then smiled and said, "Huh? I'm not running anymore? Are you planning to catch it with your hands?"

"Damn stinky head!"

Lu Mia cursed coldly, and then leaned slightly, her figure turned into a black shadow and shuttled away, like a ghost without a trace.


After seeing this scene, the fat man widened his eyes, but before he could say a word, the short-haired girl appeared in front of him, a black shadow swept in front of him, and he flew away. Get out.


The plump body hit the wall on the side and smashed into a big hole. Although he was not unconscious, he curled up in pain after falling on the ground. His mouth was constantly wailing, and everyone on the side was staring blankly. .

What's the situation?

The script should be that they caught these girls, then knocked them unconscious and took them away, and then the night was the time to be devastated. That's right!?

But what happened before them was completely different from what they imagined!That pretty short-haired girl kicked the fat man to the wall all at once!?

Legit also fixed his gaze on the short-haired girl in front of him, facing the girl in front of him. The speed and strength that this girl has just shown are not to be underestimated, but because of this, he is more interested. Now, he showed a playful smile.

"It's fun to conquer a capable girl like you."

After hearing these words, Lumia became more angry, she said coldly: "If you have the ability, try it!"

"Interesting and interesting." Legitt twisted his neck and laughed with interest. He looked at the people behind him, and then smiled: "Go grab those few, and leave this to me."

As long as you suppress this girl, those behind will have no resistance, right?


Lumia naturally knew what the other party was thinking, but she still snorted coldly. She didn't worry about Latier and the others behind her, because there was a girl who was countless times stronger than herself.


Except for Chu Legit, everyone rushed to the rear Latier and the others, and Lu Mia did not stop, she just wanted to find a fight-resistant person to get angry, and that fat man seemed to be unable to satisfy her. Claim.

"Then beat you!"

Lumia is usually a very gentle girl, but when someone insults herself and her family, she turns from a meek sheep into a furry lion!


Transformed into a shadow, stepping on the steps learned from that family, Lu Mia didn't even take out her double swords or daggers, and she wouldn't calm her anger if she didn't hit the other party with her fists!

"Come here."

Seeing the girl taking the lead, Legit also sneered, his body transformed into a werewolf state, his two hands turned into wolf claws, and his magic was "werewolf."With the improved dynamic vision, he was able to capture Lumia's figure, and immediately rushed to fight with her.

However, after a few rounds of fighting, Legit felt tremendous pressure, and his whole body began to exert strength, and he did not dare to slack off.

As the leader of the group, Legit's strength is naturally very strong, but what shocked him was that he could not suppress the girl in front of him.


At this time, magic circles were covering La Tier and the others, trying to imprison them. At this time, Illiya looked into the air, and her black eyes seemed to have a white light in her eyes. Now.


The magic circles shattered in an instant, and Zina and the others who released the magic circles opened their eyes wide, completely unclear what the situation was.

"Just catch it!"

Several loud laughter sounded, and several figures appeared in front of the girls, but they did not show any fear, because the silver-haired girl had already stepped up to her and raised that slender arm.


An immense magical power surged like a wave, instantly bombarding those people, and this force majeure terrifying magical power caused them to fly upside down directly, and the magical lines that had just been drawn were also broken and broken go with.


After the magical power materialized, the violent wind shook. Everyone retreated a few steps under the violent wind, and then looked at the silver-haired girl who was raising his hand in shock.

The long silver hair fluttered in the wind, and the girl's silver-black eyes contained no emotions, but she said indifferently, "Now, get out of here."


As this voice fell, an extremely terrifying magic power emerged from the girl’s body, and the terrifying magic gradually turned into a flame. Under the cover of that pressure, all the people present but their own knelt down, like There is a huge boulder on his body!


Legitt, who was shaken by a punch and withdrew, also felt the amazing magic. He turned around and looked at it subconsciously. After seeing his companions all fell to the ground, he was also shocked, but when he felt the magic After his source, his expression became frightened.

This...what's the matter with this girl?

Chapter 817: The Demon King Army is here!

The vast magic power is enough to cover the entire town, but at this moment it only covers this street. Except for Latir and the others, everyone on the enemy feels like they are trapped in the ocean, under terrible pressure. It was suppressed.

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