Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 761


The moment the fist and sword touched, the sword that lost its sharpness but contained extreme violence was to chop off the arm of the demon war commander, blast it out, and then faced other enemies.


In the sky, Illiya leaned over and flew towards the Demon Magisters who used magic behind her. With powerful magic, they scattered them all, making them unable to maintain their formation.

For the army, the army formation is extremely important. It is a battle formation that facilitates coordination and command and maximizes the army’s combat power. As long as the Demon King’s army is broken open, it can also reduce the trouble for Belém. Less pressure.

However, the number of Demon Lord’s Army is too much, even Belen and Ilia are a bit overwhelmed. To deal with so many Demon Lord’s Army, they must prevent them from going to Ailuo Town. It has a wide range of attack methods. Although this is effective, it consumes a lot of them. Therefore, this is a completely unequal war of attrition!

Even Belen, who set foot in the "Demi-God Realm", felt tremendous pressure. Even Ilia in the sky was the same. Although her magic power was very large, the magic power required for magic was also very huge.

Because of the hard work of the two, the number of the Demon King's army is also rapidly decreasing. Fortunately, they do not have the power of the Demon Warrior or the Demon King, otherwise it would be difficult for Belen and Ilia to achieve this point. of.

Ailuo Town.

At the moment everyone in the town is running away, and in a tavern, a beautiful woman with long purple hair and ponytails is drinking wine. There are already a dozen bottles on the table, but it seems normal. His complexion didn't seem to be drunk.

The purple-haired woman glanced at the people fleeing outside, then slowly stood up, she walked slowly towards the outside of the city, putting her hand on the hip flask on her waist.

At the other end, Lumia is driving a commercial vehicle toward the outside of the city. She believes that Belen and Ilia will be fine. After all, they are so strong. What she has to do now is to take everyone to safety The place.

But at this moment, more than a dozen figures suddenly jumped from the house beside them and stood on the route of the commercial vehicle, seeming to block their way on purpose.

Seeing these people, Lumia also pulled the reins, and the commercial car stopped immediately. She patted the worried Liya on the shoulder, and then jumped off the commercial car with a cold expression.

"Finally found you."

Legitt twisted his neck with a deep anger on his face. He sneered: "It seems that the silver-haired girl is not here. You can't stop us all by yourself." He had seen the silver-haired figure flying to other places before, so he was so sure.

"You really don't change your heart." Lumia said coldly.

At this time, Latier and Hill also got off the commercial car. They also saw the movement outside through the window. Although they knew that Lumia was very powerful, the other party was not a simple character. Now Ilia Not with Belen, they need to work together!

Legit shouted angrily: "I must taste your taste today!" He had never been so insulted before, and he was beaten by such a young girl.

"Do it!"

Under Legit’s order, everyone rushed up, and Lumia was awe-inspiring to kill when she saw it. She knew that under normal circumstances, she could not deal with so many people. After all, they were not simple roles. , So she plans to open the boundaries to make a quick decision.

But at this moment, a beautiful woman with long purple hair slowly walked out of the commercial car, and then walked towards the people. She picked up the cork of the hip flask and took a sip in her mouth. He drew the sword's edge again and poured the drink on it.

"That is..."

Seeing this figure, both Laiya and La Tier couldn't help but froze for a while, and the next moment they pulled out their memories from their minds, and immediately revealed a very happy smile.

"Wine Swordsmanship·Drunk One Sword."

The purple-haired woman groaned softly in her mouth, and then drew her sword. The wine on it evaporated into heat, and then her figure turned into an afterimage. She passed by in the blink of an eye, and then slowly retracted her sword.


At the moment when the sword was in its sheath, Legitt opened his eyes wide, because except for him who didn't do anything, all the others were spattered with blood arrows and then fell face down. His feet were trembling right now. , Because he felt an astonishing enthusiasm, it was a hot killing intent!

However, the purple-haired woman withdrew her gaze after only one glance at him. She turned around, looked at the blonde girl and the cat-eared girl, then showed a faint smile and beckoned.

"Long time no see, how are you?"

Chapter Eighty Hundred and Twenty: Meet Xing Nai Again

"You are... Miss Hoshina!?"

When they saw the purple-haired beauty who greeted themselves and others in front of them, La Tier and Laya exclaimed in surprise. They didn't expect to meet this one here. It's been a long time since I saw them!

This purple-haired woman is Verni's friend, who helped Belem and his party rescue the star Nyamira Zetals of Ilia.

Immediately afterwards, Hoshina turned his head and glanced at Legitt who was fleeing in a panic. He tapped his fingers on the hilt, but in the end he did not make a move.

Looking back, Hoshina walked to the girls, she smiled and introduced herself to the two strange girls: "What about two new faces, hello, my name is Hoshina."

Lumia and Hill were both stunned, and then nodded blankly. They didn't know Hoshina, but from the look of Latir and Laya, they seemed to have known each other.

Latier was also very surprised and asked, "Miss Hoshinai, why are you here?"

Hearing that, Hoshina also has bright black eyes. She said: "I have been outside for a long time, because I remembered some past events, so I came here."

"That's it." Laiya also flashed her big eyes, and then said with a smile: "Then Miss Hoshina is going to leave here with us? There seems to be a Demon King army outside."


Hoshina nodded slightly, and then she thought of something, she asked curiously: "Since you are here, is that also Mr. Belém here?"

Laya nodded slightly, and she said with some worry: "Mr. Belem, he should be fighting against the Demon King's army outside the city, but it shouldn't matter."

"Illya? "Witch"?Hoshina was also slightly startled when she heard the words. She vaguely remembered that when she left Florence, she had heard of the deeds of the "witch" in Eloranya.

That being the case.

After learning about the situation, Hoshina also made a decision. She showed a faint smile and said: "If this is the case, then I will help them two, you leave here first."

"Huh? Is that okay?" La Tier was also startled.

Hearing that, Hoshina nodded, and she smiled and said, "I'm also very good." After that, she ran towards the outside of the city, and a trace of afterimage was fleeting behind her.

Seeing the purple-haired beauty leaving, Lumia also asked curiously: "Who is that? You seem to be very familiar?"

Hill also looked confused.

"Ah, Miss Hinai." Laya also remembered that Lumia and Hill didn't know Hinai, and immediately explained the latter's help to rescue Ilia.

At this moment, outside of Ailuo Town.

The white-haired figure on the land looked very embarrassed, his clothes were torn, and there were some scars on his body that were bleeding with bright red blood.


Belen let out a deep shout, he held a sword and slashed fiercely on the body of a demon warlord, directly causing him to break his arm, and then kicked it out with a roundabout kick.


But at this moment, there was a strong wind coming from behind, and Belen also gritted his teeth and turned around. Before he could fight back, he folded his arms in front of him and withstood the magical punch from the demon warlord. .


That punch hit Belém’s block, and the ground burst away. The terrifying fist wind set off a huge wave of air, and his figure also moved back by a point, and he forcibly took it down. Gritting his teeth and pushing it away, his left hand clenched a fist, his body suddenly moved forward, and an uppercut punch hit the Demon warlord's chest.


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