Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 762

From behind the demon warlord, there was a breath of energy, and the next moment it flew out. This was a punch from Belen, who was a demigod, even with the powerful body of the demon warlord. It is also unbearable without being injured.

Immediately after Belen felt the threat from all around, he held the sword and waved the sword dance, and then took a rest, holding the sword and turning around.

"Elves Sword Dance·Fourth Sound·Dance!"

With Belen’s feet as the center, a storm of sword qi rolled up by the blue sword qi, like a thunder pond turned into a sword qi, is incomparable, tearing all the demon warriors around. go with.


The Jianfeng went deep into the ground, and Belen knelt on one knee. He was breathing heavily in his mouth. He was covered in sweat. He was really tired, but it should be easier next.

There are thirty demon warriors in the Demon King’s army, and only twenty are against him. At this moment, he has already killed eleven, and if only nine are left, his pressure is greatly reduced, even though he wants The number of responses was relatively large, but Illya, who faced the enemy in the sky, also underwent great pressure.

Belen looked at the magic lines that continued to appear in the sky, and gritted his teeth. There were too many magisters of the Demon Race, and they united and were protected by the Demon Warlord, which caused Illya. The threat is still very big, even if you have a powerful ability like the Mantra of the Earth, you can't wipe it out at once, and because of your rapid consumption, the current situation is stiff.

No, he has to quickly solve these guys in front of him to help Ilia!

Belen gritted his teeth and stood up. He took a deep breath and wanted to rush up again, but at this moment, his heart suddenly jumped, and immediately looked back, a purple figure suddenly came to him. When he saw the visitor, he also opened his eyes wide.

"Mr. Belén, it's been a long time since I saw you, ah, that's not right, now I call you Master Juggernaut."

Hearing what she said, Belen also coughed dryly, and then said: "Although I really want to ask why you are here, please give me some help now."

"I'm here for this." Hoshina nodded.

Bang bang bang!

A huge ocean of mud and rocks was rolled up in the distance. It was the mantra of the earth that Ilia launched again. If it weren't for a bitter battle, she would not use such exaggerated power one after another, because it also has a lot to her. Consumption.


After the mud and rocks fell down, countless demon kings were buried. Hina was also taken aback when seeing this scene. She showed a look of surprise, staring at the beautiful silver-haired girl in the sky. Then he sighed.

"What a nice view."

Hearing what she said, Belen was also a little helpless. He didn't expect Hoshina to lament that it was not Ilia's strength, but her beauty.

At this moment, a dangerous aura approached quickly behind him. Belen knew that it was from the demon warlord. His eyes dazzled, and he turned around holding the sword, but the purple-haired figure was one step ahead of him. Get started.

"Wine swordsmanship·Ride the waves!"

With the fiery breath, the sword shadow shuttled away, leaving countless sword marks on the demon warlord's body, blood spattered away, and then fell to the ground.

Hoshina stood on the body of the demon warrior, and then turned to look at the white-haired man who was stunned. She waved the sword in her hand, then the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, showing a proud smile.

"I haven't been in vain all these years."

Chapter 821: Almost reaching the limit

Seeing the purple-haired figure shuttled through the Demon King's army, Belen also shrugged, thinking about it as well. After all, it has been several years, how could it not grow?

With Hoshina's help, his pressure was also much less, so Belen also joined the battle again, and he had already recovered a lot of strength.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of blasting continued to resound in the air, and the countless connected magic circles surrounded the silver-haired girl in the middle, and then burst out at the same moment.

Illiya wrapped herself with magic power, and she was suffering from this tremendous damage. Her expression was a little pale, but she was still trying her best to resist the countless impact.

Bang bang bang!

The countless sounds exploded and also attracted Belen's eyes. He raised his head and looked up. After seeing the wounded silver-haired girl, his eyes were filled with worry, and he gritted his teeth. , And then turned into a blue light and shadow and rushed into the Demon King Army, wanting to enter the hinterland to eliminate the magicians.

However, because the number of the Demon King's army was too much, Belen was also abruptly resisted. Despite the cost of life paid by the Demon King's army, he was not afraid, like a death squad that was daunting.

"Go away!"

After seeing Iliya's injured figure, his anger surged into his heart, Belen's sword became more fierce, and his expression became a little savage.


The sword aura wielded by the sword in Belen’s hand swept out like a mountain, killing countless army of demon kings. His way is the way of the mind, "the creation of all things". Change and change, and after falling into anger, his aggressiveness will be more than several times stronger!

On the other side, Hoshina was also aware of Belem’s offensive. She was shocked. Although some people heard from Vernie that the "White-haired Sword Saint" was Belem’s thing, she didn’t expect it to be strong. To this point, it is completely unmatched in the first time of competition!

However, she is no longer the same she used to be.In these years, she has been active overseas in order to become stronger.

Wine swordsmanship, natural swordsmanship.

Magic power, wine power.

Hoshina's face was flushed, and there was an inexplicable burp full of wine in her mouth. She took out the wine gourd from her waist and poured it into her mouth. The overflowing wine followed the swan-white neck Shedding, there is a particularly charming beauty.


Immediately afterwards, Hoshina raised his hand to wipe the corner of her mouth with a drunk smile on her face. Then she walked out with a sword in her right hand. The steps under her feet were very vain, really intoxicating, but her whole body exuded. With warm gas, full of wine.


The incomparably tall Demon warlord stepped forward, a large sword surrounded by black magic power, he let out a terrifying roar, and then smashed down towards the human woman in front of him.

However, facing this scene, the drunk woman raised her head again and took a sip of wine, making a sound full of intoxication, and then moaning in her mouth, holding a sword and dancing.

"Sword Skill· Wine Song Wine Song."


When the knife fell, the drunk purple-haired woman suddenly swayed as if she was about to fall down. Then she stepped a few steps to make the knife miss, and then she swung her arm with her right sword. It turned into an afterimage and turned around the body of the Demon Warrior.


The harsh humming sound came after another, the sword light and sword shadow intertwined among the bright red, and countless blood stains sputtered from the body of the demon war commander. He also screamed, then turned to counterattack, but faced incomparably. With amazing sword skills, he had no choice but to get a sword pierced through his chest in the end.

After solving this demon warlord, Hoshina did not stop, but stepped on that drunken pace and slammed into the Demon King's army. She was in a state of being completely drunk, but she could be perfect. Give full play to the wine swordsmanship of natural kendo!


There were constantly interlacing light beams in the sky, and Illiya was also hit hard. She spit out a mouthful of blood with silver luster. She didn't have time to wipe the blood on the corners of her mouth, but waved her arms to start magic.

"The Mantra of the Earth·The Change of Gaia."


The magic power of the earth element between the heaven and the earth was boiling, and the earth trembled violently for it, and then suddenly burst open, like a crashing disc, in which countless army of demon kings were trapped.

At this time, a magic pattern was engraved in Iliya’s silver-black eyes. She opened her arms, and then slowly waved inward. The collapsed earth was also twisted, moving towards the inside like a whirlpool. Start scrolling.

"Earth Mantra·Earth Burial!"

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