Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 763

Countless demon warriors wanted to use the hard rock as a pedal to jump out, but at this moment they were as if they were trapped in a swamp. They couldn't struggle to get out anyway, and eventually they were buried in the ground and died.

At this moment in the air, Illiya was gasping for breath. She was already dripping with sweat, her snow-white skin was looming under her clothes, and the magic power in her body was almost exhausted.

It's almost reaching the limit.

In order to make the elder brother at the bottom easier, she attracted almost all the magician's attention, and suffered countless magical attacks alone. Even for her resistance to magic, she was already seriously injured. Up.

Illiya was trembling all over, her gaze swept across all the Demon King's army below, she was so tired that her eyes were slightly squinted, and her body was trembling slightly. In a moment of relaxation, she was Falling down in the air.

And Belen also felt something. He suddenly raised his head and looked at it. When he saw the falling figure, his eyes widened, and then turned into blue lightning and quickly shuttled away, crushing the ground in one step. Leap away.


Belen leaped into the air to catch Ilia. He stopped in the air, and then looked at the silver-haired girl who had not fainted in his arms, his expression was full of worry and tension.

"How are you? Is there anything wrong?"

Looking at the worried face, Illiya responded with a very slight voice: "I'm fine, brother, I'm okay."

Although she said that, her magical power consumption level was about the same as when she was in the Fairy Forest. It was too reluctant to try her best like this.

Seeing how weak the girl looked, Belen was also distressed. He wanted to persuade the girl to give up, but he knew that Illiya would never give up. He took another look at Hoshina who was still fighting underneath, and saw the latter. After being surrounded, my heart is tight.

But when he was in a hurry, he suddenly felt something. He immediately raised his head and looked at the sky. The countless flaming red fell down like a falling star.

No, that's a bolide, right?

Chapter 822: Here comes the helper again!

Under Belen’s sight, countless bolides that descended from the dome that day fell to the ground, and all of a sudden, they severely damaged countless demon king’s army. At the same time, a fiery red figure floated slowly. A beautiful woman in a red dress, and Belem was even more shocked by the appearance of this woman than seeing Hoshina.

"It's you!?"

The woman in the red dress smiled, then beckoned: "Oh, white-haired swordsman, long time no see, and little sister, you look tired."

Seeing this woman, Yiliya's eyes flickered slightly, but she didn't speak. She now needs to calm down and recover her magical power and strength.

"Scourge", Flame Miko!

Seeing this woman, Belen was also stunned for a while. Although he did not hate the "natural disaster" witches, it did not mean that the latter would not be hostile to him, so he was thinking about how to speak for a while.

However, Yanlian Temple smiled and said, "It seems that I haven't introduced myself to you, so let me introduce myself. My name is Yanlian Temple Leticia."

"Ah, hello." Belen blinked, then nodded slightly.

Seeing his inexplicable look, Yanlian Temple also said noncommittal: "Although it is normal for you to be so wary of me, I didn't intend to be hostile to you. After all, the seniors walked so peacefully."

Hearing this, Belen was also relieved, and then curiously asked: "Then why are you here?"

In this regard, Yanlian Temple also shrugged and said: "Of course it happened to be here when traveling outside, and then I saw you here."

"Then why are you helping us?" Belen was very puzzled about this. He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be "natural disasters"..."

"The only thing I care about is the seniors and them, not fighting for the ideals of the predecessors Gaola, and they will not die in your hands in the end. I can accept this result." Yanlian Temple explained, and then his eyes fell. At the Demon King Army below, her expression gradually faded, and she spoke indifferently.

"Moreover, if it weren't the demons who helped the flames behind, the seniors would not leave so early."

Hearing what she said, Belen also watched her for a long time, and then he finally let go of his heart after confirming the other party’s intentions. As expected, if he was still hostile to them, the meteors just hit them. Up.

And Belen was a little concerned after listening to Yanlian Temple. He knew that the "natural disaster" had colluded with the Demon King's army, so he also subconsciously thought of the mysterious woman, and his eyes flickered at this moment.

The ultimate goal of the Demon Race to fuel the flames may be the Heavenly Elephant Tower of the Holy See, and now, the Demon Race has already succeeded.

"Okay, let's solve these guys right now." The magic of Yanlian Temple's body began to rippling, she coldly looked at the demons below, and made no secret of killing intent on her face.

Flame Mantra!

The magical power of the fire element all over the sky boiled at this moment, and the whole world became more and more hot, endless flames emerged out of thin air, and then burned on the grassland.

With the help of the Flame Witch, Belen finally let go of his heart, because Illya did her best before, so although there are many demon king army left at this moment, it may not be unable to cope.

Just when Belen was about to send Ilia out, his heart suddenly shook, and a sense of anxiety surged up in an instant. He immediately turned around in the air and looked at it when he saw the dark shadows emerging from the forest. After that, he also looked dull.



At the call of Ilia, Belen also recovered. The anger in his heart resurfaced again, really endless. The Demon King army here has not been resolved yet, but is it coming again?

This is how to do?

When the army of demon kings joined, this piece of combat power once again overwhelmed. Even Yanrenji and Hoshina showed solemnity after seeing this scene. Right now, the number of demon kings army once again exceeded one hundred thousand.

After seeing this scene, Yanlian Temple also raised her head and looked at Belem above. She shouted: "Hey, the white-haired people can't choose to evacuate? Do you have to fight them?"

Hearing her question, Belen also opened his mouth, but he wanted to speak and looked at the silver-haired girl in his arms. The latter was also looking at him. Before he could speak, the girl spoke first.

"Brother, leave."

After hearing the girl's words, Belen's eyes were also slightly rounded. He saw the girl's eye sockets gradually become moist, and his heart trembled.

The former Ilia was not fighting for the kingdom of Ailuo, but for her family. But for the hometown that the family wanted to protect, how could she not have the mood to protect it?I've seen a shattered one, do you want to reappear again?

As a result, Belen's face showed an extremely firm color, and he said solemnly: "No, what Ilia wants to protect, I will protect it anyway!"


Illiya whispered in her mouth, and then broke free from Belen's arms. She stood in the air, shaking her body slightly before returning to normal.

"Yanlian Temple, you can leave. This is our business and should not involve you." Belen and the woman in the red dress said so, and then looked at Hoshina below. He used magic power to amplify his voice and shouted: "Hoshina, let's leave! This is for us!"

After hearing his words, Hoshina also raised his head and glanced at the white-haired man in the sky, then retracted his gaze and continued to rush into the Demon King Army.

If you retreat here, how can you surpass the goal you set?

Yanlian Temple looked up at Hoshina below and looked up at Belen and Ilia. She chuckled and said, "I will definitely run when I'm about to fail, but before that, I will help you. ."

When the voice fell, Yanlian Temple flew out, using the "Fire Mantra" again, completely indifferent to the consumption of magic power, and it was a large-scale magic when it started.

Seeing these two answers with actions, Belen was also stunned for a while, and he shook his head helplessly. He didn't want to involve the two of them, but in that case, he could only respond with his best efforts.

"Belen, do you need help?"

Just when Belen was about to return to the ground, another voice came into his ears. This familiar voice made him startled, and then he felt the appearance of countless magical powers, and he suddenly looked up. Going, I saw countless lights and shadows falling from the sky, and instantly fell on the ground, and he immediately opened his eyes.

Helper again?

Chapter 823: The Superman Legion and "The Brave" join!

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