Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 765

Although the "natural disaster" is no longer there, Yanlian Temple was once a core member of the "natural disaster" after all. She still knows the things she has done, and for the "brave", perhaps this is absolutely inexcusable thing.

Therefore, Yanlian Temple was ready to run away desperately. If the girl in front of him was caught, then he would probably live in prison for a lifetime.

Seeing the woman in the red dress so nervous, Sisya also watched for a while, then calmly said: "You'd better live this life quietly."

After saying these threatening words, Sisya flew down again, and the Demon Slayer was replaced by the Eternal Sacred Sword. The moment she landed, she fell with a sword, and forcibly split the earth In half.

In the sky, Yanliansi also blinked, and for a while, she felt a little reaction. She stretched out her fingers to wrap her hair and woke up after going around twice. She glanced thoughtfully. The sunset sky.

"Well, am I acquitted?"

call out!

After Belen swept through with a sword, several Demon Warriors were killed. At this time, there was also the sound of wind rushing in his ears, and the red figure appeared beside him, leaving a sentence with a smile.

"Does "White Haired Sword Saint" only have this strength?"

The red light and shadow did not stay, and continued to rush towards the front, and Belen also shook his head helplessly, but he grinned at the snow lion in the handshake.

"Then let you see the strong."

In any case, the two of them had also been opponents. In terms of the result, Belen won in the end. He didn't want to be looked down upon by his defeat.


Belen walked out slowly step by step, his eyes slowly closed, but blue magic power overflowed from his eyelids, holding the sword in his right hand, the tip of the sword hit the ground, the blue magic power rippling on his body, and the blue light particles began to accelerate When I got up, my breath was never incomparably calm, but amazingly hot!

The creation of Vientiane, one of the kendo flow.

His state of mind at the moment has a triumphant heart that wants to surprise someone with his sword skills.

When the countless army of demon kings surrounded him, Belen also opened his eyes, and those eyes had all turned dark blue, like a deep ocean with no end, at this moment, he put the sword in his hand. Flicked by before.


Even time seemed to stand still for an instant, and then a blue sword light whirled away in a circular trend, and instantly swept the audience. Even the barriers of space were smashed, and countless demon kings were here. He was beheaded with a sword, and even the wound was invisible, as if he was annihilated into the void.


The blue sword light shone, and it attracted everyone's attention in an instant, and they also felt the power of that power, and immediately looked in that direction in unison, with incredible eyes.

This power is extraordinary and holy!

Sisia on the other side was also surprised by the sword, and smiled after noticing the sword intent contained therein. She held the eternal holy sword in her hand and flew into the air.

"I don't want to lose."

She whispered like this, and then the magical power of seven colors flowed out of her body. A phantom of an elemental spirit appeared beside her, and the eternal holy sword was also shining with amazing brilliance, and the vast and infinite magical power was shaking. With heaven and earth, the sacred posture is like a god!

"Wow, the commander must be serious! Retreat!"

A petite and sweet-looking girl widened her eyes after seeing this scene, and then screamed and rushed towards the back, running out several miles away as fast as she could.

"Eternal Sacred Sword God's Judgment!"

There was awe-inspiring color in the eyes full of colorful brilliance. The red-haired girl held the giant sword high, the endless colorful magic power spinning on the eternal holy sword like a storm, and then used her waist to slash it violently. Fall down.


This blow was particularly terrifying. If Belen's sword had amazing power in the world, then this sword had the power to destroy the world!

When the colorful light fell on the ground, the radiance was as dazzling as the heavens and the earth had just opened. Everyone’s vision was flooded by this light, and then a roar sounded, everyone’s ears I got caught in my tinnitus, and it took a while to recover.

However, at this moment, the Demon King's army had almost disappeared by more than half, and the Demon Race's military spirit immediately disintegrated. After receiving the order to retreat, the remaining Demon Race did not hesitate to turn around and flee, not daring to take a step forward.

"That is the power of the "brave"."

Belen sighed so much, his eyes fell on the incomparably huge crater in the distance. Even the fall of countless meteorites may not be able to form such a scene.

It is now when the dusk ends.

The army of the Demon King’s army also began to retreat at this moment, and Sisia did not issue an order to pursue it, and annihilated so many of the Demon King’s army, and none of them died here. This is already a huge victory. .

Seeing the retreat of the Demon King Army, Belen was also relieved. At this time, Ilia, Hoshina, and Yanlian Temple also returned here, and they all looked at the distant sky in shock. pit.

Yanlian Temple subconsciously muttered to himself: "This is too fierce."

Chapter 825: Yanlian Temple in an awkward situation

This war is finally over.

In Belen's heart, he sighed with emotion, and the exhaustion all over his body instantly rushed up. He immediately fell to the ground, and immediately worried the silver-haired girl next to him.

Illya also came to Belem, her beautiful face was filled with worry that could not be concealed, and she quickly asked, "Brother, how are you?"

"It's okay, just a little tired." Belen comforted the girl, and then couldn't help saying: "How is your injury?"

Regarding the injury and the consumption of magic power, Illya must be above him. She had already used her magic power to the point where she was almost exhausted. Later, after recovering a little, she continued to participate in the battle. This made Belem very worried. , This kid is always too hard.

Ilia said dumbly: "I want to sleep."

"Ah, that's what I said, I want to sleep too." Belen couldn't help but laugh, and he reached out and rubbed the girl's head, who closed his eyes like a small animal.

Yanlian Temple on the side couldn't help but laugh after seeing this scene. She covered her mouth and smiled: "I really didn't expect that the "witch" who can resist the prohibition of war-type magic with her own strength will look like you. It's as cute as a kitten, it's really cute."

Hearing Yanlian Temple's words, Belen did not respond to this, but raised his head to look at her, and said with sincere thanks, "Thank you again this time."

"No thanks, I'm just looking at those demons who are upset." Yanlian Temple waved her hand indifferently, and she added: "And I also said before. If the situation is wrong, I will Just leave."

"Even so, be sure to accept my thanks."

Seeing him so determined, Yanlian Temple also blinked beautiful eyes, then nodded and said: "Well then, I will accept your kindness, although I am not really trying to help you."

As a result, Belen looked at Hoshina, who also had countless wounds on his body, and his dress was a little damaged. Although it looked a little embarrassing, it was also a scene that was enough to make people feel heart-wrenching.

"Hoshina, thank you very much."

In this regard, Hoshina also shook his head and said: "I just didn't go to get stronger, so I just helped you."

"I understand." Belen nodded.

At this time, dozens of figures walked in front of them, it was the 72 women of the Superman Legion, they all looked at Belem four with curiosity.

"You guys are really amazing."

"You solved all the corpses of the Demon King Army before, right?"

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