Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 766

Hearing the girls’ questions, Belen was also stunned, then he stood up with the help of Ilia, and then solemnly thanked: "Thank you for your help."

Hearing that, Alice also stood up and smiled: "Your thanks is very unreasonable. It stands to reason that the Demon King Army should be our goal to solve, so ah, your help needs our thanks."

The girls in the Superman Army nodded their heads. They think so too. Because they have obtained the information, they know that there will be a large number of demon kings here. Before they arrive, the four in front of them are fighting stubbornly here. , And they also guarded the town behind, so no matter what you think, they should thank them.

Yanliansi on the side was embarrassed to speak, because her identity was a bit sensitive. Although "the brave man" didn't seem to have any plans to investigate her past, the superhumans in front of her might not think so.

"Forget it, because for some reason, I need to guard that town. Your presence can be regarded as helping us, so it can be offset." Belen said with a smile.

At this time, Sisya also returned, and there was a little sweat on her delicate face. It seemed that it would take a lot of mana to use the powerful magic just now.

"I won!"

Hearing what she said, Belen also grinned, then nodded helplessly: "Yes, you won." I have to admit that he lost the competition just now.

Hearing this, Sisya also smiled and said, "Then it's one to one level now!"

One to one?

The daughters of the Superman Legion all looked over. After looking at Sisiya, they looked at the helpless white-haired man, and then gradually showed shock.

This man has won the head of the head!?

how is this possible!?

Immediately afterwards, Sisya turned and looked at the girls who looked at Belem with shocked faces. She was stunned, then looked at Belem and said: "Introduce yourself, they are not only mine. My subordinates are still my friends."

Being friends with the Superman Army is worthy of being a "brave."

Belen was also a little embarrassed after hearing the words, and then introduced several girls around him to the Superman Legion girls, and they learned that the white-haired man and the silver-haired girl in front of them were the legendary "White-haired Swordsman" After "Witch" and "Witch" both opened their eyes wide in surprise.

Alice was also stunned when she heard the words. She looked at Belem and then at Ilia, and then said helplessly: "Although I thought you were unusual at first, I didn't expect to be so unusual."

"No, I wasn't a "white-haired sword saint" at the beginning."Belen responded.

After that, Belen looked at the woman in the red dress who was aside again, and his expression suddenly became weird. For this one, should he introduce it?


After sensing Belen's gaze, Yanlian Temple also coughed dryly to relieve the embarrassment, and then smiled and said: "Hello, my name is Yan, I am a wanderer."


Belen and Sisia also looked weird. It seems that this flame witch is also a little afraid of the Superman Legion, probably because she is afraid of being beaten by a group?But neither of them planned to expose her lie.

At this time, Yiliya glanced at Yanlian Temple, and then said coldly: "Big sister is really not frank enough, she burned my hair without hesitation."


Both Yanliansi and Belem coughed. The former remembered that he had burned the girl’s hair. The latter was also extremely ashamed. I didn’t expect this girl to remember what happened at that time. .

"Big sister, you..."

Just when Ilia was still talking, Yanliansi immediately stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, and then looked awkwardly at the girls in the Superman Legion who looked at her suspiciously, and immediately hit her face. Haha.

"It's nothing, it's nothing. I had some conflicts with this kid at the beginning, and they really hold grudges, haha, haha."

Iliya was covered in her mouth and did not fight back. She didn't have any strength or magic power now, but she was a woman who lied coldly while covering her mouth.

This woman...

Chapter 826: Weapons will be sad

The war was over, and the townspeople came back one after another. Probably they already knew the situation here, and they wanted to come back within a day or two. After all, they fled empty-handed.

After everyone returned to Ailuo Town, some of the girls in the Superman Army went to investigate around, and the others followed Belen to the place where the commercial car stopped before, and then he took the lead to take Latir and them I found it back, and everyone was surprised when they saw Sisia again.


Seeing these familiar faces, Sisya also showed a smile, and she waved her hands and said hello: "Ah, it's been a long time, how are you doing?"

After the greeting, Sisiya again set her gaze on Laiya, and blinked in surprise after seeing the latter's golden eyes.

"Laya, congratulations, for becoming the first female "Elven King" in the history of the Fairy Forest."

Regarding what happened in the Fairy Forest, Sisya had long received news from Novel, but she was still shocked by the fact that Laya had really become the "Elves King".

Regarding this, Laya just smiled awkwardly: "If I come outside, I won't be able to have the protection of the Fairy Forest, so I shouldn't be regarded as the "Elven King"."

"No, even without the protection of the Fairy Forest, you are still the "Elven King"."Sisya shook her head and gave such an answer.

At this moment, Latis is treating Ilia for her injuries. Although she has never used magic before, in fact, this little cat is not ordinary in life magic. She still has a good study, no matter it is She learned from Flozarno Academy or from Nit, but she has been well consolidated.

At this time, Sisya also came to Illia. She looked at the silver-haired girl in front of her, and a small sapling jumped out of her shoulder. It was the Wood Elf, and Sisya used it in conjunction with the Wood Elf. Life magic, to heal Ilia's injuries.

Soon, Illiya’s injury improved. If the life magic from three parties is superimposed, it is indeed impossible for ordinary people to bear it, but she can do it. Although the injury has improved, there is no problem with the consumption of magic power. It is resolved, but this is not a big problem, it only takes time to recuperate.

After that, they helped Belen and Hoshina to heal their injuries. The two were also relieved. Although they did not receive a fatal injury, they were still in serious condition. Sure enough, it is very difficult to do it with three enemies and one hundred thousand demon king army Well, even if they did it in the end, they would have to pay a high price.

Immediately afterwards, the Wood Elf floated in front of Belem. It did not have eyes, but it was indeed watching the man in front of him, and then made a sound.

"You have a very powerful seal on your body, and it contains the magic of life that even I feel shocked."

The magic of life that can shock the wood elves, Belen is not surprised at this point, because that is the "savior" Nit, probably the closest person to God, surpassing the elemental elves in a realm Not surprisingly, just like the "Braves" and "Devils" now

Seeing it noticed, Belen also smiled and nodded: "Yes, that is the seal imposed on me by the two seniors, otherwise I might have something wrong." Then, he took a look and was caring. The girls of Ilia.

Sisia also had a heartbeat, and she immediately said, "Of those two, one of them should be the "savior", right?"

"Yes, it's him." Belen nodded, his eyes gleaming, and he smiled and said: "The other is a senior of the elves, a student of the same age as the "Savior"."

Hearing these words, Sisya also showed a look of surprise. She said: "It turns out that there is such an old senior in the elves. I really didn't expect it."

Before this, even she had never thought that there was a "savior" still alive, or that there was a thousand-year-old existence that has survived to this day, and now it has been confirmed.

"Ah, yes."

Belen suddenly remembered something. He immediately looked at the red-haired girl in front of him, and then said in a deep voice, "Could you show me the Demon Slayer Taito?"

In this regard, Sisya was also taken aback. She saw the sadness in the eyes of the man before her, and then nodded in response: "Of course." After that, she took out the Demon Slayer and handed it to it. Belem.

"Be careful, it's very murderous."


Looking at the Demon Slashing Sword in front of him, Belen was also in a complicated mood. He stretched out his hand to hold it, and the spiritual Slashing Sword did not harm him, but resonated with the life magic in the seal in his body. stand up.

Belen's body exudes a faint dark green brilliance. He took out the green jade pendant with his left hand, then smiled and said, "This is from your previous master, do you still know it?"

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