Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 767


The sword of Demon Slayer exudes a faint red light, which actually makes the green jade pendant also emit a faint brilliance. Obviously it knows that this is Nit's thing, after all, it has been with it thousands of years ago.

Seeing this, Sisia also smiled and said: "It still recognizes this jade pendant."

"Yeah." Belen nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the red light emitted by the Demon Slayer Tai sword dimmed a bit, it was feeling sad and sad for the master's departure.

Seeing this scene, Belen also stretched out his hand and touched Demon Sword Taito. He smiled and said: "Don't be too sad, he smiled when he left."


The red light on the sword of Demon Killer gradually dimmed, as if responding to Belen's words.

After a while, Belen released the hand holding the Demon Slayer Taito, let it turn into a red light and return to Sisia's body, probably going back to be sad for a while.

Sisiya raised her hand and placed it on her chest. She could feel the sadness of Demon Slayer Taito. She shook her head, and then sighed: "It's a pity, I didn't see the "Savior"."

Now she has the name of "brave", and the one who has the name of "savior", they two are doing the same thing in different times.

That is to save the world!

Not being able to see this senior who had saved an era is a very regrettable thing for Sisia, so she sighed.

In this regard, Belen raised his head and looked at the sky. He raised his head and smiled and said, "Although you haven't seen him, he should be watching you well."

He and his friends must be watching them here among the stars.

Chapter 827: The cowardly Yanlian Temple?

At night, Belén intends to prepare a sumptuous dinner for everyone. If it weren’t for everyone’s help, maybe the town of Ailuo would not be able to guard it. In that case, Ilia would definitely be very sad, and it would be very sad for him It is a very thankful thing.

Because there are so many people in the Superman Army, the ingredients are not enough, so Belén also has everyone to help bring some ingredients, and the girls who originally wanted to refuse the kindness also brightened their eyes after learning that Belen was the "God of Cooking". He hesitated and ran out to find ingredients.

However, those who keep good money are good kids after all.

This time the cooking was still made by everyone. After all, with so many people, it is impossible to have less cooking. After preparing the cooking, Belen noticed a figure standing outside the circle.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to come to eat, Belen also blinked, and then seemed to think of something, so he walked over and came to the woman in the red dress.

"Don't you eat together? I still have confidence in my craft."

Yanlian Temple glanced at the white-haired man next to him, and then snorted: "I don't know how to eat it. If you want to eat it, you can eat it. I want to cool off here."

Hearing what she said, Belen couldn't help laughing: "You're not afraid that your identity will be exposed and then be beaten up by those girls? Are you so timid?"

"I'm pooh! How could I be afraid!" Yanlian Temple immediately retorted, she snorted, then turned her head away and muttered: "It's just that a good girl doesn't suffer from the immediate loss, I can't beat so many people."

"Aren't you afraid?" Belen grinned.

Hearing this, Yanlian Temple also turned her head and glared at Belen. Her face was full of unhappiness. She curled her lips and said, "Whatever you think, I'm not afraid anyway!"

"Okay." Belen shrugged when he saw this, and didn't intend to tease the woman anymore. Then he smiled and said: "Don't worry, we won't expose you. Let's eat together? Thank you for helping me today."

Hearing these words, Yanlian Temple also turned around and glanced at the countless delicacies on the big table. Her throat rolled slightly, and she swallowed, which was obviously a little emotional.

Although witches can provide physical functions by virtue of magic, this does not mean that they have no sense of taste. Just like normal humans, they also have a desire for food.

At this moment, the taste of the delicious food floated over, and Yanlian Temple felt a little hungry inexplicably, and immediately blushed and said, "Well, then you should accept your thanks, and eat a little bit. "

Seeing the girl who had "compromised", Belen also endured a smile, then turned and walked towards everyone, still giving her no pressure, otherwise there would be grievances.

Although Belen and others have persuaded Ilia to take a rest, after all, even after treatment, her magical powers have indeed not recovered. If she does not rest well, it will affect her herself, but for Ilia Yan, eating with everyone is something she doesn't want to miss.

At this point, he was surprisingly stubborn, so Belen and the others did not force Ilia to rest.

The superhuman species itself needs huge calories, so the girls in the Superman Legion have a big appetite, but it is strange that they can eat so well, but most of the girls are slender, and they eat very elegantly. , Probably this is the reservedness of girls?

In addition to the Superman Legion, the most surprising thing is the Yanlian Temple. This flame maiden is surprisingly a foodie, and she eats nothing less than those superhuman species, and this makes Belen unable to help but laugh. Up.

He still knows that most girls are foodies.

Thinking of what Yanlian Temple had just said, Belen couldn't even eat the food, and he kept laughing there, and the former also instantly swept his gaze over, with flames burning in his eyes.


Belen straightened his face immediately, and then ate the food in the bowl, presumably if he laughed any more, the woman would lose herself with a fireball.

Because there were too many things prepared this time, the dishes and chopsticks were too much to death. Fortunately, Sisia used magic to help clean it, otherwise it would probably be broken if you wash it by hand.

The things experienced on this day made the girls very tired, so they accompany Ilia to sleep, and Yanlian Temple is also nowhere to be seen. Maybe they left, or they may be staying somewhere in the town. After all, staying with Sisia and the Superman Legion is also very stressful for her.

Belen was sitting on the haystack beside him, and his mood at the moment was also a little floaty. In short, it was great to be able to protect this town. Thinking of Ilia’s sad look, he was inexplicably scared. Maybe she could show that look like that before.

"Aren't you going to rest? Your injury isn't healed yet."

Hearing the sound coming from his side, Belen also turned his head and said with a smile when he saw the red-haired girl: "The injury does not matter. Anyway, when are you going back?"

Sisiya sat beside Belen, then glanced at him, and said with a slight smile: "Why did you want to fuck us all of a sudden? Are you afraid that we will eat you?"

"That's not true." Belen also smiled and shook his head, and then said: "You are still fighting now? Is it okay for you not to return to those important battle zones?"

In this regard, Sisya smiled and said: "We also need to rest, besides, I have a very reliable partner, and nothing will happen just because I am not in the field for a while."

"That's it." Belen raised his head and looked at the starry sky. He suddenly remembered something. He said: "But it seems that even if the King Kong is dead, your pressure has not been reduced."

Hearing that, Sisya's eyes flickered slightly, and she smiled: "Thanks to you, I didn't expect you to get rid of that turtle shell."

"If he hadn't been cut off by you, I might not be able to get rid of him." Belen shook his head after hearing the words. He also knew the strength of the King Kong King.

Immediately afterwards, Sisya sighed again: "But, he may not really die like this."

"What do you mean?" Belen was stunned, and he looked at the red-haired girl beside him.

Sisiya also looked up at the darkness in the night sky, and said calmly: "After all, the magic power of the four demon kings is given by that guy, so even if there is another King Kong king, it may not be impossible. ."

Belen also squinted his eyes after hearing the words. He naturally knew who the "guy" referred to by Sisiah was referring to, and when he mentioned this existence, he couldn't help but think of the phantom when he was in the Fairy Forest. What he said,

When we meet officially, I will kill you.

Chapter 828: The Stubborn Hero

"Have you met that guy?"

After Sisya asked Belen about the Fairy Forest, Belen told her about the phantom. The same was true of the last words, and Sisya was stunned by this. .

Belen said helplessly: "It's really a terrible guy."

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