Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 774

Belen looked to the side and looked at his little cat, then curiously asked: "Lattes, how heavy are you now?"

Hearing this question, Latis swallowed. The details were very obvious. She was silent for a while, and then replied: "Forty-four kilograms."

"Forty-four kilograms!?"

"Woo..." Latis immediately lowered her head.

But then, Belen was surprised and shouted: "Isn't this light and shameless!?"


Latis also raised her head and looked at Belen blankly, thinking that she would be said something, but she didn't expect the latter to say such a thing.

La Tier was also stunned, she couldn't help but reminded: "Um... Mr. Belen, La Tis is only fourteen years old, and the average girl is about forty kilograms. She is already over the line.


After hearing her explanation, Belen also opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief, as if he had heard something that broke his inner common sense.

"No, it's not right! This is too light!?" Belen couldn't believe this fact.

After seeing Belen's incomparably real expression, La Tier also flashed her big eyes, and then showed a helpless look. She didn't know what to say.

At this time, the girls were aware of the movement here, so they came over with curiosity, and Laya asked curiously.

"What are you talking about?"

Hearing this, Belen also looked at Laiya, and he asked curiously: "Liya just ask, what is your weight?"

Hearing this question, Laya's face flushed immediately, and she couldn't help saying: "Mr. Belém! As a gentleman, how can you ask girls this kind of question!?"


Belen was stunned.

Laiya swallowed, then looked at the seat in her stomach, she shook her head secretly, no, this is absolutely impossible to say, recently she has become heavier again!

Seeing Laiya's face full of refusal, Belen was not good enough to continue asking her, so he asked for help and looked at Lumia and the other girls.

Lu Mia smiled and said, "I seem to be quite heavy, and I guess it's fifty kilograms. Isn't it a girl?"

Eh eh eh!

Hearing Lumia's words, Laya on the side also looked at the girl beside her. She had big golden eyes flashing with incredible eyes. Did Lumia have fifty kilograms?Then she...

"Lumia exercises every day and eats a lot, so she will naturally be heavier, but Lu Mia is in good shape! This is very popular with boys." Hill said with a smile.

Belen also nodded slightly. Indeed, from the appearance, Lumia's figure is indeed very good, and fifty kilograms is also within the normal range in his impression.

Hill put her hand on her chest, and she smiled and said, "My words are 46 kilograms. I don't really care about weight. As long as you are not too fat, you can accept it."

La Tier on the side also said: "I'm the same, I have measured it before and only forty-five kilograms."

After that, the girls turned their gazes on Yi Liya again. I don't know why, but they are also very curious about Yi Liya's weight. After all, they are such beautiful girls, and they are no different from Lu Mia.

Iliya's silver-black eyes blinked, and she shook her head and said, "I don't know my weight, and I haven't measured it." After all, she didn't care about this kind of thing very much.

Immediately afterwards, Laya's expression collapsed. She was heartbroken now. She didn't expect that she was the heaviest among girls. No, this matter can't be exposed. She is about to lose weight!

That's right, her weight is one kilogram heavier than Lu Mia who exercises regularly!

At this time, La Tier looked at the kitten again, and she sighed: "Mr. Belen, don’t you know that La Tis had only 40 kilograms before, and she has been used to giving her candy these days. After eating, he became a sugar slave, and he grew to 44 kilograms during this period."

When she heard her sister's words, Latis also drooped her head and muttered, "It doesn't matter, I just want to get fat, can't it?"

After La Tier heard these words, she also sighed. She didn't expect La Tisi to be sulking. Is she too harsh?

Belen also looked at the second daughter, then smiled and stretched out his hand to rub the kitten’s head. He smiled and said, “It’s okay to like to eat sweets, but Lattes has to promise her brother that she will often talk to Lumia. Sister goes to exercise so that she won't get fat, and she can always eat the candy she likes."

"Woo..." Latis nodded her head, then raised her head and looked at the white-haired man in front of her. She asked with some worry: "Brother, if I get fat, will my brother hate me? ?"

Hearing the kitten's words, Belen was also startled, then smiled and shook his head and said, "No, even if Latis gets fat, my brother will like Latis like he does now."


After getting this answer, Latis also made a happy voice, and then came to her sister, she said softly: "I will go to exercise!"

After hearing this, La Tier was also a little helpless. She looked at Belén on the side and then at the girls, then smiled and nodded: "Well, if you are willing to exercise."

Seeing the reconciled sisters, Belen also smiled slightly, but he still cared a little in his heart. Didn't you expect that the girls are so light?He hasn't paid much attention to it.

Chapter 836: This is a bad move!

That night, Belen leaned against the earth dragon and was dozing, and he was inexplicably concerned about the weight of the girls today.

Is there really only that little weight?

It seems that La Tisi has a weight of 44 kilograms, which seems to be a very excessive thing for La Tier. After all, it has grown in a short period of time, although it should be because La Tisi is still growing. For the sake of the body.

Forty-four kilograms?

Belen opened his eyes, and he glanced at the Earth Dragon. You must know that this old man weighs close to a ton, which is equivalent to hundreds of Latiss?

Wow!I can't even think about it.

It would be great if you could hug them.

Belem had such a thought inexplicably. Except for Ilia, he almost never hugged La Tier and the others. Even La Tisi did this when she was young. There is really a kind of behavior like that. The pride of being an elder.

Well, go try it!

With incomparably pure thoughts, Belen came to Latier, who just finished packing the tableware, and the latter also noticed his arrival, and now looked at him curiously.

"Mr. Belen, what's the matter?"

Belen looked at Latier, and then said seriously: "Latier, can I give you a hug?"


La Tier was stunned, and the next moment she came back to her senses, her face immediately turned red, and she stuttered, "Why, why, suddenly, suddenly..."

"Because I am very curious about your weight. I haven't paid much attention to it before, so can I give you a hug? I am a little curious about your girl's weight."

This answer comes from the heart, and Belém really cares about this. After all, he is not interested in many things. Once there is something interesting, he wants to explore it.

"This...Is that so?"

Latier also understood the situation, but the crimson cheeks still didn't fade away. She didn't know where to put her hands, so she grabbed the corner of her clothes, and then pressed her red lips and nodded.

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