Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 775

"Well then, you, you hug."

So, Belen came forward and looked at the cat-eared girl who was one head lower than himself, then stretched out his hands, and hugged the girl in the form of a princess, and then he was surprised. expression.

"It's so light!"

This is the first time he has carefully felt the weight he felt when he was holding a girl. It was inexplicably light and felt very good, just like he was holding his daughter!

Okay, so ashamed!

La Tier covered her face with her hands. She guessed that she was blushing to the point where she was about to bleed soon. Although it was cat ears, she felt hot.

"it is good."

Belen put Latier down, then smiled and looked at the girl with her head down. He said, "I see, Latier is so light!"

"That, of course, if it's too heavy, Mr. Belén won't like it?" Latier lowered his head, subconsciously uttered these words, and then suddenly realized something, and quickly raised his blushing face. Said: "No, no! Please forget what I just said!"

"No!" Belen didn't pay attention to the words behind La Tier, he replied very firmly, and he said seriously: "Weight is not an annoying factor! La Ti If you say, no matter what it becomes, I will always like it!"

This is the love of the family and will never change!

However, Latier, who heard this sentence, opened her mouth, and her expression suddenly became flustered, so embarrassed that she even wanted to bury her head in the ground, but she was very happy in her heart.

Although I know that it doesn't mean that, I am still very happy.

Immediately afterwards, Belen nodded and said, "Then, go find Laiya!" After saying that, he turned and walked towards the blond girl who was looking at the scenery.

Hearing what he said, La Tier was also stunned, and then opened his eyes wide and exclaimed: "Wait, wait a minute! Mr. Belém, why are you going to see Laya!?"

"Huh?" Belen stopped, then turned to look at the cat-eared girl, he said of course: "Of course it is to hug her!"

La Tier was also startled, then blushed and said, "Isn't it enough to have me?"

Although he didn't quite understand this, Belem replied, "Ah! It's like this, because Leia didn't say her weight today, so she cares a little."

"This, this way, it turns out that you don't just want to hug me alone." Latier lowered his head, turned and walked towards the room with some loss.

This also made Belen a little puzzled, feeling that La Tier suddenly lost his energy. Could it be that he was too tired today?I think about it, after all, she has done her best to prevent Latis from eating sweets.

"Mr. Belém, what are you doing here?" Laya also came behind Belém, and she glanced curiously at the lost figure who entered the house.

Hearing Laya's voice, Belen also turned around, then smiled and said, "I'm here to find you with something, Laya, can I give you a hug?"


Laya screamed, she swallowed, her cheeks were a little rosy, she whispered softly: "Mr. Belen, this, this is not so good..."

If Latier and the others see it...no, it's wrong!Even if she won't be seen, she won't be easily hugged!It's just because it's Mr. Belém that it won't be so resistant...no other meaning!

However, at the time of Laiya's various psychological hints, Belem sighed and said with some regret: "Sorry, I was too sudden..."

"No, no! I didn't refuse, if it was what Mr. Belén wanted..." Laiya shook her head quickly, her blushing face turned away from her sight, and she did not dare to look directly at the blue eyes.

Only because of seeing Mr. Belém pitifully did he agree!No other meaning!Sorry everyone!

"Then, can you?"

Laiya blushed and nodded her head and replied: "Hmm..."

Therefore, Belen also took a step forward, and also hugged Laya in the form of a princess. He weighed it, then frowned slightly, and put her down again after thinking.

Laya was already blushing, and steam started to flow from the top of her head. She couldn't speak for a while, her body was trembling slightly, she just felt that her whole person was not good.

"Laya seems to be heavier than Latir."

When she heard these words, Laya's trembling stopped immediately. She blushed and raised her head. She looked at the white-haired man in front of her with shame, and then shouted: "Mr. Belén, you fool. !"

Afterwards, Laya ran away in embarrassment, which made Belém stunned for a moment. He just said a result, why was he angry all at once?

Girls are really weird...

Chapter Eighty Hundred and Seventh: That Figure

On this day, Belén and others came to a town. This is the closest town to Andiliga. It will not take long to reach the kingdom of Andiliga. This makes the girls also look forward to it. After all, it is with Flo. A kingdom comparable to Lentis.

Compared with the girls’ expectation of arriving in Andilica, Belen has a headache. After all, he inexplicably angered Latier and Laiya that night. Up to now, they are all wanting to themselves. He is not allowed to cook, even if he meets his eyes, he will be immediately avoided.

Maybe I really did something excessive, right?He also thought about it. It is estimated that his request to hug them was too sudden, so he was hated.

It's really bad, his curiosity is really annoying!

It's noon when I arrived in this town, and Belém also plans to rest in this town for one night before rushing on his way. If he keeps on his way, it will make everyone feel bored, and occasionally take a walk in the town or something.

Belen parked the commercial car on the grass on the edge of the town, and then got off the commercial car, he shouted to the house: "Well, let's spend the night in this town today."

As a result, the girls came one by one from the commercial car, they looked at the surrounding scenery curiously, while Laiya and Latir both met the dark blue eyes at this moment, and subconsciously turned their heads. Avoided sight.

Seeing this scene, Belen also had a bitter face, then sighed and walked towards the warehouse. After all, he arrived in a town after a few days, and he wanted to check if there was anything missing.

"Um... go buy some fruit."

After checking it, Belen came to the conclusion that he didn't lack anything here, only the fruit was the most lacking. The girls liked to eat these fruits the most.

Immediately afterwards, Belen left the warehouse. He looked at the two figures, hesitated for a while, thinking that it seemed difficult to apologize to them at once, so let's come one by one.

So Belen walked towards the cat-eared girl and said softly, "Latier, can you accompany me to buy some fruit in the town?"

"Me?" Latier turned to look at Belém, but the next moment she looked away again, and she was silent for a moment and said: "Let Laya accompany Mr. Belém, I will forget it."

Ah, I'm really disgusted!

Belen was also a little depressed. He thought for a while, and then said: "Laya, she, I'm worried that she will go to other places for fun when she buys fruit."

Hearing this, Latier also turned her gaze back again. She hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Well, that is to say, does Mr. Belem think I am more reliable?"

"Well, that's right." Belen nodded.

After getting this answer, La Tier's original dissatisfaction finally eased a little. After feeling a little bit of joy, she also replied: "Well then, I will accompany Mr. Belen to the town to buy fruit."

"It's a great help. It's a bit lonely to walk alone." Belen also smiled. In fact, he just wanted to find a suitable time to apologize. Isn't it common to buy things by yourself?

Therefore, after Belen explained some matters to Rumia and Hill, he walked to town with Latier, and he was a little nervous inexplicably.

Walking on the streets of the town, the atmosphere between the two is extremely silent, and there has been no dialogue. For Belen, this is simply a torture. He wants to speak, but he dare not speak, because the people around him The girl also kept silent, and looked ahead calmly. Why didn't she look like she wanted to talk to him?

"So what, the weather today is pretty good!"


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