Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 776

"There are so many people in this town, it's very lively."


Can not do it!It's not going to work like this!

After getting the same response from La Tier again and again, Belen was also a little crazy in his heart. There was no way to continue the topic!

Soon, Belen came to a fruit stand. He bought a lot of fruit listlessly, threw it into the storage container, and then started walking back with Latis.

If this goes on, you can go back without any success!

Belen knew this too well. He gritted his teeth secretly, and then made up his mind. Although it always felt like it was not the time, he must apologize now. He didn't want to continue this embarrassing atmosphere!So, he stopped immediately.


Hearing this solemn call, Latil was also taken aback. She looked at the man beside her in confusion and asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Belém."

"Actually, I want to apologize for bringing you out this time! I don't want to make you sulking anymore."

Hearing that, Latier also opened her mouth, and then fell into silence again. She has to admit that these days she is indeed a little depressed and a little cold towards Belem, but she is not angry. She is very clear about this, but It seems that I was a little angry by the misunderstanding.

"I solemnly apologize to you, I shouldn't make such a request to you so suddenly, I'm sorry!" Belen lowered his head slightly and apologized very solemnly.

Seeing this scene, La Tier's heart jumped, and she quickly said: "No, it's not Mr. Belen, I'm not angry, but I'm in a low mood. You don't need to blame yourself."

"Really, really!?"

Hearing these words, Belen also raised his head in surprise to look at the girl in front of him, and La Tier's face turned red after feeling the hot sight, and she softly responded.


"That's good, that's good, it scares me to death. It feels like Ratil always avoids me these days."

Belen scratched his cheek with his fingers and smiled a little embarrassedly. At this moment, he suddenly noticed a gray-black figure out of the corner of his eyes. His smiling face immediately froze, and his eyes gradually widened. incredible.

"This... how is this possible?"

Seeing the man whose expression suddenly changed, La Tier was also taken aback, and she quickly asked: "What's the matter with Mr. Belém? Is it because you are not feeling well?"

"she was..."

Belen's expression was a bit sluggish, he subconsciously stepped away, and ran towards the figure that was very familiar, or even engraved into the soul.


After seeing Belém suddenly ran out, La Tier was shocked. She was taken aback. Although she didn't know what happened, when she thought of Belém's sudden change of expression, she knew she had to chase. Go up!

Chapter VIII: Melancholy

That gray-black figure!

Belen's eyes locked on the figure in front of him that made him feel extremely familiar, and there seemed to be no sound around, only the sound of accelerating heartbeat echoed in his heart.

"Lilith, wait a minute!"

He couldn't recognize it and shouted out, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention. However, in the sight of those people, only a white shadow could be seen passing by, and the speed was so fast that he could not be caught.

But the weird thing is that even at this speed, it can't narrow the distance with that figure.

At this moment, the figure in the gray-black robe turned into the side of the alley, and the white figure also came to the entrance of the alley in the next moment, he stopped there, and then stood there blankly.

There was no one in the alley.

The man stood there dull for a long time, and his eyes gradually changed from stupid to loss and sadness. The sadness came from his heart, and he was even sad to the point where his heart was hurting.

It can't be wrong, that figure is the girl, why doesn't she want to see him?She knows she's chasing it, right?why?Why is that?

The heartbroken pain made Belem's whole body decadent, and his feet were soft, and he slumped directly on the ground, his dark blue eyes staring into the alley.


At this time, La Tier also panted and came to Belém's side. The latter ran too fast, so she arrived so late, and when she saw Belém's look, her eyes widened. It's been a long time since I saw him show such a heartbroken look.

"Bei, Mr. Belen, what's the matter with you?"

This is something that can be understood at a glance without keen observation. At this moment, the white-haired man has already expressed all the emotions in his heart on his face.

Hearing the girl's call, Belen's consciousness gradually pulled back a little, tears fell from the corner of his eyes, the helpless look on his face turned towards the girl, and his mouth was trembling.

"Pull, Ratil..."

La Tier was also shocked by this scene. She quickly came to Belem and said nervously and worriedly, "Mr. Belem, shall we go home first?"


On the way back, Latier still cast her gaze at the man beside her from time to time. She also heard the name that the latter yelled just now and remembered it deeply.


Is that the girl mentioned by Mr. Belém?How could she appear here?Why didn't she stop to meet with Mr. Belém?

She also had a lot of doubts in her heart, and the last two doubts were what Belen was confused about, but at this moment he was already unable to think about these questions.

After La Tier returned home with Belen, the girls looked at them, and opened their eyes wide when they saw Belen who was extremely lost and sad.

What's going on here?Why is it like this when you come back?

Belen was sitting on the commercial truck, staring at the ground dullly, and fell into a puppet-like state for a while, his head was blank, he had obviously suffered a huge blow, and it seemed that he was old and decadent.

The girls pulled Latier aside, and Laya couldn't help asking, "Latier, what happened? How did Mr. Belém become like this?"

Latier sighed after hearing the words. She glanced at the white-haired figure who was sitting in a daze on the commercial car, and then told everyone what had happened on the street.

When the girls heard the name and things of the girl "Lilith", the girls' eyes were filled with surprise. It turned out that Belen had lived with a girl before.

How could it appear here?

The girls have the same doubt in their hearts. You must know that this is not in Florentis, nor in the territory of Andilica. This is outside the country. Why does that girl appear here?

There is no way to know the answer to this question, and the girls also know that even Belem can't give an answer to this question, otherwise it won't be so dull at the moment.

Immediately afterwards, Lumia said: "No, we have to cheer Belen up."

"Is there any way?" Latier was also very worried about Belen, but she couldn't think of any way to help the latter.

Laya said thoughtfully: "Or, take Mr. Belén with me when I go to bed tonight? He might feel lonely alone."

Eliya said, "Brother needs time to calm down."

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