Wonderful trip to another world

Bizarre Travel In Another World Chapter 778


When the gray magic touched the brilliance of the silver thread, the brilliance faded away, and after seeing this scene, Illia's eyes condensed, and she quickly collected countless silver threads. Touched by the gray magic.

This magic...


Even Ilia couldn't see through the nature of the gray magic power, but could feel that the magic power covering her hair was completely wiped out.

"I also long for your hair color. It would be a pity if it disappeared like this." Sombra sighed, and the gray magic still circulated around her.

Looking at the gray magic power on the other party, even Illiya felt threatened, but even so, she didn't have any fear. Although she didn't know the other party's intention, she didn't want to let the other party get close to everyone.

If there is too much movement, my brother will notice it.

Illya frowned and looked at the shadow not far away. There was a turquoise magic in her right hand. Because of scruples, she could not use all her strength, but if she wanted to fight the shadow, she felt like she You must use all your strength.

And Sombra obviously noticed the girl's actions, and immediately said: "Don't worry, now is not the time to solve you, as long as you don't intervene in the war, I won't take action against you. This sentence will bring that person. "

After saying this, the black shadow turned into a gray magic power to hide, and then the gray cyclone disappeared in place, and the darkness that enveloped this forest also disappeared, moonlight It scattered back into the place where the shadow was before.

Iliya's gaze swept around, and after confirming that the other party was indeed gone, she stood silently on the spot. After stopping for a while, she turned and left.

When the other party said "that person", she naturally knew who it was referring to.

At this moment, in the room of the commercial vehicle, the girls were all gathered here, and Belen also arrived afterwards. He looked at the cat-eared girl who was sitting on the bed with his knees and buried his head in his arms.


After hearing this voice, La Tier also trembled all over, she slowly raised her head, and her eyes were red with tears and looked at the white-haired man standing at the door.

Seeing the girl who was crying with red eyes, Belen was also distressed. He walked in and sat on a chair alone, while the girls were all sitting on the big bed.

Belen noticed that a figure was missing, so he asked, "Where is Ilia?"

"I don't know where I went." Laiya also shook her head. She also noticed that Illiya was not here. Although she didn't know where she went, it should be fine.

Hearing this, Belen also nodded, and what to say next, I will repeat it with Ilia. He has already made a decision to tell everyone about the girl and himself.

"That girl is Lilith. She was a girl who lived with me before you. She is a very important friend and family member. Although she only got along for a year, she was the first one to give An important person who gave me direction and light."

Starting with this, Belem talked about his past. This is a story that the girls have never heard of him. Although they have learned many things about Belem during the trip, they are not all of them. This time, It's probably a relatively complete thing.

Because Belém is an orphan, he does not have parents, and his friend is only the childhood sweetheart Al, whom he knew when he was a child. It can be said that his friend is very small.

From childhood to adolescence, his personality was very introverted, and in order to avoid being too introverted, so under Antelina’s suggestion, he often became a businessman, which can help him improve his ability to communicate with others. Afterwards, Antrina recommended him to study at Flozarno Academy, where he became strong enough to call them important friends, and his temper gradually turned around.

In the second semester of the third year of Flozarno Academy, the graduates who are about to graduate have a new direction, and Al has already entered the Holy See at that time, and Antrina has nowhere to go because of her temper. , And he can lead a dull life again.

It took more than two years to pass this, and just when he felt that life was dull, he met a girl who was seriously injured and unconscious at the border, and this girl was Lilith.

Belen has never asked about Lilith’s identity, but he also noticed that her magical power fluctuations are almost the same as those of witches. He thought, maybe he wanted to hide his identity as a witch, so he never mentioned it. However, he later found out that the girl had lost her memory, probably because of her serious injury.

After that, Belen naturally rescued her and healed her, so she naturally lived together and lived together, and the girl's character gradually became more sunny, not as fearful as she was at the beginning.

From then on, the hearts of the two were close.

Even Belem, who felt that everything was good and indifferent at the previous moment, gradually transformed during that time. He felt that he seemed to have another reason to love life.

Maybe the girl hadn't done anything, but even simply sitting together to eat and chat, it made Belen feel that the world is so gentle, he no longer feels lonely and lonely.

She said that she would never leave anyway.

However, this happy time did not last that long, and Belem at the time did not consider how long the two could be together, but one day, the girl's personality became a little taciturn, which suddenly changed. Belen was easily aware of it, but no matter how she asked, the girl just smiled and shook her head without explaining anything.

Although Belen wanted to tell himself that this was not a big deal, but in any case he couldn't think that the change in the girl's personality made him a little uneasy, and even scared.Things that were never considered in happy times came to mind from that moment.

Until one day, the girl disappeared, and the day when she left without saying goodbye, Belem’s anxiety finally broke out, and the world returned to the darkness, the expression on his face became very few, at the time the girl left. In the years, even if half a year passed, the scars in his heart still did not heal.

Obviously once said that he would never leave.

After revealing the scars in his heart, Belen felt a little heartache, but a little relieved. He took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, calming his mood.

What he wanted was actually very simple. It wasn't that he wanted to pay a big price for each other. He didn't need to experience life and death, but was able to stay with him for a long time. That was enough.

Chapter 841: I feel better at last

Listening to the past events of the white-haired man in front of them, the girls listened quietly. Although the voice was very calm, it contained countless emotions. It was between him and the girl. The bondage of the class.

He had experienced very wonderful and interesting things with that girl. Happiness and satisfaction were the only themes of that period, but such days were over after all.

Why did Lilith leave?

Perhaps her memory has been restored, and when the memory has been restored, she has also made obvious changes, which can be heard from the words described by Belen.

However, just because of the recovery of memory, did you cut off the connection between yourself and Belém?

This possibility is not low, or it can be said to be very high.

But if this is the case, Belen would be too pitiful. During those years, he put all his feelings in it.

However, the girl left without saying goodbye, as if he had burned all his passions.

After all the stories ended with a full stop after encountering Latier and Latis, Belen told the girls all of his past.

"My past, and the things that Lilith and I have experienced, I have already told you all."

After listening to Belém's story, the girls also fell into silence, and La Tier, who was sitting on the bedside, looked at the white-haired man with a wry smile.

How happy Mr. Belém was during those years. Although this kind of thing cannot be seen, he can hear it from his words. He is so happy that he has left an indelible scar in his heart after the other party left. To the point.

How did he suffer from that blank time?

La Tier couldn't help thinking back to the time when she and La Tis met Belem for the first time. At that time, the latter could understand how lonely he was just by looking at him.

So at that time, when he decided to stay in Hilna and rejected Belen, what kind of pain did the latter endure?Does he also think of the pain?

"Mr. Belen, I'm sorry..."

La Tier apologized with guilt, not only for the incident, but also for the fact that Belen had to say it at this moment.

Hearing the girl's apology, Belen was also startled, and immediately shook his head and said, "I should be the one who should apologize. It makes everyone worry about me so much."

He knew that his mental state was very poor and the girls were very worried about him, but they obviously couldn't help themselves, which made them feel the pressure.

After all, it was his reasons that caused all this.

Although he had been freeing himself from the shackles formed by the figure during that period of silence, he couldn't do it anyway, and he felt a little more relaxed after he had said everything at this moment.

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