Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 779

Belen stood up, then bent over to the girls, he said with a very guilty and solemn heart: "Extremely sorry! Everyone!"

Seeing the man bending down, the girls were all awakened, and Laya said, "Mr. Belém, you don’t need to be like this. We also know that you are sad because we are a family. You worry, this feeling of wanting to share for you is what we should have as family members."

Hill also sighed and said: "If you feel unhappy in your heart, just tell us, more or less share a little for you, me too, I can't help you share a little."

"Belen don't always think about carrying it alone!" Lumia said the same, her eyes were very firm.She once said to Belem, "Even if she died in front of her, she would have the determination to endure it".

Lattes nodded her head twice, and Latil on the side also said, "Perhaps Lilith is very important to Mr. Belém, but Mr. Belém is also very important to us. Please don't toss yourself, I can no longer see Mr. Belém in pain anymore!"

Your body has finally stabilized. Please don't suffer any more torture in your mind. In any case, I don't want to see you hurt again.

La Tier stared at the man in front of her with that hot gaze. There is no need to explain how important he is to her. It is not only the person she likes, but the person who has redeemed her entire world, and the person around her. Like these girls, they are the most important family members in her world!

Being watched by that sight, Belen also slowly raised his head. After hearing the girls' words, his heart that had fallen into the ice cell warmed up again, and the expression on his face gradually became softer. .

Belen also said gratefully: "Thank you."

In response, the girls blinked, and then focused their attention on La Tier. Because of the latter's sad performance, everyone decided to let her make a choice.

Latier also felt her gaze. She looked at the white-haired man and said, "Mr. Belém, I don't want to hear your thanks and apologies."


Hearing what Latier said, Belen was also stunned. He was stunned for a while, then his face blushed slightly, and he scratched his cheek with his fingers a little embarrassed, and opened his mouth but was embarrassed to say it.

The words of thanks and thanks are not what the girls want to hear. He understands this very well, so he naturally knows what should be said.


Belen straightened his throat, then turned his head away blushing, he whispered: "No matter what difficulties may happen, please, please, you must...help me."

He is not alone, there is no need to do everything by himself.

This is what the girls most want to tell Belen.

And to say such a thing is a very shameful thing for Belen, so he blushed like this at this moment, he even wanted to bury his head in the bed.

Seeing the white-haired man with his blushing face and persisting in patience, the girls' eyes lit up. I don't know why, this look of Belem is more attractive. Is this the contrast cuteness?

Laya murmured subconsciously: "Okay... so cute..."


Belén looked at the blonde girl, his face turned redder, he opened his mouth, his head began to heat, and then closed his eyes, he stood up, stiffened and walked out of the commercial car.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and rest!"

Seeing the figure that ran away in a hurry, the girls couldn't help but laugh. For a while, all the depressive atmosphere was swept away, and it was refilled with happy colors.

Chapter 842: The Mysterious Shadow

After leaving the commercial vehicle, Belen heard the full laughter from the house, he blushed and sighed, and then showed a faint smile.

That's good, even his mood has improved.

"Then, let's go to sleep tonight."

Belen stretched his waist, because he was in a better mood, he was also relaxed now, and when he was walking towards the carriage, he suddenly noticed a silver figure slowly coming, and he turned around. Then he was stunned.


I haven't seen this girl before, and I don't know what to do. After seeing Ilia come back, I was a little curious and wanted to ask.

The silver figure was Ilia, and her eyes flickered when she saw Belen, and then slowly walked over, and she also showed doubts when she saw the crimson on the latter's face.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the girl asked before him, Belen was also stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Ah, it's nothing, it's just a chat with everyone about some happy things."

Upon hearing this, Illiya also flashed her big eyes and said, "Brother looks a lot happier."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not unhappy anymore." Belen nodded, then smiled and looked at the girl and asked: "By the way, where did Ilia just go?"

In response, Illiya was silent for a long time, and then said softly: "Brother, I have one thing to tell you."


Belem is also a little confused.

Immediately afterwards, Illiya glanced at the room where the girls were still laughing, then stretched out her hand and took Belen's hand, leading the latter to the back of another commercial vehicle.

"Ilia, what's the matter?"

Seeing that the girl is so mysterious, Belen was also a little confused. He looked at the girl in front of him curiously, always feeling that Ilia wanted to say something important to him.

"Brother, I just..."

As a result, Illiya told Belen all the things that happened in the forest before, after all, the black shadow also said that he would tell the latter.

After hearing what Ilia said, Belen also showed a surprised expression. Only then did he know why Ilia had suddenly disappeared. It turned out that he felt a powerful existence relying on the truth of the earth.

As long as they don’t get involved in the war, will they not be shot?

Who is that dark shadow?Why warn yourself?

Belen's heart is more doubtful. The other party warned him so clearly that he knew some things about fighting the demons on his body. Now that he knew this, why not directly express his hostile position, but warn him?

Is it to be afraid of his and Ilia's strength?Indeed, a demigod and a strong man equivalent to a demigod can definitely reverse the situation on a battlefield.

But since the other party threatened him like that, it means that the other party also has a certain understanding of his own strength and has no sense of fear. Then boldly guess that the dark shadow must be a power comparable to a demigod, even Probably it has reached a very high level in this field. It can be judged from Illiya’s description of the black shadow that the strength of the black shadow is completely bottomless, and even the magical attributes cannot be figured out at all. I've played it roughly.

Illiya's eyes are "half-god eyes", able to see through the essence of thousands of magical powers, as long as they can touch the magical powers of others, it is enough to judge, but she can't give a clear answer.

Is that magical power an attribute of a vague concept like "time"?

Belen was lost in thought, and the other party's attitude was very vague. Although it seemed to be biased towards the demons, he did not directly state his position. After all, if it were the demons, would he never negotiate with their humans?

Seeing Belen sinking into thought, Ilia also blinked her eyes and asked curiously: "Brother, do you have any idea about that person?"

When the girl asked about it, Belen also recovered. He shook his head, and then said: "I don't have any clues. This is the first time I have encountered this..."

This mysterious existence?

Belen frowned slightly, isn't it? This is not the first time. Before the appearance of this black shadow, there was a mysterious existence. He still dare not determine the identity of the other party.

Isn't that mysterious woman in a black robe also such a mysterious figure?Although it has been speculated that she may be the "Devil", and it has been confirmed to some extent, it should not be the same person as the dark shadow that Ilia encountered.

If it were the "Devil", how could it be possible to say these things to him?

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