Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 781

When I saw that figure, the heart seemed to stop suddenly, and in an instant, Belen gritted his teeth, and then the figure changed into a blue light and shadow and passed through the glass window.

At that moment, the magical air flow caused countless items in the store to be lifted out, and La Tier was also shocked. She suddenly looked back, but could only catch a blue light and shadow.

"Mr. Belen!"

La Tier immediately put the things in his hands back, and then ran out the door without hesitation, still not forgetting an apology.


Seeing the girl who pushed the door out, the shop assistants were still stunned. They didn't know what was going on. They didn't even clean up the items that were lifted out, but when they were shocked, someone still said One sentence.

"Why, what's the matter?"

At this moment, the blue light and shadow have flashed across the street, and the dark blue eyes have locked on the figure in front.

This time, I will definitely catch you!

As soon as he left, he exhausted all his strength, and he was naturally aware of the strangeness of the last time, but even so, he didn't care, as long as he could touch the figure!


Looking down from the sky, the light and shadow drew a clearly visible blue line on the street, approaching the figure at a jaw-dropping speed.


Belen couldn't help shouting, his eyes were as deep and mysterious as the blue sea, but at this moment, it seemed that there was a sun shining on the seabed, and his eyes were like torches!

He stretched out his hand and immediately grabbed the girl's wrist and held it tightly, never letting go anyway!

"caught you!"

Belen stopped, still panting, but there was an unprecedented relaxed smile on that face.

At this moment, in front of him, it was the woman in the gray-black robe, who thought she would no longer see it in this city.

Is this the so-called destiny?Although I felt a headache about this fate a moment ago, I really want to say thank you now.

Naughty children are not always unsatisfactory.

The person who was caught by the wrist stood motionless, while Belén calmed his breath, and the hand holding the wrist added a bit of strength, afraid that he would loosen it carelessly.

Belen looked at this figure, although he hadn't seen her true face, it was absolutely impossible for him to admit her wrong.

"Now, Lilith..."

Before Belen could say the second half of the sentence, the figure slowly turned around, pulling down the hat with one hand, revealing her true face.

It was a very beautiful woman. She was thin, but her facial features were very delicate. The eyes and the high bridge of the nose were the most prominent. The black eyes seemed to have a little bit of starlight, which was so deep that it seemed to be impressive. Their minds are all sunk in general.

"Long time no see, Belen."

The woman gave a faint smile, which was not too touching, but it made Belen's heart rippling, and her face was inexplicably tightened, and his eyes were a bit sore. He bit his lip lightly. If he didn't hold it back, probably tears It's gushing out.

Over the years, his temperament has changed too much, and most of his emotions will be on his face.

"Ah, long time no see." Belen finally said the same. He looked at the girl in front of him, and he was naturally very excited.

But there is one thing, he cares too much.

The woman just smiled and looked at the man in front of her. She seemed to be waiting for the latter to speak.

Belen pursed his lips and was silent for a moment, and finally made up his mind. He said: "That day, you heard me calling your name, right?"

Hearing these words, Lilith also smiled and nodded, and said: "I heard it, but I didn't stop."

When he got this answer, Belen was also stunned. He hoped that Lilith's answer was that he didn't hear it.


"Because I don't meet with you."

Belen's face froze. He stared at the smiling woman in front of him in a daze. His heart was beating, but every beat was accompanied by pain.

This answer is not very surprising, because after the woman in front of her recovers her memory, she will say things that hurt him from time to time.

Used to it?This is wrong, because he cares about her, and she doesn't seem to be the case.

Are those happy years all unimportant things to her?

Although he wanted to ask her this question, Belem asked her the most depressing question in those blank years.

"Why leave without saying goodbye?"

Regarding this question, the woman's smile slowly faded, her black eyes stared at the man in front of her, and after a while she slowly spoke.

"Because I have something to do."

Belen would not accept this answer easily. He asked in a deep voice, "What must be done? Isn't it possible to say goodbye?"


"The reason?"

"Because I don't want you involved in it."

This answer calmed Belen's emotions. He looked at the woman in front of him. As for what it was, she probably wouldn't answer even if she asked, but...

"I can think, are you worried about me?"

In response, Lilith also looked at him, and then said: "You are my friend, so it's not weird to worry about you."

Ah, that's enough.

Belen's mood improved again, he sighed for a long time, and then said: "Lilith, no matter what dangerous things you have to face, but I will definitely stand by your side. I am very powerful. "

"I know you have concealed a lot of me, and I do the same." Lilith looked at the man in front of her, and then continued: "However, when you know what I am facing, you will regret what you are now. What it says."

"Absolutely not!" Belen said categorically.

Seeing the firmness in the man's eyes, Lilith looked at him calmly, and then spoke calmly.

"You who know nothing can say such a thing."

After hearing these words, Belen also had a nameless fire in his heart, and he clasped his hands tightly.

"How much do you know about me?"

How could she know his determination.

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