Wonderful trip to another world

Bizarre Travel In Another World Chapter 782

The two pairs of eyes looked at each other in this way, and the silent atmosphere made the pedestrians around feel uncomfortable, so the script accelerated and left.

At this moment, a figure ran over, and her arrival caused Delilis's eyes to move away from the confrontation.

"Ha... Bey, Mr. Belem!"

This sudden arrival was La Tier chasing from the daily necessities store. At this moment, her feet were numb. She raised her head and noticed the strange woman next to her for the first time.

She is…

Chapter 845: How to choose this answer?

After seeing this strange woman, La Tier also showed a surprised look. Based on the analysis of the situation in front of her, this woman is probably the person Belen was thinking of.

Lilith glanced at the cat-eared girl, and then asked, "This girl, is yours...?"

Hearing the other person's question, Belen also replied calmly: "She's Latier, my family."


After getting this answer, Lilith showed a faint smile. She said, "Family? It seems that she is really important to you."

"Yes, it's the most important family member." Belen nodded.

Latil on the side is still recovering her strength, adjusting her breathing as quickly as possible. She is a little tired even to say a word. After all, she chased the street with all her strength, but her eyes were locked on this A strange woman.

"What about me?" Lilith's lips showed a sly smile.

Hearing this, Belen also frowned and said solemnly: "You are also my family, this has not changed from the past to the present." He didn't know what Lilith was trying again.

"Family? Haha." Lilith smiled and shook her head, seemingly ridiculous, she said: "But, as a family member, I easily betrayed you."

"Betrayal? What are you talking about?" Belen frowned.

"It's nothing, that is, I, who you consider to be family, slipped away from you easily." Lilith said such simple words in her mouth, her tone was very relaxed, her eyes It was the cat-eared girl who fell on the side again, and said with a smile: "So, she who you consider to be a family member, maybe one day she will leave you like me."

Regarding these words, Belen did not say anything, but calmly looked at the woman in front of him. Even if she said such words, his mind would not change.

"Will not!"

At this moment, Latier suddenly spoke. Her chest was still undulating, and it seemed that she hadn't slowed down, but at this moment, there was a fiery flame in her eyes. It was anger. She couldn't bear the woman's words In this case.

"I am absolutely absolutely and will not leave Mr. Belém!"

Seeing the girl's steadfast look, Lilith smiled and said, "Really? I want to ask, how long have you lived with Belem?"

"four years ago!"


"It's true, I don't know you at all, and I don't know what kind of things you have experienced with Belem, whether you leave or not, but if, ah, you have left, or have such thoughts In the future, you will inevitably not make this choice."

Have left...

La Tier's heart trembled. If she thinks about it carefully, she has not only thought about it, but also left Belem. That was when she rejected him for Hill's sake, and it was precisely because of that. Let her be separated from him for more than a year.

She left...

Seeing the sluggish girl, the corners of Lilith's mouth were slightly lifted. Although she was a very beautiful woman, she would inevitably not be disgusted when she said such words and showed such an expression.

But at this moment, La Tier raised her head again and looked at the woman in front of her. There was a flame in her eyes burning, so bright, she spoke again.

"Please don't think of me as you. Maybe I have thoughts like that, and I have done things to sorry Mr. Belen, but after that, I will carry out my will and accompany him to the last moment!"

This is something you can't do!

As if she understood the meaning of the girl's sentence, Lilith also raised her eyebrows slightly, and then said with a smile: "Perhaps, but the answer is not yet known."

Immediately afterwards, Belem spoke at this moment, and he said solemnly: "Lilith, stop teasing Latier, I don't know why you want to do this, but you are not a person who likes doing this kind of thing ."

"Is it?"

Lilith looked at Belem again, her expression was very calm, and then she said: "As you said, maybe you still have a lot of things I don't know, but in the same way, how much do you know about me? ?"

Do you use his words to fight him?

Hearing what she said, Belen also frowned. He didn't know why Lilith was so determined, so he asked again.

"What are you facing? If you can tell me, I will do my best to help you."

Regarding this, Lilith was also looking at him, the smile on her face was long gone, she calmly stared at the man in front of her, not knowing whether she was thinking or hesitating, or something else.

"Well, let me ask you a question. If you can give me an answer that satisfies me, I will tell you everything."

Hearing these words, Belen also nodded without hesitation. He looked around at more and more people peeping around, and then he noticed Lilith walking to the side of the deep alley. He followed Go up, and La Tier is close behind.

It was much quieter in the deep alley.

Belen asked, "What's the problem?"

So, Lilith turned around, she looked at the white-haired man in front of her plainly, and then said: "If you were to choose one between the world and me, who would you choose?"


Belen was also stunned when he heard this question. He never expected Lilith to ask such an outrageous question. Does this question essentially want him to show determination?No, no, she is asking about it seriously!

The world and family, which one to choose?

If you think of it as two opposite answers, it means that if you choose your family, you will wait if you destroy the world?This kind of choice really needs to be considered, and probably varies from person to person, but at this time, Lilith added a question that made Belen difficult to answer for a while.

"Just to remind you, everyone except me is on the other side of the world." Lilith said this sentence calmly, she didn't smile, as if this was a serious question.

"How do you tell Mr. Belém to choose!?"

After hearing this supplementary point, La Tier couldn't help but yelled out. She looked at the woman in front of her very angrily. She didn't expect that the person Belen was thinking of would be such a person. very disappointed!

However, Lilith disagreed with her question, did not even glance at her, just stared at the white-haired man before her.

"What's your answer?"

Chapter 846: What is the truth of everything?

The answer to this question?

Belém fell into silence. He couldn't choose between these two answers. How could he make a choice with such a ridiculous question?

Choosing Lilith is equivalent to giving up the world and the girls?

This may be unfair in the eyes of others, but it is fair to Belém. Whether it is Latier or Leia standing on the other end of the balance, the balance will always be balanced.

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