Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 783

They have no weight in themselves, no matter who they are, in Belen's heart, there is no substitute. He has no answer to this question, so he can't give a reply.

Seeing the man who had been silent for so long, Lilith also blinked, and then calmly said: "It seems you can't get the answer, no, this is your answer."

There is no answer, which means that she can only continue to walk in the current footsteps, which means that she is the one who has been abandoned.

Belen, who had no answer, asked at this moment: "Why are you asking such a question? Does it make sense?"

"Yes, if you can't give an answer, then I won't be able to tell you everything about me." Lilith answered Belem's question without hesitation.

So determined?Is the matter she faces a problem that can be measured by the world and her family on the balance?

Immediately afterwards, Lilith spoke again: "If this is the case, then from now on, we won't get involved anymore."

Belen couldn't understand what happened to Lilith, but ah, in his heart, Lilith will always be the Lilith. Whether her personality has changed or not, she is her.


"Since then, you have always had this painful expression, why?"

Just when Lilith turned and was about to leave, she heard these words, and because of this, she stopped turning around. She looked at the white-haired man in front of her, and then frowned slightly.

"What do you mean? Where do I look like pain?"

In this regard, Belen said: "Compared to the previous years, have you ever shown such a happy smile all these years? Although I don't know, your current expression is the same as the previous you. It's not the same anymore."

In his opinion, this is an expression of pain.

Hearing these words, Lilith just looked directly at the man in front of her, without replying anything for a while, just looking at the latter quietly.

After hearing these words, Ratil looked at the two of them. She knew very well that she must not interrupt at this time, and now only Mr. Belém can solve the problem between him and her.

"Why didn't you speak?" Belen asked.

Lilith said, "I am surprised at your growth."

"You are just one year older than me." Belen curled his lips.

Regarding this, Lilith smiled and said, "Maybe I lied to you. You know I am a witch. I have a long lifespan. It is not difficult to keep my face unchanged."

"But you are my daughter, you admitted it."

"You really dare to talk about this kind of thing."

After saying this, Lilith shook her head. She took a deep look at the white-haired man and the cat-eared girl, then turned and walked towards the depths of the alley, her figure gradually blurred, even Belen couldn't perceive how she did it either, she could only feel a faint wave of magic, but she still left a word.

"If there is a chance to meet, you will know everything."

This sentence caused Belen's eyes to flicker slightly. He watched the woman's disappearance but did not stop him. He knew that he could not keep her because he did not give the answer that she might want.

Latier retracted her gaze, then looked at Belem, she whispered, "She is gone."

"Yeah." Belen replied.

The two stopped in the alley for a while, and Belen finally took his gaze back. There was naturally some reluctance in his heart, but since Lilith finally said that sentence, he had a hunch, he must Will meet again, and when that happens, everything will be revealed.

The meeting this time was like doing an important multiple-choice question.

On the way back with Ratil, Belen was also in silence, but unlike the loss and depression that day, the mood in his heart now relaxed a lot, because he got the answer to the thing that he cared most.

The reason she left without saying goodbye was that she didn't want to get involved in her troubles.

Just this is enough.

For the answer to the question Lilith asked, he knew what it meant to be if he didn't make a choice, and that was also an answer, and Lilith probably understood that he couldn't make a choice.

She used to be lively, cheerful and considerate. Although she has changed now, her understanding may have not changed from beginning to end. She is just such a person.

Latier, who was on the side, glanced at the man on the side from time to time. She hesitated for a while, and then said: "Mr. Belém, there is one thing I want to ask you."

Belen came back to his senses, and then said, "You can ask."

"Mr. Belen, did you ever have such white hair when you lived with Miss Lilith? And these blue eyes." La Tier asked the question in her heart, obviously between herself and La Ti When Si met Belen, the latter was still healthy black hair.

Hearing what Latier said, Belen's footsteps also stopped, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he continued to walk forward, which he actually missed.

"Isn't she surprised by Mr. Belém's gray hair?" Latier frowned slightly.

Belen was silent, but was thinking quietly.

From beginning to end, Lilith never mentioned her hair color and eye color, nor did she show any surprise. She was not surprised, which means she knew that her hair color and eye color had already Things that have changed?

What does this show?She had seen herself a long time ago, so she wasn't surprised, but he didn't know if she wanted to ask about such things in doubt.

Lilith, have you come to me long ago?So, is it a coincidence that you are here?Or, did you come here to see yourself and me?

The woman had already left, so she couldn't ask her for the answer, but Belen also sighed deeply in his heart, with countless guesses in his heart.

But, as Lilith said when she left, if there is a chance to meet, then he will know the truth.

Chapter 847: Illya has some guesses

While walking on the street, Belen didn't say anything all the way, nor did he think about it, but he was inexplicably calmer, and this made Latier on the side a little worried. She worried that the former would be like yesterday.

"Mr. Belen, are you okay?"

Hearing the girl’s worried greeting, Belen also looked at her, then smiled and shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, I’m fine, I can even say that my mood has become much better.”

"That's it."

Latier was also relieved from the bottom of her heart. She recalled the woman named Lilith, who had other emotions inexplicably in her heart. She squinted at the man next to her, and then spoke tentatively.

"Well, Mr. Belen, could it be said that you treat that Miss Lilith..."


"Do you like her?"

When he heard these words, Belem immediately stopped, or the whole person was frozen in place, his smile frozen in the air.


Seeing him like this, Latier's eyes narrowed slightly. She stared at the man in front of her tightly, and then asked again: "Do you like her?"

"That's not it!"

Seeing his denial, the dangerous light in La Tier's eyes became more intense. She said in a weird tone: "Mr. Belen, do you like that powerful type?"

After hearing this, Belen was also a rousing spirit, he shouted: "Huh!? Why do you think so!?"

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