Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 784

Because if the object is changed to us, your answer must be "yes", because you are purely treating us as children.

La Tier was silent with her lips pressed. She wouldn't say such a thing, but she was still very clear about this kind of thing. The man in front of her was somewhat simpler than La Tis.

Lilith, who has been away for so many years, still has that kind of affection even now?

Belen didn’t know that Ratil had such an idea without authorization, but explained after calming down: “Frankly speaking, as long as it’s a girl close to me, I’ll probably like it a little. He is also a man."


After this unexpected answer fell into La Tier's ears, she was also stunned, and then subconsciously asked: "Mr. Belen actually treats me...?"

Seeing La Tier actually asked so bluntly, Belen also blushed, and said in a flustered expression: "No, no, compared to that mood, family feelings are more supreme!"

Admit it!?

La Tier's heart jumped too, she didn't take the second half of the sentence seriously, she was a little numb all over, and her face became a little ruddy.

Ah, despite this, she still feels a little shy.

Immediately afterwards, Latier looked at the blushing man on the side, and she sighed secretly, but then again, it is really difficult to change from family affection to love between lovers. There is enough headache.

But fortunately, Mr. Belen didn't completely consider her a younger sister, did he?

Thinking of this, La Tier's mood improved again, and she smiled and said, "Now, Mr. Belen, shall we go buy some daily necessities?"

Oh, by the way, I was too eager to chase Lilith just now, I haven't bought it yet.

Belen only remembered now, so he replied, "Well, good."

At the end of the twilight, Belen and Lattier made their way home. They came out today just to try their luck. They did not expect that the lucky girl was actually on their side, and they actually ran into Lilith.

Although the result was a bit unsatisfactory, it was already a satisfying result for Belen. After many years, he finally saw the woman again.

When the two returned to the commercial vehicle, La Tier looked at the man beside her again. After hesitating for a while, she asked, "Mr. Belém, do you want to tell everyone about this?"

Hearing that, Belen also nodded and said: "Let's talk, they worry too much for me." Besides, this is not something worth hiding.

"I understand."

Immediately after that, Belen took a lot of things he bought and walked to the second carriage. He was going to prepare dinner later, so let's take care of the trivial matters first.

At night, Belen prepared dinner, and he also greeted everyone to come out for dinner. After all of them were seated, the girls' eyes fell on him from time to time. He felt helpless when he noticed it, and immediately raised his head. He looked at everyone and showed an awkward smile.

"Then what, I'm fine, don't worry so much, hurry up and eat."

After seeing Belen’s smile, the girls all blinked, and then heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts. The former couldn’t hide the mood, and now it seems that nothing has ruined the mood because of what happened today. It.

"Mr. Belém, if there is something upsetting, it must be..."

"I know, I will definitely be with you!"


Yesterday’s dinner was over without a few bites at all. Tonight, all the prepared dishes were wiped out. This also made Belen sigh. I was really sorry last night.

After finishing the tableware, the girls all went to do their own things, and when Belem was sitting on the commercial truck looking at the scenery, a silver figure fell beside him, it was Ilia.

Seeing the girl's arrival, Belen also asked curiously: "Ilia, don't you go in and rest?"

"Brother, you haven't told me about Lilith." Ilya said like this. Obviously, she was very concerned about that woman.

"Ah yes, I want to talk to you." After hearing the words, Belen also suddenly remembered what he had promised Ilia before, so he scratched his hair a little embarrassingly. I just met Lilith today. If you want to mention her thing, the mood is a bit subtle.

However, since she agreed to Illya's business, she can't appetite her. Seeing how she cares so much, let's talk to her now.

Therefore, Belen repeated what he told everyone that day to Ilia, but the feelings at the time could not be reflected again, which made him a little embarrassed to talk about it, but fortunately, Ilia did not seem to be Mind this, but quietly listening to the story of Belen and the girl named Lilith.

After a long time, I finally finished telling the story, and Belen was also relieved. This is finally over. Telling the same experience twice, this feeling is really not new.

"She is persuading her brother not to intervene in her affairs..." Yi Liya whispered softly, her silver-black eyes gleaming with a faint brilliance.

Chapter VIII: Coincidence?

When Belen heard the voice of Ilia whispering in his ear, he was also startled. Although he did not hear clearly, it seemed to be about Lilith, so he still asked.

"Ilia, what did you just say?"

Seeing him ask, Illya also turned her head to look at him, her beautiful face had no expression, but there was a faint gleam in her eyes.

"Brother, Lilith, is she human?"

Hearing this question, Belen was also stunned. Although he didn't know what the girl thought of, he still shook his head and replied: "No, Lilith is a witch, what's wrong?"


After getting this answer, Illiya also showed a thoughtful look, and the dark shadow flashed through her mind, and then said: "Brother, don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"It's a coincidence?" Belen was stunned, then he thought of something, and then said with a smile: "Yes, it's a coincidence. I thought she had left, but I didn't expect to be still in the city."

Elia did not respond to his answer, but said flatly: "Since Lilith asked her brother that question, she wanted her to make her stand, otherwise she would not tell her the truth."

"Well, I also know what she meant." Belen also nodded slightly, he naturally understood this, and he was very concerned about the trouble Lilith was facing.

Ilia continued: "When her brother was living with Lilith, her character suddenly changed one day. This may be because her memory was restored."

"Although I haven't asked her before, it should be correct." Belen answered in his mouth and looked at the silver-haired girl in front of him with puzzlement, not quite understanding what she was going to say.

A dangerous light flickered in Iliya’s eyes. She said: “She was rescued by her brother because she was in a coma because of a serious injury, and the reason for the injury was precisely because some of the troubles she encountered before the injury already existed. So far, this trouble has not been solved."

"Ilia, it's really rare for you to say so many things at once." Belen was a little surprised at this point, and subconsciously vomited.

Regarding Belen who complained about it, Ilia did not say anything. Instead, she glanced at him and asked: "Brother, she is persuading you not to interfere in her affairs."

Belen knew this too well, so after a moment of silence, he nodded and said: "I understand, but I want to help her anyway."

"I don't care about this for the time being." Illiya shook her head, and then said again: "Brother remember the dark shadow I said that day?"

Suddenly mentioning the mysterious shadow, Belen also froze for a moment, and then nodded: "Of course I remember, what's the matter? Suddenly mentioned that guy." The next sentence of the girl in front of him made his heart jump in doubt.

"Brother, the dark shadow advises us not to intervene in the war." Ilia said.

She advised him not to intervene in her affairs, and the mysterious shadow advised him not to intervene in the war.

The two... are connected?

Belen's heart was shaken after Ilia's words, because he understood what Ilia meant, and the latter thought that the dark shadow had all contact with Lilith.

"Perhaps, it's just a coincidence?"

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