Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 785

Illya said again: "The time she and the dark shadow appeared was also very coincidental, and the dark shadow knew about us, and knew that in our group, brother, you were the dominant one, so I asked me to bring the news. Give you."

Indeed, the mysterious black shadow appeared on the night of seeing Lilith. If you don’t think deeply and care about it, you probably won’t connect the two, but even if you are connected, you will probably think it’s a kind of A coincidence, but this coincidence makes Belen a little concerned.

Seeing the silent Belen, Illya said her own judgment again, and she calmly said, "That dark shadow may be a demon."

Regardless of why the black shadow advised them, but since they were asked not to intervene in the war, then they obviously knew that some of the things they had done, no matter what it was, were unfavorable to the demons, the mysterious shadow’s The exhortation is to prevent them from attacking the Demon Race again, so even if the mysterious shadow is not the Demon Race, it is definitely biased towards the Demon Race.


Belen nodded, he naturally understood this.

Immediately afterwards, Illia was silent for a while. She seemed to be hesitating, but she finally spoke out. She said: "Lilith has encountered an annoyance once, so she suffers from the temporary loss of her memory. She was seriously injured, and she still hasn’t gotten rid of that annoyance."

That's annoying...

"The *annoyance that hasn't ended after many years..."

Ilia paused here and did not continue, and she was very clear about what she meant. There was only one annoyance she knew that had lasted for several years and had not ended.

That is the war of the world, the war between the demons and the coalition forces.

Belen fell into silence again, just listening to what Ilia said, he already knew what she wanted to express, and he was also shocked by this. Although they had no direct evidence, if they wanted to come so, both There may indeed be a connection.

After a long time, Belen also recovered. He said: "It shouldn't be the same person, right? That dark shadow is so strong that even Ilia must be serious, and Lilith... "

Lilith does not know how to magic?

No, how could she not be magical?She is a witch!

Belen suddenly realized something very important. His eyes were slightly round. In that year, he had never seen Lilith use any magic, even though he knew she was a witch. , But she has never seen her use magic before, so if she doesn't mention her identity, he can't think of how a witch can't be magic.

She knows magic, if not, how could she disappear out of thin air today?

"No, no, it must be a coincidence. How could Lilith be the dark shadow?" Belen still shook his head, he couldn't believe that the woman was the mysterious dark shadow threatening them anyway.

How is this possible?Lilith how could she be that...so dark shadow?

If you were to choose one between the world and me, who would you choose?

Belen's mind couldn't help but echo the question that the woman asked him at the time. He opened his eyes wide and stood sluggishly. He seemed to understand the question now.

How is this possible?

Chapter 849: No answer, just follow your heart!

On the premise that this is not a coincidence, Belen guessed something that shocked him. He stared blankly at the darkness ahead, unable to wake up for a while.

If Lilith is the dark shadow, or if she is standing on the side of the demons, the meaning of the question to herself is very clear.

Knowing about her, will he still stand by her side?

Belen was stunned. The connection between the two was annoying Lilith faced. The questions she asked herself seemed to understand everything.

If Lilith is on the side of the demons, it means to be an enemy of the whole world, and how does he make a choice in this matter?

Even if he had never met Latier and the others, he could not walk towards Lilith without hesitation in this choice, because in this world, there are still Antelina and Al, as well as many good friends. in.

So he will still give the default answer in silence like today. He who has no choice is no different from the choice he has made.

That woman already understood the result, so she believed that she would not be on her side so firmly?So did you choose not to tell him the matter?

Etc., etc!No, I can't continue thinking about it.

Maybe he thinks too much. Those are just coincidences. The shadow just happened to be in direct and indirect contact with Lilith on the same day, and it just happened to have warned him.

If it's just a coincidence, everything can be explained!

Belen shook his head vigorously and threw all the noisy sounds out of his head. Then he looked at Ilia and smiled and said, "Sure enough, these are just coincidences."

Hearing this, Illiya did not speak, but looked at him calmly.

Immediately after, Belen said: "Look, if Lilith is the dark shadow, then she shouldn't have to show up again after asking you to convey the warning to us? If she shows up again today, it will be inevitable. There will be speculations like this, which is not good for her at all, right?"

"That's right." Illiya nodded, and she did not deny the possibility.

"Lilith is not an idiot." Belem shook his head, with a smile on his face, as if he was suddenly in a cheerful mood. He raised his hand and rubbed the girl's head, smiling and said: "It's all right, yes We think too much, this is just a coincidence, so hurry up and play with everyone."

Hearing this, Illya also took a deep look at the man in front of her, then turned around and walked towards the room. When she was halfway through, she suddenly stopped, and then turned her head and glanced at Belen. She spoke calmly.

"Brother, you may have forgotten a little."

Just when Belen was about to go to freshen up, he heard what Ilia said, so he turned around in doubt and looked at the silver-haired girl who was looking at him.


Iliya looked at the white-haired man in front of her, was silent for a long time, and finally shook her head, then turned and walked to the room again, leaving a word in her heart.

The reason that prompted the woman named Lilith to reappear and meet you again, why not consider that she wants to see you?Just as you want to see her.

After seeing Ilia enter the room, Belen also retracted his gaze. He took a basin of water for himself and put it on the table. He looked at himself reflected in the rippling water basin. The action stopped here.

It would be great if it was a coincidence.

Belen pursed his mouth, put the towel in the basin, and began to freshen up. He does not deny that it is more likely to be according to Ilia, but he no longer wants to think about the truth. , I'll talk about it in the next meeting.

Lying in the bed at night, Belem’s dark blue eyes looked at the bright starry sky through a window on the side. Although beautiful, they were equally deep. They were so deep that you can’t see the end, as easy as the darkness. Fearful.

The secret that people want to hide is just like the stars in this starry sky. If you don't say it, let it be hidden in the dark night that you can't find, and only you can see it.

A little tired inexplicably, he closed his eyes and fell into a real sleep.

Since then, another three days have passed, Belén has not seen the woman again, and all the doubts and guesses that day are buried in the bottom of his heart, with a gentle smile on his face, and the family continues to Andilica. .

The cat-eared girl sitting next to Belém looked at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help but smiled and asked: "Mr. Belém! Can I get to Andiliga today?"

"Well, I can be there." Belen smiled and nodded. If it weren't for a little laziness these days, I might have arrived at Andilija yesterday.

Seeing the smiling man in the wind, La Tier was also heartbeat, her cheeks reddened slightly, she opened her mouth and stopped. She seemed to have thought of something, so she spoke slowly after a moment of silence.

"Mr. Belen."


"Do you still miss Miss Lilith?"

Hearing this question, Belen was also taken aback, and then smiled and said: "I don't deny it, I still think of her, because there are too many things to confirm, and I really look forward to meeting her next time."

It took many years to finally meet, and to wait for the next meeting. For Belém, it was a very short time. After all, his time left was not very long, but despite this, he still believed that he was there. Before the last moment comes, you can meet that woman again!

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