Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 786

Latil pursed her lips, and then asked softly, "So, how does Mr. Belém feel that his life now compares to the days he lived with Miss Lilith that year?"

"Latier, you guys, I really like to ask some questions that make me embarrassed." Belen couldn't help but shook his head. He exhaled, and the breeze was blowing his white hair. He smiled and said, "Well, not too. Not difficult, because my answer is simple."

Hearing this, La Tier also looked at the man beside him.

As a result, Belen ignored his shame. He shouted aloud in the galloping commercial car: "For me, it is the most important memory and experience in my life, whether it is now or that year. In my heart, everyone is my closest and most precious family."

After saying that, Belen also blushed and looked at the girl beside him. He scratched his cheek and said with some embarrassment, "Is this answer possible?"

Hearing that, La Tier also recovered from the stunnedness, and the beautiful face also showed a cheerful smile, and he happily responded.


Sure enough, Mr. Belén was such a person, and it was precisely because of his appearance that she was shocked.

Chapter 850: All are children!

Andy Liga.

After a journey of several days, Belém and others finally came to the Kingdom of Andilica, one of the three kingdoms of the same name as Florentis. In terms of the extent of the territory, it is even better than Florentine. Even bigger.

The commercial vehicle was galloping on the grassland. Belém sat on the commercial vehicle and looked into the distance. This is not Florence, so he was not sure about the next route, so he arrived at the first town of Andilica. At that time, he just spent money to buy a geographical distribution map of Andy Liga.

Because it is a very detailed map, the price is quite expensive, and after seeing this clearly distributed map, Belem at that time can't help but sigh.

"It's so big."

At this moment, beside Belen, there is a cat-eared girl sitting, it is La Tier, for her, in the new country is like another world, so these days are also high interest.

At this moment, La Tier suddenly thought of something, the cat's ears also moved, and then curiously looked at the white-haired man on the side, she called.

"Mr. Belen."

Belen looked at the girl beside him suspiciously.

La Tier fluttered with a big cat, and then said: "I heard that the kingdom of Andirica used to have a bad relationship with our Florentine Empire?"

"This...yes, it was really bad before, and conflicts between the two countries often broke out at that time." After hearing the words, Belem also recalled some previous things.

When he was still young, Andy Liga and Florentis also broke out wars all the year round. As for the reason, it was probably fighting for land resources. After all, even if it is a country that is large and rich, they will More resources to do some drastic actions.

Regarding this, La Tier also asked curiously: "Obviously, the demons are staring at it outside, why do we still have internal conflicts? Are you not afraid of being taken advantage of?"

"Because at that time, the demons had not broken out with us." Belen replied with a smile.

Ratil was startled when he heard the words, and then asked again: "Has no war broke out yet?"

Belen nodded and said, "Well, it was about ten years ago when the Demon Race declared war on the world. It was probably because of the existence of the "Devil King" among them that they had the confidence to declare war."

Although the demons are very powerful, their numbers are far less than the human species and sub-human species. Although there were frequent conflicts before, they have not yet evolved into what they are now. And one day, the "Devil King" is mysterious and mysterious. Another powerful presence appeared.

According to legend, a few years ago, in the country of Opuru, an elite force composed of countless powerful men broke into the Demon King City in the heart of the Demon Race. Victory was already in sight, but after that day, there was only one elite force. The man came back, but he also passed away the next day, but he also brought news.

In the Demon King City in the hinterland of the Demon Race, there is a Supreme Being.

That was the leader of the Demon Race, the "Devil King", and that was the first time that the "Devil King" announced its existence to all the creatures under this blue sky.

"So this is ah!"

La Tier suddenly realized that ten years ago, she was only that few years old, and she was living in the fields and mountains. Naturally, she could acquire much less knowledge, so it is normal not to know.

Although Belen didn't have any thoughts about these things at that time, after all, in Flozarno Academy, in such an environment, there would naturally be more things to know.

Belen also looked at the girl curiously. He asked, "What's the matter, Latier, why would you care about such a thing?"

"No, I just remembered it suddenly, so I asked curiously." Latier smiled and shook her head. She turned her head and looked at the scenery ahead.

At first glance, it is really beautiful scenery. The blue sky, white clouds are floating in groups, and the breeze makes this green grassland look more vibrant, peaceful and serene, and the fresh beauty is really heartwarming. Intoxicated.

There is a long-lasting memory hidden in the bottom of my heart, and it also rushed into La Tier's heart at this moment. There are two colors of memory and sadness in her eyes. Memory is a very important thing. It may be false. It may not be beautiful, but it is also a part of one's own life, it is born from one's own heart.

Suddenly I wanted to go back and take a look.

Belen, who was on the side, also faintly noticed the strange emotions of the girl beside him, and he also turned his head to look, and at this look, his eyes slowly widened.


The girl next to her was smiling and looking into the distance, but there were clear tears on her cheeks, and tears filled her eyes, as if she thought of beautiful but sad memories.

"Latier, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah? No, it's nothing..." La Tier came back to her senses, and noticed that she was crying, and quickly raised her hand to wipe the tears. She whispered, "I just missed home a little."


Belen naturally knew that La Tier was thinking of the destroyed hometown of herself and La Tis, that's why she showed such a sad and nostalgic look.

"Do you want to go back and have a look?"

Hearing these words from the man next to him, La Tier also showed a look of surprise. She stared at the white-haired man next to her in a daze, without knowing how to respond.

Belen smiled and said, "If you miss it so much, why not go back and have a look?"

He didn't worry that Latier would be heartbroken when he saw the destroyed hometown, because he knew that this girl had already accepted this fact and would not be knocked down by it.

"Yes, can you?"

Belen nodded earnestly and said: "Of course, even if it doesn't exist anymore, but after all, it used to be the place where you and Latis lived together. It has your important memories."

Hearing this, La Tier's eyes gradually brightened, and she raised her hand to wipe off the mist from her eyes, and then smiled brightly.

"Hmm! I want to go back and have a look!"

"So, do you set off now?"

La Tier shook her head, and she smiled and said: "It's hard to come to Andy Liga. It can't spoil everyone's interest, and I am also very interested in this country. I will go back to see it later, as long as everyone can be together. It doesn’t matter when you go back."

"That's it, that's okay." Belen also showed a gentle smile after hearing the words. He subconsciously reached out and touched the girl's head. He said, "Latier is also very mature."

Latier did not resist this action, but enjoyed it from the bottom of his heart, but he pouted and said, "But Mr. Belen still treats me like a child, doesn't he?"

"Haha, of course, Latier is just a child in my eyes no matter what."

"I don't want it, huh!"


Chapter 851: This kind of thing is still unbearable

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