Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 789

So, Belen closed the sliding door, then turned off the light, got into the bed and closed his eyes, listening to the whispers in the next room, he didn't pay much attention to it, and it didn't affect his rest.

After closing his eyes, Belen recalled the things he had heard in the dining room before. He decided to leave after a while, and he always felt a little uncomfortable staying here.

Will you encounter that black dragon?Although he felt unlikely, he still felt it was better to leave.

One night passed.

Those dark blue eyes slowly opened, and a faint brilliance was exuded in the darkness. The man with these eyes sat up, pressed his temples and stood up, he went to draw the curtains Open, the golden sun is scattered into this dim room.

Belen stood up and walked to the sliding door on the side. After opening it, he saw the girls who hadn't woken up yet. After seeing their sleeping posture, he was very helpless. It felt like a rope of robbery. Is it so fun to play late?

Well, let them sleep for a while.

As a result, Belen began to organize things. He has not forgotten the decision he made last night, and he will leave for the next city today.

After a long time, there were slight noises in the girls' rooms, and then they woke up one by one. Lu Mia also stood up and stretched herself, and then went to pull the curtains aside to let the sun disperse the darkness.

Perceiving the movement inside, Belen didn't worry about going in, and continued to read the book in his hand, because he knew the girls had to freshen up and change clothes.

After the girls were all sorted out, Belen took everyone to the restaurant for breakfast, and the people around also naturally moved their eyes, and among them were the people from last night, seeing the white-haired man headed by them. Later, he consciously retracted his gaze.

During the meal, Belen told everyone that he was leaving today, and the girls were also stunned after hearing the words. Are they leaving after only one night?

Laya also said with some doubts: "Eh? Mr. Belen, we only got here one night, what happened to leaving in such a hurry?"

"Well, I heard some bad news for the time being, so let's get out of here as soon as possible." Belen said.

It is better not to tell about the black dragon, after all, for Latier and Latis, it ruined their hometown existence.

Seeing that Belen didn't seem to have any intention of telling the reason, Laya did not continue to ask, she also nodded and said, "Well, then, let's go back and clean up after eating?"


Although the girls don't understand what happened, there is always nothing wrong with listening to Belen at this time.

Soon, the commercial truck drove out of the hotel and headed out of the city. Belem, who was sitting in the commercial truck, also glanced at the sky, and a faint wave of light appeared in his dark blue eyes.

That inexplicable mood has appeared again.

Although it disappeared soon, Belen felt it really. He was silent for a moment, then shook his head and continued driving the commercial car.

Let's leave this city.

After Belem and his party left, the city was still very lively at night, but at this moment, the city's magic enchantment suddenly responded, and a huge barrier covered the entire city.

"Why, what's going on!?"

The manager of the city also realized that something was wrong. He questioned his subordinates, but he didn't get a response. He also frowned and ran to the balcony. He looked around from the heights of the city, and finally felt something. , Looked towards the sky, his pupils slowly tightened.

In the dark night sky, a deeper black emerged from the clouds. It was a huge creature, and in the dark clouds revealed that fearful stern.

Chapter 854: Why are you not a double ponytail?

After a week of driving, Belém and his party came to a city again. This city is also very big, even bigger than the previous city. The crowds come and go, and at night it will probably be Very lively.

It was noon when I arrived in this city. After driving such a long way, Belem also wanted to relax, so I specially found a high-end hotel with hot springs.

Under the leadership of the staff, Belen also parked the commercial car in the back. He found that the hotel was inexplicably large and the structure was a bit familiar. When entering the lobby of the hotel, the voice of the staff came from the side. .

"Welcome to Andi Inz Hotel."

Belen also stopped when he heard these words, and after he stopped suddenly, the girls behind all ran into him one by one.

After the separation, Latier also looked at the man in front of her suspiciously. She asked suspiciously, "Eh, Mr. Belen, why did you stop?"

Belén did not answer her, but looked at the woman working here, and asked with a look of surprise: "Is this hotel the property of Andy Inz?"

The woman was also startled, and then nodded and said, "Yes, our museum owner came here to develop a few days ago and spent a lot of money to buy the land, and then built it with a lot of manpower and material resources. With this hotel, now it has taken the lead in the hotel industry in this city."

Andy Inz...

Belen couldn't help but smile. He quickly asked, "So, is your curator still here now?"

"Ah? This...should, right?" The woman also bewildered why the white-haired man in front of her asked so, and she could not give a definite answer to this question.

Belen naturally saw that the woman didn't know, but still smiled and said, "Well, can you help me arrange a meeting with your curator?"

"Ah, please wait a moment."

The woman was also unable to make a decision. She immediately ran to the front desk to explain the matter to a woman who was also wearing a uniform, and that person was also startled, and then took her place and came to Belem.

"Hello sir, can you tell me your name so I can report it to the curator."

"Belen Grean."

"I understand." The woman nodded, and then looked at the girls. She smiled and said: "Mr. I want to come here to stay, right? How can I handle it for you?"

Belen also slightly nodded and said: "Thank you, then I will trouble you."

So, after checking in, Belen took everyone and followed the woman to their room, which was still the same two rooms.

"Later, I will tell you what your husband wants to see the owner of the museum, and I will come back to respond at that time.

Belen also thanked: "Thank you."

As a result, the woman left after saluting slightly. She has a good eye for seeing people. The white-haired man in front of her is definitely not an ordinary character, and it seems that she knows their curator, if not judged. At this point, she would not agree to this request.

After closing the door, La Tier couldn't help asking: "Mr. Belém, can it be said that this hotel is the property of that Miss Vernie?"

Not only her, but also Leia and Latis on the side are also reminded of the hotel where they stayed in Yarusal, and that hotel is also the Andy Inz hotel, and its owner is Belen’s old man. Classmate Vernie.

"Well, she is probably right." Belen nodded.

However, this is not necessarily true. Although I heard from Xingnai that Vierne has officially inherited the family business, it is very likely that Vierne’s staff did the job of opening a hotel in Andy Liga. Although it is not ruled out that she is here in person, after all, she likes to do most of the things by herself. Besides, this is in another country. If she didn't come by herself, she would probably feel uncomfortable too?

Therefore, it is more likely to see the latter in Belem.

Although La Tier was also expecting to see the owner of this hotel, there was something more caring about her at the moment, so she smiled and said: "Woo, is Mr. Belen going to the hot spring now?"

Hearing that, Belen said: "You go first, maybe someone will reply to me soon."

"Okay." Latier also understood, so she looked at the girls beside her, and said with a smile: "Then let's go to the hot springs first?"


The girls cheered, and even Ilia raised her fists. Although her expression was plain, this was probably how she expressed her excitement.

Hot springs have been a long time since they left the Fairy Forest. For girls, hot springs are a very happy thing.

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