Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 790

After seeing the girls ran out, Belen also started to pack everyone’s luggage. This time, he will probably live here for a few days. After all, there are hot springs. He hasn’t soaked in such good things for a long time. Up!

After cleaning up, someone knocked on the door, and Belen also stood up and walked to open the door, and it was the woman who had asked him before.

"The owner, please."

Is it really Vernie?

Belen also brightened his eyes, and then followed the woman out of the room. After passing through the corridors, he saw a lot of scenery. He also couldn't help sighing that the scenery of the hotel after Vernie's decoration was really beautiful. what.

However, it seemed that the girl was really serious about her career, and he smiled at the thought that she had the same passion for studying magic.

Before coming to a gate, the woman stopped, she stepped aside, and said: "Mr., just go in alone, I will leave here."

Belen also responded: "Ah, thank you very much."

After receiving the gratitude, the woman also saluted very politely, and then turned around.

Belen looked at the door in front of him, then raised his hands and slowly pushed it away. His eyes instantly locked on the petite girl sitting in the chair, who was Belen’s old classmate Wei. Ernie, but the girl is not a double ponytail today, which makes him a little concerned.

"Why are you not a double ponytail?"

The girl who was sitting on the chair with a smile on her face also froze at the moment, and then rolled her eyes angrily, she murmured: "No, I haven't seen each other for so long, the first thing you said to me Is it this? I'm super disappointed, okay?"

Chapter 855: Mostero is destroyed?

Why are you not a double ponytail?

Ah, I actually said this sentence subconsciously, and Belem also scratched his cheek a little embarrassingly, always feeling a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, because I found this change, so..."

Hearing his words, Vernie snorted. She put the ponytail on her hand and hung it in front of her. She glanced at the white-haired man who was still standing in front of the door. An angry opening.

"Why are you standing there? People who don't know thought I told you to stand, come in and sit."

"Yes Yes."

Belen also responded twice, then closed the door and walked to the side of the empty seat to sit down. He looked around curiously and found that the room decoration here was almost the same as the one at Yerushal.

"Does my single ponytail look ugly?"

Hearing this question, Belen also turned his head and looked at the girl who was rubbing her hair. His eyes flashed, as if he didn't react for a while.

"what did you say?"

Vernie rolled her eyes, then sighed and repeated: "I said, don't I look good with a single ponytail?"

"Ah? Also, it's pretty good-looking, very suitable for you." Belen blinked his eyes, and he replied with a smile. This is not a kind word but a heartfelt message.

Although Vierne is the same age as herself, she is indeed in her twenties...heh, she is in her twenties, but her figure is as petite as ever. It is really doubtful whether she has grown up, but her The cuteness has never changed, and it is natural to say that it is a beautiful girl. Therefore, whether it is a double ponytail or a single ponytail, she is very beautiful.

"Really?" Vernie glanced at Belem suspiciously, but seeing that the latter didn't seem to have taken her gaze back after perfunctory, she let go of her hand rubbing her hair.

"Actually, I also know that I may not grow up, but since I'm past the age of a child, the double ponytail is a bit...naive, so I just..."

After talking about this, Vernie's voice was lightened, and she blushed a little, muttering something that Belen could not hear clearly. She was probably ashamed. Finally, she cleared her throat.

"Ahem, that's it."

Hearing this, Belen was also stunned, and then he laughed. He said, "No matter how old you grow, Verni is still so beautiful, so it’s okay. As long as it’s your favorite hairstyle, it’s all suitable for you."

When she heard this, Vernie was also slightly startled, then blushed with her hands around her chest, she snorted: "Hmph, I, I just want to see what you will say, and I didn't disappoint me!"

"So? That's great." Belen also said with a smile.

After that, Vernie talked with Belen about her experience over the years, but most of them were about Andy Inz’s family business. She really put her whole heart into her work. Although she was a little worried about her body, Belen didn't say anything after seeing her proud smile. He also smiled, which was enough.

After Verni finished speaking, it was Belem's turn. He smiled and said, "By the way, I met Hoshina before coming to Andilica."

Vernie said: "I know, she mentioned it to me."

Hearing this, Belen was also stunned, and he asked with a look of confusion: "Is she here before?" How did he remember that Hoshina was going to the Western battlefield?

So, Vernie took out a crystal in her hand and put it in her hand. She smiled and said, "This long-distance communication crystal was made by him when I went to see Putin. There are only two in total. One of them is with Hoshina, but I haven't used it a few times, because Hoshina keeps forgetting that there is such a thing, and finally remembers that it was actually mentioning you to me."

"That's it." Belen suddenly realized.

"But after listening to her, I was also very surprised. You actually blocked the tens of thousands of Demon King's army?" Vernie was surprised when she recalled.

Regarding this, Belen shook his head helplessly and said: "It's not so easy to rely on me, Hoshina and Ilia, but fortunately, helpers came one after another.

Verni also thought of something, and asked curiously: "Speaking of this, that Flame Witch will help you, which is really confusing."

"She wasn't an evil person in the first place, right? It's just...a bit playful?" Belen also thought of Yanlian Temple, and he had such a judgment for the latter.

"It's really hard to say, after all, she also killed a lot of innocent people." Vernie spread her hands noncommittal, after all, the flame maiden was the "natural disaster" that brought a huge crisis to the empire. Members, she naturally won't have any good feelings, but it can't be said to be annoying, only from an objective perspective.

There was nothing to say on this topic, so Verney thought of one more thing. She stood up, and then sat down in the seat in front of Belem.

"By the way, do you know the big thing that happened the other day?"

Belen was also taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head and said, "What's the matter?"

"Don't you know?" Vernie was also taken aback. She thought that it was already known to everyone, so she asked curiously: "Didn't you hear about it when you passed the city?"

"This... we wandered outside for a long time since we came out of Mostrow. This is the first city we have visited in a week." Belen also smiled awkwardly, indeed a little ignorant.


After hearing the name of this city, Vernie also opened her eyes wide and let out a surprised cry. She flashed her big eyes and looked at the white-haired man in front of her with surprise.

"Huh? Why are you so surprised? Is that city special?" Belen was also taken aback by the reaction.

"Ah, it is indeed very special now, because it has been destroyed..." Vernie also rubbed her temples, she also did not expect such a coincidence.


Belen also opened his eyes in fright. He quickly asked: "What's the destruction? What's the matter? When we came out before, we were obviously fine!"

He didn't think he had heard it wrong!

Verney sorted out her thoughts, and then said: "It is estimated that the time you left and what happened are staggered, so there is nothing wrong."

Belén looked at Vernie suspiciously.

"A week ago, an extremely powerful creature came over Mostero, and Mostero was also destroyed that night, there was no time for reinforcements!" Verni's eyes condensed slightly.

A powerful creature?

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