Wonderful trip to another world

Bizarre Travel In Another World Chapter 791

Belen was startled slightly, then his eyes slowly widened. He suddenly recalled what he had heard in the hotel restaurant that day, and he subconsciously murmured: "Could it be..."

Vernie said solemnly: "That's a black dragon."

Chapter 856: Demigod's foreknowledge?

"That's a black dragon."

After hearing Vernie's words, Belen's eyes also condensed slightly. He didn't expect that after they left, the black dragon would actually come to the city.

Overnight, the city was destroyed...

Isn't that black dragon the undead dragon?Why not go to the battlefield, and instead go to Andiliga to destroy?Is it also to absorb the dead?

Belen frowned and said, "Do you know where the black dragon is going?"

Regarding this, Vernie shook her head and said, "I don’t know, the black dragon is flying too fast. It may fly to high altitude in the blink of an eye, and in that case, how could there be anyone? Capture its movement."

The black dragon appeared too suddenly, which left the people of Mostrow with no time to deal with it, and it was just futile to defend in a hurry. The enchantment probably couldn't resist it.

Belen suddenly thought of something, and quickly asked: "Didn't it mean that the Second Queen came out with troops to fight against the black dragon? Didn't they arrive in the end?"

Verni also replied: "The actions of the black dragon are unpredictable, so the second queen with a lot of troops can't catch up with it anyway."

"makes sense..."

Belen frowned, he also remembered something, so he raised his hand to his chest. He wanted to leave so uneasy at that time, maybe because of the sign that the black dragon is about to come?

Can he predict the future?No, it's not the same. Probably his feeling is like an intuition, but his intuition is probably more clear than that of an animal.

Belen did not conceal this incident either. He said: “When I was in Mostrow before, I had a bad feeling, so I took everyone out of there early the next morning.”

"Oh? Do you foresee the danger?" Verney also showed a curious look. She looked at Belen thoughtfully and said, "What is the reason for the intuition of danger after a day?"

"I don't know, eh...what are you doing?" Belen looked at the girl who suddenly came in front of him, and his eyes widened for a while, wondering what the latter would do.

Vernie stared at the dark blue eyes in front of her, as if she could see a strange flow of light inside. She was a little surprised and said, "Is this the eye of the demigod?"

"Um...what's wrong?"

"It may be the relationship between your eyes, so that you can feel the danger beforehand." Verni looked at the eyes that were more beautiful than gems, inexplicably like them, she smiled and said: "I can Touch it?"

"No! It will be very painful!" Belen immediately refused. He stretched out his hands and pressed Vernie's shoulders to push him away. Those words were really dangerous, and then he went again. It means: "If it's because of my eyes, why haven't I felt it before?"

"Maybe your demigod eyes have become more powerful." Verney also said casually, and then sat back in her seat, smiling and saying: "But I am not sure that it is yours. The ability of the eyes may be due to you, after all, you can no longer be regarded as a human being, right?"

After hearing this sentence, Belen's mouth twitched slightly, and he said depressedly: "Your sentence is really hurtful..."

Doesn't this mean that he is not a human being?

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean that." Vernie also apologized with her hands together, and then stretched out a finger. She smiled and said, "Remember what I told you about "Magic" Dimensions "?"

"Yeah, of course I remember." Belen nodded. This is what Verni had told me when I was in Flozarno Academy. At that time, I hadn't yet mastered the ability of the magical dimension, but now I am not mature enough. Less, able to enter that mysterious magical dimension at will.

Vernie asked: "Now you, can you enter the magic dimension freely, right?"

"Well, it can already be done." Belen nodded slightly, as early as in the northwest, he had completely mastered the strange feeling.

"So there is nothing wrong with saying that you are no longer a human being." Verney looked at Belen in a little surprise. She said, "It's really amazing. You are probably the first human being to reach this level. , I have never heard of any ordinary human species that can easily set foot in this field, ah, no, I have never even seen anyone set foot in this field."

"I always feel...a bit shy." Belen also felt a little shy after hearing these words, scratching his cheek with his fingers, he said: "It's not that powerful."

He doesn’t know if there is a human species that has set foot in the Demigod Realm in the past, but he is not the only one, because Illya also set foot in this area when she was in Eloranya, otherwise he would not have the Demigod. Eye.

Seeing the shy Belen, Vernie also said noncommittal: "It's not that powerful, otherwise it won't be what it is now."

"This one..."

Belen's expression immediately collapsed, and he sighed: "Okay, don't hurt me. I am more worried about whether the black dragon will come here."

Regarding this, Vernie said thoughtfully: "Maybe, as far as I know, the cities that the black dragon goes to are cities with many people."

"Sure enough." Belen also nodded, he also guessed this.

From this point of view, the possibility of the black dragon attacking this city is not small. After all, it is a more fertile city than Mostrow. If the black dragon will come to this city, then this time he will not be able to take everyone. He left, because Vernie was still here, he didn't think the latter would abandon the hotel and leave, and he couldn't leave Vernie behind.

Belen hesitated, then looked at Vernie. He still asked very caringly: "Just ask, if the black dragon comes, will you leave?"

Upon hearing this, Vernie shook her head decisively and said: "No! This hotel has spent a lot of money on me. It was not easy to build it, and it has achieved results, so I won't be like this. Give it up and leave."

"I knew you would say that." Belen also rubbed his temples, and then, he thought of something, and immediately looked at the girl beside him, and said weirdly: "It won't be because I am here. , Did you say that?"

In response, the lovely girl winked at him playfully.

Chapter 857: The Second Queen, Lisana

"Ah, is that true?"

Belen also covered his eyes with his hands, he sighed deeply, and then said: "If this is the case, then prepare early, otherwise, when the black dragon arrives, I am afraid that you will lose a lot."

Vernie snorted: "I'm Vernie Andy Inz! This kind of thing is ready as soon as I get news."

After all, it’s the current Patriarch of Andy Inz, and everything is planned and not planned. Now that it is expected that something may happen, it is better to prepare early. After all, he is a mature adult, and everything must be planned ahead. Well.

"All right." Belen also nodded after hearing the words, and immediately stood up, he said: "Then we will be bothering here these days. If you need my help, please let me know. "

"I won't be polite."

"Ah, by the way, Latier and the others also want to see you. Can you bring them to see you next time?" Belen suddenly remembered this, and asked Verni about it.

"Of course you can. Warm welcome." After hearing the words, Vernie also brightened her eyes, and then showed a distressed expression. She said: "Always alone is really boring, if someone can chat with me Chatting is even better."

"I understand." Belen also smiled and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Belen left here and returned to his room, took out his clothes very quickly, and walked to the hot springs in a comfortable mood, finally it was time to soak in the hot springs.

Although both Belen and Vernie had thought that the black dragon might attack the city, so far, Belen's dangerous foresight has not been triggered, and he didn't know whether it was malfunctioning or not showing a crisis.

However, after Belen and others lived in this city for four days, the black dragon did not come, but it came to surprise everyone in the city.

That is the arrival of Andilija’s second prince, Lisana Beckpondo, and a large number of troops came with her, and almost the whole country knows the reason why she left the capital with the troops, so Everyone in this city panicked because of her arrival.

The second prince brought the army to their city. Could it be that the black dragon that destroyed Mostrow will also come?This incident was a huge shock to everyone and an important cause of panic.

But fortunately, this second queen is not an ordinary role. She obviously knew that such a thing would happen, so she asked the manager of this city to convey the message of "just passing through this city". , This calmed the panic of the masses.

Although the tense atmosphere has not disappeared, it is already under control to the greatest extent.

"The second queen is here?"

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